Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Not a Flower Hater!

Birthday gift to my Mom!

Stargazer Lily

Despite the fact that I have on many occasions stated that I would not want someone to spend their hard-earned money on gifting me with flowers (my reasoning is this: flowers die within a matter of days. As nice as they are to look at, if someone is going to choose to spend money me, I would rather them do so on something that will last longer.), I DO actually have favorite flowers (which, they are shown above) and I see the beauty of flowers. While vacationing in Washington and B.C. in 2006, one of our stops was at Butchart Gardens. I must admit that I was not exactly looking forward to spending hours in a flower garden. However, once I was there, things changed. I discovered just how fascinating the garden was. I had no idea that there were so many different types of roses alone...each one with a different name. Many of the flowers had signs stating what flowers were cross-bred in order to make that particular flower and the year in which it came to be. Who knew flowers could be so interesting? I certainly did not! Now, while I do love to admire flowers, I do not claim to even have the slightest idea about names of flowers and so forth. I proved such yesterday when entering into a local florist to order flowers for my mom's birthday. Having looked at the arrangements in the case and not been impressed, I agreed to allow the florist make something special for me. She asked me what I would like and I started things by picking out a vase and then giving her a price point. She then began to name off flowers and ask me what I would like. Meanwhile, Haley stood beside me in laughter knowing that I didn't have the slightest notion as to what the flowers looked like by the names the lady was rambling off. Haley finally informed the lady that I knew nothing about flowers so I wouldn't know what she was talking about. Thankfully, the florist was kind enough to actually show me what the flowers were and tell me their names. I was able to point to one and tell her it was one of my favorites..she had to clue me in on the name of it. After seeing the options, I still was not able to communicate what I wanted (I think that was my indecisiveness coming into play) so I allowed the lady to do whatever she wanted. I think my mom's birthday gift turned out rather well. Apparently, others thought the same. As Haley & I were returning home, while stopped at a stop light, a lady in the lane next to us glanced over, saw the flowers & gave me a thumbs-up, nodded & smiled at me in approval. Good job me!!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Some people collect stamps. Some collect shot glasses. Others collect thimbles. Me? I collect bells. As a preteen, I began purchasing bells everywhere I would go. Over the years, I have had many friends and family members that have gifted me with bells. Recently, a couple of students from the Ukraine have been so very sweet in having bells shipped from their hometown for me. A number of people have expressed interest in knowing about my bell collection...specifically wondering where I have bells from. I've included some pics of my bells as well as the list of locations that I have bells for.

Foreign Bells From:
Vienna, Austria
Victoria, B.C.
Amsterdam, Poland
Gdnask, Poland
London, England
Budapest, Hungary
Nova Scotia
El Salvador

U. S. Bells From:
Gulf Shores, Alabama
New York
Leavenworth, Washington
South Padre Island, Texas
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Maui, Hawaii
Washington, D.C.
Jupiter, Florida
West Virginia
Boston, Massachusetts
Smoky Mountains
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Sanibel Island, Florida
New Mexico
Sea World-Orlando, Florida
North Carolina
Las Vegas, Nevada
South Dakota

If you are heading out on a trip and think of me, I would love a bell from wherever you may be going. If you get me one, I'll surely pay you back as I'll just be happy to have another bell to add to the collection!

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Best Pal

Some 15 years ago or so, while I was at my aunt & uncle's house, I was introduced to a girl named Crystal. That moment doesn't really stand out in my mind but thankfully after being around one another at church, a friendship blossomed between us. Over the past decade +, Crystal and I have been on quite a journey together. There was a period in which we did not speak or spend time with one another for a few years. Thankfully, God restored our friendship and we have grown that much more close--so close that Crystal is not just a friend to me, but just as much a sister to me. We have shared many laughs, tears, heart-to-heart conversations and memories a plenty. I'd like to share some of those things...some of the good times we have had. Both Crystal & I love to sing & have done duets in church with one another. One of my most vivid "music" moments with Crystal came years ago when she & I went for a day trip to Sikeston, MO to eat at Lambert's Cafe. She & I wrote a song about the dead bug on my windshield. Come to think of it, we've written a lot of songs. Together, we are an unstoppable creative songwriting force. One day, our compositions will be heard all over the world...of this I am sure. We are similar in many ways--specifically our choice of clothing. We easily can shop for one another & pick out the perfect outfit. It's always a great thing when I come home with new attire and show Haley & she says, "Well, I don't like it but we know Crystal will." Crystal was the first (& only) friend to travel with us to Alabama for a vacation. We had a blast together. Crystal convinced me to go on my very first mission trip (which was a trip to Colorado) and I was glad to have her beside me as my cheerleader and encourager. A couple years later, we went to the other side of the world together to teach English in Taiwan on a mission trip. We've been stuck together in a traffic jam on the streets of San Francisco while trying to catch the boat to Alcatraz. We've rolled in the snow like little kids. We've helped educate our guy friends on girlie issues. We teamed up to convince one of our friends to allow us to stay in his apartment while he & his new bride were on their honeymoon. Meanwhile, we set their place up for a fun welcome home (hanging tampons from light pulls on lamps, placing fake rats and snakes around the house, saran-wrapping the bed after placing hundreds and hundreds of feathers on it, spelling out a message on their bed with feminine products, changing light bulbs from regular to colored, etc.). We have t.p.-d (for those unfamiliar, that is taking toilet paper and going to someones home or vehicle and covering their property in the toilet paper) many people without ever getting caught. We rode through the swamp in Florida together. We have root, root, rooted the Cardinals on to many victories while sitting in Busch Stadium. There are far too many precious moments to record them all here. I simply want to say that I am so richly blessed by the friendship Crystal & I share. I never have to question if I can call her in a time of need. I look forward to many, many more memories with my best friend. God-willing, she'll one day stand beside me as I commit my heart to someone forever. However, even if that day never comes, I trust that she'll still be my Ethel! We can hit those cruise ships & stroll along checking out the old geezers. Haha. Love ya friend!