Saturday, October 13, 2007


After inquiring and finding out that Stan (a member of our Connection Point--Sunday School) did not have any cats (I am not a feline fan), I decided to go to his house lastnight for a get-together with our class. Having been in the class for three years, I've not really been that involved thanks in large part to my not-so outgoing, timid, shy personality. I was feeling rather comfortable when there were only seven of us present and I had been around each before. So much so that I began to unveil myself a bit-let the real me begin to show. During a discussion about vegetables, I discovered that one of the girl's loves green beans. Guess what? I LOVE green beans as well. She said that she could eat a whole can in one sitting. Haley was quick to tell her that I could eat two. I volunteered telling them that I even will drink green bean juice. Perplexed, Haley told them of our visit to a friend's house in FL a few years ago when we ate green beans with our meal. The bowl remained on the table-complete with green bean juice. Never imagining that I would do so, the guys dared me to drink it. I downed it pretty fast. If I could only live off of three foods, I would pick hot dogs, green beans and ice cream without a doubt. My green bean craziness added much excitement to the evening. We had a blast playing board games and learning some more about one another. We had so much fun that...oh, never mind! No time to tell every detail...I must get in bed. I partied so hard that I did not make it into my bed until 3:15 this morning. I'm a little on the tired side.