Wednesday, October 17, 2012

N.P. & Heather: Our Story

In an effort to introduce everyone to N.P., we have decided to come together to tell our story. I (Heather) will go first.

Heather's Side:

Many years ago, my Grandma Wood gave me a poem written by Ruth Bill Graham (wife of the Rev. Billy Graham). Upon receiving the poem, I placed it on my mirror in my bedroom. I have read that poem daily & prayed for such every single day since being given the poem. The poem is untitled but reads the following:

Dear God, I prayed, all unafraid
(as we're inclined to do),
I do not need a handsome man
but let him be like You;
I do not need one big and strong
nor yet so very tall,
nor need he be some genius,
or wealthy, Lord, at all;
but let his head be high, dear God,
and let his eye be clear,
his shoulders straight, whate'er his state,
whate'er his earthly sphere;
and let his face have character,
a ruggedness of soul,
and let his whole life show, dear God,
a singleness of goal;
then when he comes
(as he will come)
with quiet eyes aglow,
I'll understand that he's the man
I prayed for long ago.

As most of you know I have been in pursuit of a career as a missionary in Nepal. Some of you are aware that I was in the process of completing the doctrinal questionnaire with SIM out of North Carolina in hopes of joining their team. Though marriage has been one of the deepest desires of my heart for many, many years; that desire had been subdued by my desire to fully serve the Lord in Nepal. My only focus was to complete the necessary steps here so that I could soon be there. God definitely has placed an undeniable burden (& love for) on my heart for the people of Nepal. Without a doubt, I've known that He's called me to go there. However, my plans of going with an agency were simply that; my plans. Proverbs 16:9 tells us that "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." While I had planned it all out in mind, the Lord spoke & said, "I'm running the show my dear daughter." On July 8th, something happened; nothing out of the ordinary though. I received a friend request via Facebook from a man in Nepal. I say that was not unusual because I receive friend requests daily from Nepalese individuals. Like most, he was quick to thank me for adding him. I did notice something different though. By looking at his profile, it appeared to me as though he could potentially be a Christian. Thinking that may be a possibility, I was even more glad I added him. Not to mention, he was incredibly good looking & I was gaining a friend that was attractive & easy on the eyes. Within a day, we began to talk. Again, something set him apart from all others. He failed to ask me if about my marital or relationship status. I had become so accustomed to Nepali Guys asking me if I was married, if I was engaged or if I had a boyfriend that it took me by surprise when he did not do so. In fact, it was several days before we had that conversation. I immediately learned that he was a believer. Knowing that was so, I had a real longing to talk to him. I've met a number of Christians from India but only a few from Nepal. I desired to hear his testimony & what words of advice he could give me as I planned to come to his country to minister. From day one, we were drawn to one another & there was an eagerness between us to talk to one another. Days after our first conversation, my mema in Alabama was in a serious accident & hospitalized. We rushed down to join her. Even while we were there, this gentleman & I were constantly chatting on fb & we missed one another when we could not talk. We learned very fast that we had much in common as far as our faith, our goals in ministry, our desires for a family, etc. Early on, I shared with my mom that there was something about this guy...I didn't know what it was & I couldn't explain it but even though he was on the other side of the world, I felt almost as if God might be saying, "Heather, you have prayed for many years for a husband & not just any husband...a Godly husband. Not just a Godly husband either; specifically, someone in ministry - a pastor or missionary.I have also called you to Nepal to serve. I am now going to bless you with everything you have prayed for if you will simply have faith, trust me & submit." I told my mom that as fearful as I was, I felt that turning a blind eye to that possibility may be to look God in the face & virtually say, "No thanks, God". Having still only spoken through chat format (which, I might add I was highly impressed with his ability to type to me for hours & hours on end. I don't know any guys who do that), I finally decided to give in & speak to him via the webcam through Skype (he had asked if doing so was a possibility & I kept coming up with excuses as to why we could not). I will NEVER forget that time. We talked for 3 hours & it was awkward, nerve-wracking, exciting & so beautiful. If I wasn't nervous enough, he did not help matters by having his friend beside him that was looking at me as well. Clearly, he was just as nervous as I was though. At one point, I asked him to sing something in Nepali. He began to sing & though I was clueless as to what he was singing, I just knew that whatever words were pouring off of his lips had to be of praise & adoration to Our Savior. He sang with such passion & fervor that it gave me goosebumps watching him. In talking to him & "seeing" him, I sensed a real genuine spirit with  such a demeanor that just screams of his love for Jesus. The entire time I talked to him, I kept thinking "He is THE ONE". When our conversation ended, I just wept. I was so overwhelmed & blessed by our time together. I knew that I could not wait for the next time I'd be able to talk to him again. I was seeing in him, everything that I had been praying for over the course of many years. As we continued to talk, I realized that without having even met him, I loved him. I do love him. Unlike most relationships, we have not built anything   on physical interaction with one another. I cannot exactly hug someone that is thousands of miles away. He can't hold my hand when he's in Nepal & the ocean separates us. Instead, we have spent 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 hours a day talking, laughing, joking, singing & most importantly, praying together. Granted our time of communication has not been a long period (as far as days or months are concerned), we've covered a lot of ground. These times have not come without struggles either. Each of us have had things from our past that have needed to be dealt with. I came to know that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with before he did. That's OK. In a time when I was being encouraged to "walk away" from him or it may have been easy to have given up, there was this still, small voice within telling me to stay. I am so thankful that I did. While he is so very handsome & there is a mutual attraction between the two of us, that is not what draws me to him. As I look back to the prayer above, he is so much of what that poem describes. He has endured much & his faith has remained unwavering. I have nothing but admiration for this amazing man. There is no other that I would rather share my life with & partner in ministry with for the rest of my time on Earth than him. As Christ as the center of our relationship & the foundation in which we build our marriage upon, I know that if we allow Him to do so; the Lord will use us for a great & glorious purpose in Nepal & beyond. This all being said, you may wonder...who is this guy anyway? I'd love to tell you!!!

He is Narayan Prasad (N.P. - he prefers to be called N.P.) Sharma born on October 13, 1979 in Nepal. N.P. is the oldest of 7 siblings. I will not go into great detail about his testimony (I'll let him share that sometime) but at the age of 20, he accepted Christ as his Lord & personal Savior. He later went onto India to graduate with a Masters of Divinity & a Degree in Biblical Counseling. Today, he lives in Kathmandu, Nepal serving as a pastor as well as a Bible Professor at a Bible College. His heart's desire has been for a godly wife & to one day, begin his own church in which he will pastor & together, he & his wife would start a variety of ministries from. In addition to our spiritual commonality, God has shown me that He really does care about the little things in life too. Everyone knows I do not travel anywhere without my camera & I LOVE taking pictures & am not too bashful about taking pictures of myself either. I have met my perfect match with N.P. He too loves photographs & enjoys hamming it up before the lens. We both enjoy a variety of sports (1 of us likes to play them while the other prefers to stand by, watch & support the team). We love ice cream. We love to sing. We love acting goofy. We are both cold natured. These are just a few things & we are so excited to get to spend the rest of our lives learning more & more about one another as the days go by. Now, N.P. will share....

