Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Deja vu

I made my way to Barnes Hospital today for my CT-Scan & before I left, my mom asked me what a CT-Scan was. I thought I knew but apparently, I had forgotten. I arrived, went to registration & got all the paperwork filled out, my ID bracelet on & then got settled in my seat in the waiting room in hopes that it would not take forever for me to get called back. As I sat there, it hit me...the majority of my testing for my stroke was done on February 11, 2007. It was on Feb. 9th that I began experiencing symptoms but did nothing. On Feb. 10th, my symptoms continued on & I went to the ER. After a CT-Scan showed nothing, I was taken by ambulance to big Barnes downtown. I did not arrive down there until after midnight I believe & my MRI was in the early hours of Sunday, the 11th. I began to ironic is it that 2 years later to the very day, I would be back at the hospital having one of the same test done? Anyway, they took me back & I was surprised to see this machine (pictured above). I was not scared, worry or concerned. I remembered having been in one several times before but for some reason, I was thinking of something different. I climbed up on the thing to lay down & in I went. The tech pressed the button that sent the upper portion of my body in the machine to get a scan of my sinus cavities. While I laid there, it was like deja vu...seemed as if I'd done it all before. Could that be because I had? I guess after so many different tests--CT-Scans, MRI's, X-Rays, EKG's, etc. (I know I'm missing one) my mind just kind of forgot which one is which. While I praise God for the team of doctors & nurses I had 2 years ago, I am pleased that today's test was mild...not nearly as serious as those test which I faced a couple of years back. I'm wondering if it's bad that when I walk in I don't have to be told what to do though because I'm already familiar with the routine?!