Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Road Ahead

April 12th was picture perfect. Roughly 70 something degrees, sun shining with not a cloud in sight & the day we’d prayed about for so very long had finally arrived. Our wedding could not have been any better. Those I love surrounded me & the man my heart adores became my husband. By now, most of you have probably seen pictures (still awaiting the ones from the professional photographer). If not, let me know…we’ll get them to you or tell you how to access them! We did not have time to talk in depth to anyone at the wedding & the most popular question we had that day & are still being asked is regarding our plans now, how long we’ll be here in the U.S. & so forth. Most of you don’t know where we’re headed at this time so here it is: After prayerful consideration & discussions with others, we have come to a mutual agreement that we should pursue a Green Card. You may be wondering why so when the plan has not been to remain here in the U.S. While obtaining the Green Card would not only allow N.P. to stay here longer & familiarize himself more with American culture, it would also enable him to come back here should we return to Nepal & need to get back here quickly in the case of an emergency. Without the Green Card, if we were living in Nepal & an emergency arose, he would have to apply for a travel visa (which, he was denied once in 2012). Not only would there be no time to do so but the cost of having to do this a number of times would outweigh the overall cost of the Green Card. I have been in contact with numerous Immigration Attorneys getting their fees & while I’m overwhelmed (we both are) by the cost & wonder where we will get the money, every part of our relationship has been orchestrated, brought about by God, involved a lot of faith & I trust He’ll supply all we need for this as well. In talking to the attorneys, their time quotes vary – roughly, 3-12 months on average to obtain the Green Card. During this application process, N.P. will be unable to leave the U.S. as doing so forfeits the application. Once we begin, he must stay here until the Green Card is granted. Within an estimated 90 days of filing for the Green Card, N.P. “should” receive his SSN & permit to work. Until then, he cannot work for pay (so, if anyone needs a volunteer to help with something; specifically ministry focused, let me know!). Meanwhile, I will continue on at the credit union although, as of May 1st, I will move into the position of Lead Teller. [Heather Wood] What about ministry? We are praying & seeking the Lord’s guidance, wisdom & direction. We know of a particular opportunity that we “may” have but also want to be open to where the Lord wants us to be. Currently, N.P. is attending church with me at my church home, First Baptist Harvester. Upon meeting the Pastor, Bob Ingle, N.P. loved him. Once he heard him preach for the first time, N.P. loved him even more. As pastors, they have much in common & we could not be any happier being a part of the flock at Harvester. However, if God wills for us to be elsewhere to serve, we want to be obedient to that. If we may ask you to pray for some things: - Pray that we would trust the Lord to provide what is needed financially for the Green Card process (attorney fees, filing fees, etc.) - Pray that the process would move quickly & smoothly. - Pray that N.P. may be granted the work permit even sooner than expected so that he can begin to look for work. - Pray for N.P. as he continues to adjust to a new place, new people, new food, new EVERYTHING! - Pray for our marriage that we might continue to grow closer to one another & that our marriage may be made stronger for the Glory of Christ each day. - Pray that God would guide us as to where He desires us to be as far as a church home/place to serve Him. - Pray for continued good health for us both – specifically N.P. though (I am in the process of getting him added to my health insurance). We are so very grateful to each of you that took time out of your busy schedules to come share in our special day (for those that were not able to, we are working on trying to get the wedding video uploaded so we may post in on Facebook for your viewing). We hope that as we were blessed, so were you too. We thank you for your ongoing prayer support. If we may pray for you, please let us know!