N.P.'s Side:

I am very glad to express the leading of God in my life here on the blog of my fiancee, Heather. We know for sure that the sovereign will of God comes to pass in the life of His children. Whether His children realize it or not, it is so true. It happend in my life. God's will is that no one should perish but have everlasting life.Though i was born into and brought up in a very Orthodox Hindu Bramain family, I had to surrender myself in to His hands. The great barriers to meet Christ was broken and I was made free to walk with Him.When I became God's child, I started to see His hands around me and also His leading so I responded to that. His leading in my life was training me in His words to train others to bring His kingdom here on this earth as it is in heaven. He was teaching me everyday to see His heart for sinners, His love for sinners and His concerns for sinners. I told Him, "Lord, I am gonna proclaim Your hearts desire to others and I am committed for that. I also know that to do so, myself alone is not sufficient. I need someone who will be giving her hands for that glorious work,and pay great value to the work of God as I do,who also is a noble girl as mentioned in Proverbs 3; a God fearing girl who loves the Lord unconditionally." I started to pray for a girl having such qualities.So long, God was silent in answering my prayer but I did not stop pleading to Him for that. In right time, He has brought Heather into my life. Heather is an answer of my many years of prayer. She is more than what I was praying for. I am sure that she is God loving, she gives great value to God and His work. I also believe that she will support me in doing the will of God and she also will strengthen me in the ministry. Over all, I can tell her that "Heather, you are a virtuous women designed by God for me." She also has great passion for Nepalis dying without Christ just as I do.

Heather was so convinced that we are for each other and started to tell me so but it took some time for me to know this was God's will for our lives. I continuously pray for His will, seek the guidance of my friends and also see the passions for Heather & me which are going hand in hand. So far, there is not any point on which we disagree. I believe firmly that God is gonna do great things using us as we, together, serve Him after our wedding. I am convinced that Heather is for me & I have no problem marrying her on the day that we will meet, because our marriage will be done on the basis of faith in God. When you put your faith in God for anything, He will bring it to pass. God will never let His children down. I am so happy about Heather. I love her so much and I believe she loves me too. Our love for one another is rooted on the cross and it will be ended when we both will be with the Lord in the air.

The Here, the Now & the Road Ahead:

Currently, Heather is in the U.S. continuing her work at the credit union & from time to time, still volunteering with & ministering to International Students at Lindenwood University. N.P. remains in Nepal preaching & teaching. Though we had planned a January 12, 2013 wedding to be held here in St. Louis, N.P. was denied the visa to come to America. That being said, plans have changed. Though disappointed at first, we both realize that this if for the best. Heather has booked a flight & will leave on January 10, 2012 to fly to Nepal for a brief visit while N.P. will still be free as he will be on Christmas Break from teaching. This will be her first time flying so very far by herself & though not overly eager for that, she is anxious to finally meet N.P. as well as see the land to which God has burdened her heart for. While there, Heather & N.P. will not only get to spend much time together, but N.P. will be introducing her to many of his friends & God-willing, some of his family members. They will spend a day visiting the families of some of the Nepalese Students Heather had befriended & cared for in St. Louis. They will do a bit of sight-seeing even though that is not the primary focus. Both Heather & N.P. wish to see one another in the ministry setting. Together, they will serve while Heather is visiting. Heather will also have the opportunity to speak to & share with some women & children within churches among Nepali Villages too. Heather will return to the U.S. on January 27th & begin working again on January 30th after resting a couple of days. N.P. will go back to teaching at the beginning of February. The school year ends & graduation will be held in June & N.P. will be free by the 3rd week of June. By that time, he will have reapplied for a visa & we should know if he will be coming or if he will not be granted one again. Should he get the visa, they will then marry here in St. Louis in the summer & when he leaves here, Heather will be leaving with him to make her permanent home with him in Nepal. If he is denied the visa, Heather will at some point (most likely during the summer), go ahead & move to Nepal & they will then marry there. They know not what God has in store for them but they know that He will guide them when they seek Him & He will grant them wisdom when they ask for it. They do so. They look forward to & are excited to  see how God will use their marriage to be a reflection of His love for the Church to a lost & dying world.

Please, continue to pray for us. The days apart from one another are difficult as we long to be joined as one. However, we know that in this waiting period, God is using it for His glory. May we both be used right where we are at this present time. As one would assume, there will be much cost involved with preparing to not only marry but to move to another country as well as begin ministry. One of Heather's friends felt led by the Lord to start a site in which individuals that feel led can gift Heather & N.P. Please, feel free to check this site out:

We thank you for your prayers & your love!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

God Speaks At the Grocery Store...

One wouldn't think a quick trip to the grocery store could be so profound. Yet, it was. Yesterday, I was off work for the day. I had volunteered to prepare dinner for my family but needed the ingredients to do so. After finding all but 1 item needed at 1 store, I hurried along to another store. Aside from thinking of cost & guessing that this particular store would be less expensive, I've no idea why I chose the store; I never go there. Still, I went in & thankfully, found what I needed right away. I then raced up to the checkout line only to discover that all of the open ones in which cashiers were working were busy. Granted there was only one customer in line & their transaction would have been complete with in a matter of moments, I did not want to wait that long. So, I said, "Forget this" & went to the self-checkout because it's all a matter of convenience & having to wait would require being inconvenienced. I proceeded with scanning my items, bagging them, got them paid for & was on my way out the merry door. As I was returning to my car, I began to think about this society...America. Everything is about "me" & "my time". We are an impatient people. Drive-thru Fast Food establishments have been set in place for many years but we now have drive-thru windows at gas stations that enable us to simply drive-thru, tell the attendant what kind of soda we would like & she then delivers it to us. We have drive-thru's at our financial institutions because we don't want to drag the kids out of the car to go inside the bank. As many are aware, there are even drive-thru wedding chapels. As I thought about these things, I thought about how hurried I am generally. Unlike most countries in the world, we have booked our lives so jammed packed that we leave little time for those things really matter; things of eternal, lasting value. I wondered, how many opportunities have I missed because I've been too busy to even notice that God had opened a door?  Matthew 5:42 says, "Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you." Praying that His desire to use me for the furtherance of His kingdom would far outweigh any agenda, schedule or plan that I have of my own. Am I willing to be inconvenienced for the sake of the Gospel? I pray it is so. Should it mean that I may not get to do what I want to do, or that I don't get to do what I think I need to do, may I do so without grumbling or complaining but an open heart & eagerness. Thankful that He uses tiny things to speak to me in big ways.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Sister, the Radiant Bride

A couple of weeks ago marked 6 months from our accident in Nicaragua. Much has occurred in our lives in the last 6 months & I've now realized that while I wrote about our difficulty in Nicaragua, I have yet to write about our happiest moment. As Haley & Jesus just celebrated their 6 month anniversary on July 21st (though they are miles apart from one another), I want to make sure I share about one of the most important days in my sister's life as well as the life of our family.

