Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stardom Is Not For Me Unless It's for Him

This past Tuesday night, I ventured to Lindenwood (as I do every week) for our weekly ISI meeting. After arriving, a young girl approached both Haley and myself and introduced herself while stating that she had heard much about us. She is a college student from our church and had even seen us around before. She let us know that we are famous at the Realm (which, the Realm is the worship area/hangout place for the college kids at First Baptist Church of Harvester). I was taken aback in hearing such as Haley & I have spent little time at the Realm and little time with the college kids from our church. However, I am sure that the college kids see us with the international students frequently. I've never aspired to be famous. Within me, there has never been a longing for everyone to know who I am. In fact, just the opposite is true of me. I would rather go unnoticed and be able to avoid all eyes being upon me. As I thought about being recognized by everyone, I began to realize something. Though I wish not to be popular or a celebrity, if I am going to be known by all, may I be known for loving. I pray that if I am to be famous, it's for the right reason....for serving others and loving others as my Savior Jesus does. When others look at me, may that not see "me" but see "Him" (Jesus Christ).