Saturday, May 9, 2009

Beautiful Feet

Today, I visited a local salon for a pedicure (before picture: above, after picture: below). I would not normally go to this particular place but my sister kindly gifted our mother with a gift certificate last Mother's Day & well, my mom had yet to use it & the expiration date on it was for May 10th. When my mom remembered she had the gift certificate, she gave it to me to use. So, in I get my toes "all done up." As the lady massaged my legs & feet & painted my toenails, I thought about a couple of things. For starters, I wondered what drives an individual to want to carry such a job. I don't have a foot fetish nor am I a Podophobic (one who fears feet) but I don't think I have any desire to place my hands on dirty, nasty, stinky feet. As I sat in the chair some more & silence had set in (the pedicurist had already asked every question under the sun & quite frankly, I was not interested in furthering conversation with her--just not my thing), I began to think back to a song that my sister & I listened to as kids. The song is titled Beautiful Feet & it was on Sandi Patti's album Sandi Patti & the Friendship CO. Though it's a fun little diddy, I remember thinking even as a child, beautiful feet? Who has beautiful feet? The more I reflected on the song, the more I was reminded of Psalms 139: 13-14 that states, "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well." Hmmm..what a thought. Even though I look at my feet & think, "Goodness, what ugly feet" (which is oh so true), they are beautiful to my Maker as He crafted them. Amazing to think that whether it be the freckles on my face, the hairs on my head, my tiny hands or my goofy looking pups (feet), they were all intricately designed by My Creator, God. As I look now at my feet, I think about the song some more. While the song my be a children's song, I hope that the words will prove true for me--I pray that my feet (as unattractive as I think they are) will be ones that bring good news, publish peace and share that Jesus Loves You. Then, there may be some beauty to these feet!

Beautiful Feet
There are feet that skip and play
There are feet that run away
There are feet that love a race and win or lose
There are chubby feet and small
And strong feet to kick a ball
But beautiful are the feet that bring good news.
There are feet that sleekly swim
Through the water wearing fins
There are feet that shimmy up the tallest trees
There are happy feet and sad
There are aching feet and mad
But beautiful are the feet that publish peace.
Those are beautiful feet
Beee-uuu-ti-ful feet!
Dutiful, cute-i-ful lett!
Tried and true-ti-ful feet
Do you have beautiful feet!
Do you have beautiful feet!
Feet climb mountains, feet climb stairs
Some wear shoes, and so go bare!
There are feet of every shape and every size
But when feet run with the new
Jesus loves me and loves you
Then no matter what they look like - realize…
Beautiful feet
Beautiful feet
Beautiful, beautiful feet!
Tried and true-ti-ful feet
Do you have beauti-i-ful feet
(Walkin’ with my Jesus down a one way street - with my beautiful, beautiful feet.)