In 2004, Haley traveled to Nicaragua with a team in order to build homes for hurricane victims. While there, she met a young man named Jesus; a native of the country as well as one in which they were building a home for. She knew there was something very special about him & felt close to him; hating having to leave him after only knowing him for a few short days. In the years following, Haley would return to Nicaragua numerous times for further missions projects & later, to spend time simply visiting with Jesus. You should know that Jesus does not speak English (though he is now taking English classes) & at the time, Haley did not speak Spanish very well. Their conversing took place through the use of translators. Even after Haley would return home, the two would correspond through letters & she would have one of her Hispanic Friends here translate. I know to many of you, you will find this to be the most beautiful love story. For me, I always thought it a bit strange. I envisioned the two of them sitting there. I pictured Jesus wanting to kiss her. Meanwhile, the interpreter sat between them. I wondered...would Jesus then say to the translator, "I'd like to kiss her."? Then, would the translator look at Haley & say, "He'd like to kiss you." Now, I must admit, I've never gotten an answer to any of this & I guess it probably doesn't much matter now but curious minds want to know. Haley, you want to spill the beans now? I can 2 people that can't communicate clearly be in love with one another? How can you grow to love someone you rarely get to see/talk to? Seems God's plans are not necessarily our plans, nor is it the norm or what we think it ought to be oftentimes. After numerous return visits, Haley moved to Nicarauga & lived there for 9 months further getting to know Jesus' & becoming fairly fluent in Spanish. Long story short, they fell in love & decided to join their lives as one.

Jes seeing his bride for the first time!
How my sister managed to plan a wedding without being near the groom or being at the location is a wonder to me but she did it & she did quite well. Thankfully, her wedding coordinator in Nicaragua was incredible. After several days touring Nicaragua & my parents & uncle getting to know Jesus' for the first time, the big day had come. Haley, our Cousin Lisa & I spent time poolside relaxing in hammocks while reading. Later in the morning, our dad drove us to the wedding site where we spent the early afternoon being pampered & getting beautified. Haley had arranged for manicures/pedicures for the three of us & the lady also was kind enough to style my hair as well as Lisa's too. I knew it was going to be an interesting day when the wedding coordinator & made mention of the wedding beginning at 4PM & Haley told her 5PM. Thankfully, she seemed to be OK with that. We were going to have some real issues if the wedding was to begin at 4:00. Primarily because Jesus' would not have been present yet. My dad was scheduled to pick Jesus' family up at 4PM & then bring them as well as Jes (Haley's nickname for Jesus') & my mom & uncle up at 4PM. Haley did not seem too concerned or panicked by any of it though; just anxious to marry Jesus'. Lisa & I helped Haley to get her dress, jewelry & head piece on (well, Lisa helped. I mainly acted as photographer). My sister looked so beautiful! Once the three of us were done readying ourselves, we went outside to begin pictures. Haley kept checking the time wondering where Jes was. She did not fear his not arriving; she was just eager to see him & see his reaction to her in her wedding dress. He was left nearly speechless when he did arrive. As is typical Nicaraguan Culture, the ceremony did not start on time. Nicaraguan Law requires (from my understanding) that a lawyer officiate the ceremony in order for the marriage to be legal. Family & friends were not the only ones late to arrive; the lawyer was as well.  Finally, the lawyer had arrived & it was time for the ceremony to begin.

Jes awaiting his bride at beautiful Laguna De Apoyo 

A miracle that our dad was still alive & able to be there to walk his youngest daughter down the aisle to her groom!
Prior to my dad walking Haley "down the aisle", I gathered my dad, Haley & Lisa together & prayed over the ceremony. We started walking & I realized that I must hold the train of Haley's dress. Now, this "aisle" was not your typical aisle. For starters, we were outdoors, on rocks, going down steps, etc. If you know me, you may be aware that I'm not the most graceful or coordinated individual. As Haley was nearly running to get to Jes, I was trying to slow her down in hopes that it would prevent total chaos. I was envisioning (as was my dad) holding on to Haley's train as well as the box with the wedding rings, tripping & falling which would then cause Haley to fall, her bouquet flying out of her hands, their rings flying out of my hand & get the picture. Would not have been good. Fortunately, I was able to maintain my composure & not have an accident. Once dad "gave" Haley to Jesus, it occurred to me that just as in American Weddings, I was to stand beside Haley as her Maid of Honor. That was new news to me as Haley had told the wedding coordinator that there would be no wedding party. I only knew that I was to be a witness. To me, I understood that to mean that I would simply sign the marriage license as a witness. I did not realize that as a witness, I was to somewhat act like a bridesmaid. I also was unaware of the fact that I would be an active participant in the ceremony. While an attorney had to officiate the ceremony, it was priority to both Jes & Haley that their Christian Faith & Christ as the foundation be incorporated into the ceremony. Therefore, Jes' Pastor was present & offered a prayer as well as scripture reading during the ceremony. As the ceremony continued & I stood there having no idea what was being said (everything was in Spanish. Haley's friend, Byron, was to translate but Byron arrived late. The coordinator pulled someone she knew but after about 5  minutes of not doing well with translating, he returned to helping out elsewhere & we were left with no translator), I heard "Jennifer Heather Wood" & the lawyer was looking at me. I was under the impression that she was awaiting an answer from me. However, I had not even a clue what she had asked me. Haley leaned over & said, "She wants to know if you know us". Though my Spanish is poor, I was able to respond with "Si". I figured I was done. Nope. Minutes later, I heard my name again. At least I knew I was again being asked something. Once more, Haley leaned over & said, "She just wants to know if you are going to support us & make sure that we stay together". I said, "Si" & my role was about done. Despite not knowing what Haley & Jesus were saying to one another, their love overflowing for one another was on display for all to see. They exchanged rings, used the symbolic Unity Sand to show the joining of their two lives into One &  the moment that most (I do not include myself in this) had been waiting for had come; time to kiss the bride.

Mr. & Mrs. Jesus' Ramon Perez
The reception was held at the same place as the ceremony: Villages at Apoyo in Laguna De Apoyo. The place was gorgeous & the place did a wonderful job of decorating & making things look great. When planning out the meal, Haley allowed Jes to choose the meat: Beef or Chicken. Beef was Jes' choice. After some appetizers, we were all seated to begin a delicious meal with typical Nicaraguan Cuisine for dinner. Not one to desire public speaking, I had a feeling that I might be asked to give a speech before the wedding toast so I had prepared some words. As I spoke, I encouraged Haley & Jes in their walk with the Lord together & told them to look to Proverbs 3:5-6 in their marriage. When I finished, Jes' brother gave a heartfelt toast as well. After the cake cutting, it was time to dance the night away. Well, we didn't dance the night away but we did dance for a while. I NEVER dance. I don't really enjoy dancing; maybe because I'm horrible at it. But...if there was one thing I knew, it was that it was my sister's special day & I was going to do anything for her. I wanted to party & celebrate with her. I danced more that night than I've danced in my life. Surprisingly, I had a blast too. If there area was not so dark, all would be able to see on the videos how horrific my dancing was but in that moment, it did not matter. How nice it felt to just cut loose!

So, after 8 years or getting to know one another & patiently waiting on God's good & perfect timing, my little sister (only sister) became Haley Perez. I am so very thankful to God for blessing her with an amazing, Godly man in Jesus. He loves her so very much. Grateful that my parents & I (as well as my cousin & uncle) were able to be there to support the two of them & to welcome Jes into our family. While two lives were joined as one that day, in the days that followed, two families became one. At this time, Haley & Jes are far apart from each other as they work hard to get Jes here on a marriage visa. Though it is hard to be away from one another, their love is strong & their faith in Christ is that much stronger. Daily I pray for them. Thank You God for the best sister a person could ask for & for this brother you've given me in Jes!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Birthday Blessings to Remember

32 has come & gone & I've now aged another year to 33. I've had a relatively calm, peaceful, relaxing day aside from having to work. This birthday has been just as I prefer; of little to no fanfare. I often times get eager for death as I know there is a home awaiting me in heaven with my Lord & Savior. However, I know that God continues to allow me time on Earth because He still has a purpose & plan to which He desires to accomplish through me. Keeping that in mind, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the things I'm most grateful for in the year that is now behind me. As I know God is calling me overseas, I realize that He's designed me unique & relational. I love to get to know people, learn about them & grow to love them. Over the last year, I've been so blessed with some of those that God has put in my path. Allow me to walk you through some of the people/things/situations I'm most thankful for. 

Some amazing students showed up at Lindenwood in the fall. Very quickly, I fell in love with Belen from Spain (left) & Andrea from Colombia (right). These 2 girls became almost like daughters to me in a sense. I was pleased to be the one they would call upon in their time of need. They both are absolutely amazing, beautiful girls from the inside out. While Andrea is with her family for the summer prepared to return here another month, Belen' will not be coming back. The joy of knowing the students is just that; joy. However, it is true heartbreak when we watch one walk away. Belen will be missed!!

By now, most of you are aware that we nearly lost my dad last summer. What would have been our loss would have been heaven's gain. Thankfully, God saw fit to leave my dad here on Earth with us. Dad's miracle of life & his return home to be with us was by far (& still is), the greatest day.

As I mentioned earlier, there were some incredible students to arrive in the fall of 2011. Though Haley & I had primarily been closer to guys in our first 2 years of working with students, the Lord drew us near to a phenomenal group of girls this go around. Below: I took some of the girls Apple Picking.

Back row Left to Right: Hanne (Belgium), Andrea (Colombia) & Belen (Spain)
Seated by me is Shreeja (Nepal)

 One of the greatest blessings I experienced during my 32nd year of life was God enabling me to finally meet some Christian Nepalese Brothers & Sisters in Christ. On a trip to Minneapolis for a John Piper Missions Conference, I was pleased to receive a phone call from this sweet couple (residents of Minnesota) requesting to meet with me. What a blessed time it was for me to be able to sit & speak with them openly about our faith & my love for their country & its people.

Samuel & Manika Shrestha & me.

Again, one of the students we met that really touched us was Sandra. This girl has a heart of gold! 

 Sandra (Zimbabwe) & Me

At the advice of a friend, I contacted someone he knew (named Mike) in hopes that he would be able to counsel, give wisdom to missions. Surprised by how well we got along, that first meeting was just the beginning to a friendship I'll forever cherish. 
   Me & Mike

 Bottom pic is of me & Hanne (Belgium). Hanne is on the Cycling Team at the university. Thanks to going to watch one of her races, I might have an interest in the sport now! On the top, is a pic of Nufar (Israel) & me. Both Nufar & Hanne are girls that became so dear to my heart over the course of the last year. I'm so happy that both of these girls will be back here within a month or so.

Another young lady that Haley & I met & felt a real connection to was Maggie from Germany.

 Keeping with the theme of girl fun, though Brigitte had been at the university for a while; we did not know her though. I only wish we would have met her sooner!

Brigitte (Peru) & Me

With good, comes bad. Though I've had many great times throughout the last year, one of the difficult times was saying bye to my best buddy Zach as he headed overseas to Kuwait with the Army. I've missed Zach badly (still do). I'm thankful for Facebook & Skype that enables us to communicate every once in a while but I miss my friend being here...easily accessible to talk to. I miss having him alongside of me as a coworker (well, when he returns...I'll be his boss!). I'm very eager for November, December or January when he should be back in the U.S.

Me & Zacky (nickname). Yep, he ALWAYS looks this thrilled!

In January, our family traveled to Nicaragua for Haley's Wedding & marriage to Jesus'. I had heard much about Byron & was anxious to meet him. He lived up to everything I had heard about him & was so much more. I only wish we would have had more time to sit around singing songs of praise & worship!

Mi Amigo, Byron & Me
 While in Nicaragua, I fell in love with my sister's new in-laws...Patricia (Jesus' sister) & Mario (Jesus' brother).

If you've not read my entry on here titled "Hope in the Darkest of Times" I encourage you to do so. When you do, you will read that the lady below was truly a Godsend to our family (as was her husband, Nathan).

Melody & I enjoying our Chocolate Ice Cream that she lovingly bought us!

Haley & I have been so fortunate to meet students (hundreds) from all over the world. We've grown to love so many of them (you). My happiness comes not from my own accomplishments but from watching those I love succeed. I'm so pleased to be able to share in monumental moments with students...especially when their parents aren't able to be here for them. Thankful to be "family" for them. In May, I beamed with pride as I watched my brothers (also 2 of the very first students we ever met after we began volunteering at Lindenwood) graduate with their Bachelors Degree. Congrats again to my brothers. I love the two of you more than you'll ever know!

Me, Volter (the Ukraine), Kwaku (Ghana) & Haley

I am always ecstatic to have the chance to meet the family members of the students we work with. Knowing God is leading me to India or Nepal, I'm exceptionally happy when I get to meet those student's family members. When I heard that my friend Saroj's parents were coming to the U. S. for his graduation, I immediately asked if I could pick them up from the airport. I had no idea that I would not only welcome them to my country but his grandma (Aama) as well. I have thoroughly enjoyed every second with these warm-hearted individuals. They remain here for just a short time remaining. I look forward to getting in some more visits with them.
My friend Sarru, Aama, Me & Saroj's Parents.

Even as of today, I must give thanks to the new friend he's brought into my life. I am so thankful for you (you know who you are). God's blessings are overflowing & you are one He has poured out upon me. I am encouraged to know someone that has such a deep passion for Jesus, a love of His Word, a heart for His people & so many other things. I thank God for you.

There are so many other moments I could have/should have shared but this highlights just a few. God has been so good to me. How can I keep from singing His praise? Thank You, Lord Jesus for allowing me another year to have served You. May I have been found faithful in the year behind & may I be found faithful in the days ahead. Amen.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Welcome of Unfamiliarity

Earlier in the year, I received a message from a former student (Lindenwood Alumni as he graduated) via Facebook. He was writing to inform me that he & his girlfriend, Irina (also a graduate of Lindenwood), would be marrying on June 27th. He was letting me know plenty in advance so that I would not have any excuse not to be there. When I realized that the 27th was on a Wednesday, I was rather doubtful that I would be able to be present. Once I checked on flights (as the wedding would be taking place in California), I was even more skeptical. Airfare was far too expensive for such a brief trip. Thankfully, I was persistent in my search for tickets & found a great deal round-trip to San Francisco. I was set & and ready to go. Having no idea what I was getting myself into, my journey began.... 

"WELCOME" in Nepali

Tuesday, June 26, 2012. 6:00 a.m. My alarm clock on my phone sounded notifying me that it was time to awaken. I hate the sound of an alarm so getting up is never an issue. I got up & do as I do nearly everyday - got ready to go into work. My day was not as long as usual as I only worked until 3:00 p.m. From work, I came home to do some last minute packing & my sister then took me to the airport. First flight: St. Louis to Dallas. My flight to Dallas was quick & we arrived into DFW 30 min. early. Nice! After getting into the airport, I saw that my flight into San Francisco had been delayed. As time continued to pass, I knew that we would not be leaving on time as there was not even a plane at the scheduled gate. Sure enough, my flight left 1 hr. late thus causing my midnight arrival to SF. Thankfully, my friend Pritesh had someone that was willing to come pick me up at such a late hour. I was already aware that the individual picking me up would be someone new to me; someone I'd never met before. I was OK with that. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had Subash Thapa come to retrieve me. After working all day himself, he was kind enough to make the 45 min. drive from his home to SF to pick me up. I might add that, even at midnight, he fought through traffic (construction) to get to me. Once we got in the car, it then took an estimated 2 hours to get to Pritesh & Irina's place in Sacramento. By the time we arrived, it was 2:30 a.m. Of course, in St. Louis, the time was 4:30 a.m. To say I was tired would be an understatement. I kept thinking about the fact that I'd been awake for nearly 24 hours. Exhaustion was a given. As we approached Pritesh & Irina's home, I was pleased to see friends that I had not seen in almost a year (Sangeeta, Roshan, Pukar & Pankaj). The Nepali People are very hospitable. As soon as I made it into the house, my friends were unfurling an abundance of food & offering it to me. While I ate a few bites, my interest in eating was minimal. I had one thing on my mind & one thing only: sleep! I was shown my room & while I thought sleeping would not be an issue, I just laid there wide awake. Eventually, I drifted off into slumber but that only lasted for so long as I had a full day ahead of myself. A day that I doubt I'll ever forget. 

Sangeeta woke me up encouraging me to go into the other room to watch Irina's bridal make-up being applied. The initial getting ready process didn't differ much from any other bride preparing for her wedding day. Things began to change rapidly though & I knew that what I would be witnessing would be something more than unfamiliar to me. Honestly, my mind is a bit blank on the first phase/section (I'm not sure what they call it) of the marriage ceremony. Prior to exiting outside, Irina sat in a room with the Hindu Priest doing a number of different rituals, reciting various prayers & so forth. She then went outside & all of her guests were welcomed & given a tika  ( red dot applied on the forehead, between the eyebrows. Mixture of abir, a red powder, yoghurt, and grains of riceby Irina's mother. Some of you are asking, what is the Tika exactly & why? Trust me, I wonder the same thing myself. While I'm sure my Nepalese Friends could give us more insight, I'm going to have to go with the Internet on this one. According to Wikipedia, the Tika may be worn on a daily basis or for special religious occasions only, depending on different customs. From my understanding (based upon what I was being told), such is done as a blessing. You will notice in a picture later, I am wearing the Tika (I know there are some of you that will question this as this is usually something we relate to Hinduism; not Christianity. If such is the case, please e-mail me, message me on fb or something. I'll gladly speak about this).  

My friend, Pukar, receiving the Tika

After a number of rituals were completed on Irina's part, it was time for Pritesh's arrival. Pritesh & many friends/family members approached the home by dancing & celebrating as they paraded up the street.

Pritesh awaiting his beautiful bride.

Once Irina joined Pritesh, many things took place. While I have pictures of nearly every moment, I am only posting a few pictures. Though I was being encouraged to go take a nap as there were many things to still occur in the day, I didn't want to miss anything. Every second was a chance for me to learn. Well, I'm not sure how much I learned. I took a lot in. One of the crucial parts to the marriage being made complete is the exchange of a wedding garland. I have already started my research into this practice. Similar to a Christian Wedding (& many other weddings), they did a ring exchange as well. For those curious, there was no "With this ring, I Thee wed...." or anything of that nature. During this time, the couple each placed the Tika upon another as well. Having completed these things, it was time for lunch. If I remember correctly, the next phase of the marriage could not be done before 1 p.m. but had to be completed before 4 p.m. I am sure you are questioning why that is. I asked the same thing. I don't think I received a definitive answer. Again, I'll be looking into it further.

This is a picture of my friend Sumin. I guess we're friends. Sumin? Kidding. Quick story off the beaten path, when I arrived at 2:30 a.m., Sumin was there along with all of my other friends. He seemed to remember me yet I had no recollection of having ever met him. Sure enough, he lives here in St. Louis & has probably been at many events that I've been to. I was feeling rather lousy for not remembering him. As I was snapping shots, Sumin asked me if I was going to write a paper about everything. Well, Sumin, this is not quite a paper but here ya go!

Once lunch was complete & the clock had passed 1 p.m., the third phase began. In the picture below, you can see the Hindu Priest guiding the couple in some rituals. Notice the fire burning (was burning the entire day) as well. The fire represents a god (so I was told).

The picture above depicts what I thought to be one of the most intriguing parts to the ceremony. A bit difficult for you to decipher what this is but basically, one of the girls present is holding this white cloth above Irina's head covering her eyes (I was unsure as to if she was to be blindfolded or what). You can see a small trail of orange colored ash (something like that) on the cloth. The ash leading up to Irina's forehead & scalp. Pritesh walked around the square a number of times (I fail to remember if it was 3 or 7 times as it seems that those were significant numbers throughout the day) & then placed this trail of ashes. Along with the garland & rings, I was told that this is possibly the most important part in making the marriage complete. Evidently, this "coloring" on Irina (though temporary) indicates that she is married.

I suppose I had not noticed but prior to the marriage, Irina would always be seated to Pritesh's right side. In the day following the wedding, Pritesh attempted to explain some things to me so that I'd have a better understanding. He then pointed the seating arrangement out to me. I was wanting to know why he picked her up & moved her. He was moving her from his right to his left. He said that from that point forward, she would always be to his left. Again, I'm assuming there is some significance behind this but that remains unknown still. 

The next phase was Irina's leaving her home to join Pritesh & his family. A particular song was playing repeatedly & one of the guys told me that during this song, the bride should be crying. There should be tears as she leaves her family to go to a new place with new people. Remember, arranged marriages are common in Nepal & India so it is not uncommon for a couple to marry having never met prior to the ceremony or having only seen each other a few times. In this case, things were different as Pritesh & Irina had been friends for many years though. Still, the concept of leaving (even though she was joining her life with someone she knew & loved already) brought about tears. Above, you see Irina's mother weeping as she gives her daughter away.

Above, the grand entrance into their home as husband & wife. As you see, Irina is stepping on plates of rice with a flame on each one. I have not a clue why this was done or what the importance was.

Once they were in the home, Irina joined her mother-in-law in a game so to speak. I believe Pritesh said that this determined how good of a caretaker Irina would be of their family?

Later in the day, many pictures were taken & the couple even decided to incorporate our tradition of a wedding cake into their ceremony. After the cake & popping open the bottles of champagne, the dancing/partying began. I believe I lasted until about 10:30 p.m. & then, I heard the bed loudly calling out my name. I've been home for over a week now & have looked at my pictures many times. Still, I'm wondering...why? Why is every single thing done? Why is each step important? What is the meaning behind every step? I was with some other Nepalese Friends a couple of nights ago & inquired. So far, I have gotten a lot of "It's tradition" or "It has to be done for the marriage to complete." Yet, no one has really known why. Because I have a deep desire to know & understand, I will begin to do as I was advised (thank you, Sarru, for your suggestion to Google it!). I will begin to research. In a Christian Wedding Ceremony, there are many parts (not nearly as many as in the Hindu Wedding. I suggested a nap time be added into their ceremony! Haha!). However, I have a good grasp of why each thing is done. I'd love to be more familiar with the practices that my dear friends take part in. One of the things that really stood out to me was the emphasis on the union not just between the couple themselves but between the two families. Both sets of parents were active participants throughout the day. That, is not like my culture at all. However, I greatly appreciated that about the ceremony as really, when one marries; they marry not only their spouse but they are essentially marrying into the lives of their spouses' loved ones as well. Though things were more than different from what is typical for me to see in a wedding, I am so thankful to have been able to celebrate with Pritesh & Irina. I'm grateful for the new experience & for the opportunity to have been exposed to what is common in their world.  I pray God's richest blessings upon Pritesh, Irina, their marriage & for many years of happiness ahead!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

Over the last 2.5+ years of working with International Students, I've learned a lot. We see the commercials asking us to give to "Feed the Children" & generally take the remote & move onto the next channel. Years ago, I would not have guessed that I'd be spending time with individuals from those countries in which money given may be going to "feed the children." We have nearly every kind of eating establishment imaginable within a 30 mile radius of us & yet, how often do we say, "There's nothing to eat." I never thought much about this until visiting Nicaragua in 2009 & saw beggars everywhere. I vividly recall sitting in a marketplace eating when 2 young children approached & just stood beside me at the end of the table. Their eyes fixated on the food on my plate...until, their eyes shifted to look at me. Then, their eyes moved back to the plate. Back & forth. Unfamiliar with such an environment, I asked Haley what was taking place. She then informed me that the children were hungry; they wanted my food. That was not my final time of witnessing such. About a year ago, one of the International Students; a Colombian Student shared that it really bothered him that as he worked in the cafeteria at school; he saw so many students wasting food. They would fill their plates, take a few bites & then throw it all away. He was nearly in tears as he shared with me that in his country, people kill for food. How many of us here in the land of plenty can envision that kind of atrocity? After the accident in Nicaragua in January, Haley's husband's family (brother, cousin & uncle) took off work to help us out. Missing a day of work in Nicaragua is not like missing a day of work here in the U.S. If we don't feel good, we call in. If we have something we'd rather do, we take off work. In a Third-World Country like Nicaragua, they would not dream of missing a days work. For Tio (Uncle), Luis (Jesus' cousin) & Mario (Jesus' brother), their missing work in order to care for us meant that they were sacrificing their own livelihood. As is true of probably many other countries, people who miss a days work could be going without food as they work just to be able to eat. I venture to say, they would dare not ever complain about their wages either. There is not the sense of greed that we as Americans often possess. Why am I talking about this? Many things have been on my mind. By now, everyone knows that within the next few years; my desire is to be overseas. I've begun the application process & got the ball rolling to start that journey. I've been looking around at all I have & thinking that when the time comes for me to leave, I will not have a need for much of which I have. The option to box things up & put things in the basement to sit for years seems pointless. Everyone knows I'm a HUGE Cardinal Baseball Fan. My room decor is a mixture of Cherry Blossoms, photos & Cardinal Memorabilia everywhere. I was recently at a game & received a poster of the 2011 World Championship Team. The "Heather" that saves everything (especially all things Cardinal-related) would have held onto that poster. The "Heather" that realizes there is no need for more "stuff" gave it away. I will soon begin to sell my memorabilia (I'd give it away but the cash I could make off of it would really help me out in paying off some debt, etc.). How I pray that God would continue to show me the importance of those things of lasting value rather than that which is temporary. I recently asked for a raise at my work. At this time, my place of employment is not in the position to give me what I want. I could be mad. I could be angry. I'm not. While I certainly would like a raise (obviously...I asked for one!), some things outweigh the dollar sign. After One Way closed (the company I was loyal to for over 10 years), it took me 7 months to find a job & to get hired on at my current workplace. The economy was rough; just as rough today. I am extremely thankful to have a job period. I have the convenience of working 2 minutes (literally) away from work. I used to go through a tank of gas every week to get to work. I can't imagine doing so with gas prices as they are today! I have great hours that enable me to have nights & Sundays off. Yeah, I may have to work some Saturdays but I work 4.5 hours & really, what do many of us do before noon on a Saturday anyway? No big deal. I am in a place now where I genuinely like those I work with. I'm so blessed to have Christian Men for bosses too. My bosses understand & realize that my long-term goal is not to advance with the company & move up the corporate ladder. They are well aware that I am here until God gets me on the plane. They support me fully. I could not ask for more. I'm thinking.....the next time you want to complain about something, take a minute to think about all you've been given; all you've been bestowed. Then, if you will...please picture the children in Nicaragua running around during school hours. Why are they running around rather than attending school? They can't afford uniforms. No uniforms = no school. No education. When you're done thinking about that, picture those hungry children staring at my plate...feel their starvation. Envision driving down your street seeing people living under trash bags held up by tree limbs. Yes, life like that really does exist. I've seen it with my own eyes. Then, think about the comfy seat you are sitting in as you read this.  Consider the fact that you can monitor the temperature within your home & though you may whine that it's hot; you have the ability to turn the air on. You can turn the heat on when you're freezing cold. You can go to your sink & get a drink of water from the tap. You don't have to walk miles & miles in hopes of getting your thirst quenched only to discover that the well runs dry. I ask you really have it THAT bad? Please forgive me if I hear you whine & my sympathy is lacking. There are others my heart breaks for more & guess what, they don't ask for any sympathy either. They work hard, they love & they just try to do the best they can. They are a content & happy people because their life is not disturbed by those finer things in life that we think we must have. We are never satisfied; always wanting more.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hope in the Darkest of Times

Imagine: You have left the cold, wintry weather of the Midwest U.S. & spent a week in the warm sun making memories to last a lifetime. You've soared through the sky on a zip-line, fed monkeys while out on a boat tour, inhaled the sulfur of a volcano, been introduced to new foods, shopped for hours at a local market, stayed in a breath-taking home, swam nearly everyday in an infinity pool & so much more. To top things off, during this week; you've witnessed one of the most beautiful weddings ever. Your sister has just married the love of her life. You stood beside her as her witness & later, you all danced & partied like crazy. Sadly, it is now time for you to leave this place that you've enjoyed so much. Even more difficult, leaving those that you've grown to love in just a few short days. Before the sun is even up, you & your family are in your rental van headed to the airport to begin your journey back to the U.S. You're tired from a long week so you fall asleep in the back seat. Suddenly, you are awakened by the sounds of tires squealing & the vehicle coming to a screeching halt. Those in the vehicle with you are screaming & crying. As you open your eyes, you see a body in mid-air that lands in the grass beside you. You realize something horrific has just taken place. Sounds like a plot for a movie doesn't it? Americans...a foreign country...something bad happens...they go to jail.

The story you just read is a true story. The story above is not some made up tale that I just wrote or found while surfing the web. Those words are my words; the story of my time in Nicaragua 2012. After an incredible time with my family in Nicaragua, we were headed back to Managua from Masaya at 4:30 a.m. on the morning of Monday, January the 23rd when something unexpected occurred. A 28 year old man was riding his bicycle in the center of the road & as my Dad (driving) came upon him ( was 4:30 a.m. so the sun was not yet out. I might also add that there were no lights on this road nor did the bicyclist have any reflectors on the bike), my Dad swerved to keep from hitting him. As my Dad did so, the bicyclist swerved in the exact same direction. Within seconds, our van had made contact with his body. While each of us in the vehicle may have something different to tell (some saw the entire accident, some kept their eyes closed the entire time, etc.), my account is that which is written above. As I sat in the backseat of the van & looked back behind me to my left, I could see a body & could see blood. Haley's husband, Jesus', got out of the vehicle immediately & went to check on the man. We knew that even though Jesus' said he was still breathing in that moment, it was unlikely that he would make it --especially if no medical help arrived. As one can imagine, emergency services are much different in a third-world country than here in America. There is no "911" in Nicaragua. You can't just call & expect that within minutes, help will arrive. Jesus' immediately called his uncle & asked his uncle to go get help. Unfortunately, by the time help (paramedics) arrived, it was too late; the young man had already passed away. After several hours, we (me, my mom, my uncle & my cousin) found ourselves sitting outside of the Police Station in Masaya, Nicaragua while my sister & Jesus' found themselves sitting inside a room at the station with my Dad as Haley played translator while my Dad was being questioned. The day was, by far, the most exhausting & frightening days I've experienced in my life to date as I was not only deeply saddened about the life lost but fearful wondering what was going to happen to my father. Would my dad go to jail? When would he get to come back to the states? Would he be able to come back to the states? As the day progressed, things did not get any easier. In fact, things only grew more difficult. Thankfully, after a trip back to the accident site for a re-enactment, the police determined that the accident was just that - an accident. The reconstruction confirmed that there was absolutely nothing that my Dad (or anyone for that matter) could have done to have avoided hitting this young man. Everything showed that the bicyclist was at fault. By sunset, my Dad finally was allowed to come outside & since he was obviously not a threat to anyone, the police allowed him to leave with us though his passport & driver's license was still in their possession. He was told he would not get any of those things back & be allowed to leave Nicaragua until the case was closed. A number of things had to take place before the case would be closed though. Relieved to be leaving the station & to be doing so with our Dad with us, we left. We did so with the orders that we must remain in Masaya & not go outside of the city. We found a hotel & Haley's "Honeymoon from Hell" (as my dad has called it & suggested she write a book by that title) began. Having experienced such a traumatic event, Jesus' (Haley's husband) felt that it was very important that we all stick together & vital that they not leave us as we would be unable to communicate if anyone needed to speak to us. So, as newlyweds, Haley & Jesus' 2nd night of marriage was spent sleeping in a room with their family. Not ideal. Though the rest of us were free to leave Nicaragua & could have caught a plane back to the U.S., none of us would ever have thought about leaving my Dad there by himself. After some sleep (not much; don't think anyone slept too well at that place), we were all hopeful that we would be on a flight the next day or Wed. at the latest. However, things began to spiral downward even more so when we learned Tuesday afternoon that we could not leave the hotel we were at due to the fact that the victim's family had located us. Unbeknownst to anyone other than Haley, Jesus' had spent the morning outside of our hotel room arguing with lawyers as the victim's family had sent lawyers demanding that our family give them a substantial amount of money. The police had been made aware of the situation & advised Jesus to instruct us that we should remain at the hotel & not just refrain from leaving there but also not go beyond a certain point on the property as people may see us & further problems could arise. After all that we had been through, we just wanted to go home. Being confined to such an area was only adding to our frustration. We had just learned that not only were we going to be there who knew how long but the hope of even venturing out on for food & to breathe was gone. The only encouragement was that my Dad was not sitting in a jail cell; he was with us. By Wednesday, we were really getting stir-crazy. Mom, Dad & I were sitting outside in the courtyard area when a couple sat down not too far away from where we were. My mom was ecstatic when she heard English & wasted no time inquiring as to where they were from. Within minutes, these "angels in disguise" were sitting with us. We learned they were American Missionaries from Oklahoma (actually, the lady was born here in Missouri). We spent several hours talking to them but never divulged any information regarding the accident. During our conversation, Nathan (the man) advised us to be very cautious out on the roads because the driving is crazy & if you don't watch it, you could end up hitting a bicyclist or someone out walking. I fought hard not to cry at that statement. Nathan had no idea what we had been through so he certainly was not saying that to hurt us. Yet, I think God allowed him to say that to us. Once Nathan & Melody left us, my parents & I began to talk. My Dad decided we would tell them what happened. All three of us felt that God had placed them there to minister to us. Later that evening, we called Nathan & Melody into our hotel room & my Dad shared with him what had taken place. Miles away from home...scared, tired, frustrated & discouraged; God sent this dear brother & dear sister in Christ to love on us. They spent time praying over us & offered to help in whatever ways they could. Over the course of just a few days, these "strangers" became friends that will never be forgotten & forever cherished & loved. Nathan & Melody have been traveling to Nicaragua for the last 8 years & have went several times a year to various parts of the country to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet, they said they had never just been "stationary" at a hotel as they were while we were there. We know that it was no accident that they were there at the same time as us & had nothing to do but sit around. God provided that...for us! We mentioned that we were longing for some ice cream. The next day, they gifted us with a huge bucket of Chocolate Ice Cream. The only stipulation was: we must share it with Melody! No problemo!

We spent hours that day swapping stories & laughing till it hurt nearly. Nathan & Melody's being there was a breath of fresh air to us. Specifically, for me. Not only did we have a great time giggling but I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Nathan about my desire to go overseas to Nepal or India. I appreciate the advice & wisdom he offered me from his time as a pastor & now as a missionary. The time we spent with Nathan & Melody was invaluable. Later that night, Nathan & Melody asked my parents if it would be OK if my cousin & I joined them for dinner. We had not left the hotel at all & because neither of us were probably the ones that would be under attack, everyone felt it would be safe for us to go with them. Lisa & I were grateful at the opportunity to travel with them just a mile or so away to eat some traditional food for the evening. I remember saying to Lis, "Wow, it's nice to know that life does exists outside of that hotel." What a precious, thoughtful treat that was that Nathan & Melody gifted us with. On Friday morning, my Dad was expected to be at the police station for the ending of the case. Of course, Haley also had to go as did Jesus'. My cousin ended up needing to go as well. My mom & I were left back at the hotel when a bus of 100+ Panamanians arrived for their stay. I quickly realized: we had just lost our hotel room. Frantically, we tried to find a solution as to what to do with all of our stuff. Again, our angels were there for us. While Nathan was gone for the day, Melody's quiet day to herself was interrupted by us as she kindly allowed us to drag ALL of our belongings into their room. Mom & I sat there with her for a few hours as we awaited the return of everyone else in hopes that we would be heading to the airport. By nearly 1:00 p.m., everyone had come back, my Dad had been cleared, the case was closed & he had been given his passport & driver's license back. We were ready to book it to the airport in hopes of getting on the next flight out to Miami. And...we did. We all made it on the flight (with the exception of Haley who was not scheduled to return until the following day; Saturday) & I was more eager to be on a plane back to America than I ever had been. The flight from Miami back to St. Louis seemed to last longer than my flights from to/from Taiwan. Of course, they don't even begin to compare in distance but it felt as though the plane was never going to land. We finally arrived back in St. Louis at around 11:00 p.m. Friday evening & were greeted by many of our extended family members. Just as we were dealing with a lot, our family back here in the states were too as they were gravely concerned. What a relief it was to them when they finally saw us heading their way & they could embrace us each. Which, that brings us to now...

A little over a month has passed & we still are trying to cope with the events of that day. Few can understand the thoughts that run through our head, the emotions we experience or anything we've been through. I wish no one ever would have to but I know that every day, somewhere, someone does. While we are so sad for the life that was lost, our faith in Jesus is carrying us through. Once my Dad was released to go to the hotel with us, my Dad began the "what-if" game. He said, "What if we would have went the other way?", "What if we would have left 2 minutes earlier?" I finally said, "Dad, we can't play that game. What has happened has happened & we can't change that." I also realized that as hard as it was (& still is at times) for us to understand why this happened, we believe God's Word to be true. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a (The Bible) says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. A time to be born, a time to die." Nothing can change the fact that 28 years ago, God allowed that young man to be born to his mother & that January 23, 2012 was his appointed time of death. For reasons we may never comprehend (though, I've got a few ideas), God allowed us to be in the vehicle that ultimately led to the fulfillment of that young man's appointed death date. The knowledge that the latter is the case is sad. Yet, it was an accident & that fact does help to ease the sorrow somewhat. Though I've, for years, been aware of the frailty of life; this confirmed it even more so. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. We're not guaranteed that our hearts will continue beating 5 minutes from now. James 4:14 states that "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while & then vanishes away." The Bible continues in Psalm 39:4-7

4 “Show me, LORD, my life’s end
and the number of my days;

let me know how fleeting my life is.
5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Everyone is but a breath,
even those who seem secure.[b]

6 “Surely everyone goes around like a mere phantom;
in vain they rush about, heaping up wealth
without knowing whose it will finally be.

7 “But now, Lord, what do I look for?
My hope is in you.

As a Christian, I believe that when my time on Earth is finished, I will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ. I will do so not because of anything I have done (for it is not something one can earn) but only because of all Jesus has done for me. Though this was a tragedy & we still have days of difficult moments as we try to move forward (for example, I was driving in downtown St. Louis a week ago & was stopped at a Red Light when a couple of guys walked in front of my car. I was fine. However, when the light turned green & I moved my foot onto the accelerator & began to go, another guy darted out on front of me & I had to hit the brakes. My heart was racing & frankly, it terrified me. I was scared knowing what could have happened & the image of the young man in Nicaragua came forth), God has (& will continue to) brought good from the situation. In the days following the accident, Romans 8:28 became a verse I would cling onto. Though a familiar verse to most Christians, the words became very real to me "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose". Truly, God has worked "all things" (even in the case of something so terrible) for good. Not only did God bless us richly with the presence of Nathan & Melody, Jesus' family surrounded us with unconditional love & support every single day. Had it not have been for the accident, we would have left Nicaragua having only spent a few brief hours with them at the wedding. We would not have known them. Jesus' brother, sister, nieces, nephew, cousin & uncle came to visit us often & several missed much work in order to be of assistance to our family. Due to the time we spent with them, we (especially our mom) were able to see what wonderful people they are. There is no question that Haley has married into a tremendous family. My parents have the comfort of knowing that when Haley returns to Nicaragua one day permanently, she will be well-taken care of. The tragedy that occurred brought 2 families together as one. Jesus' & Haley's lives were united but so were our families. This event brought to the forefront the reminder that life is short & I've been given a new urgency to share how Christ has changed my life & that He offers the same hope to anyone else who desires it. I had someone recently say, "Your family sure has been through a lot over the course of the last year...with your dad, now this." Yes, it is a lot. However, we get through because our hope is found in Jesus & He provides us with all that we need. Even in the midst of hardships, we still give Jesus praise.

I ask you to continue to pray for our family. Pray for my uncle in Alabama as unlike the rest of us, he is back home & does not have anyone nearby that was present at the accident. Pray for each of us as we each deal with this in a different manner & we all have our moments of struggles. Please pray for God to comfort the hearts of the victim's family & friends. Our hope is that through this, God will use us to share our story & share of His love & goodness...the Hope of His Son, Jesus Christ. For those that have questions or want to talk, please feel free to speak to myself or one of my family members. If we cry, please be patient with us & forgiving...this is still a situation that is difficult. Even so, we wish to share it.