Thursday, August 20, 2009


My apologies for the lengthy amount of time that has passed since my last post. I am returning now to telling the tales of my travels. Now, where did we leave off? Oh yes, monkeys. After our boat ride, we went to the town square in Grandada. We stopped in a little cafe' to grab a bite to eat. Which, the meal I had there was, hands-down, my favorite meal while in Nicaragua. As you can see, I've included a picture of the dish. You are probably looking at the plate trying to guess what is on it. There was chicken in a habenero pepper sauce, squash salad (similar to our potato salad-only made with squash rather than potatoes), rice, veggies and fried plantains. As we ate, a storm blew in & the wind was whipping like crazy causing the door to the cafe' to slam shut, tents outside to fall over & things to tumble down the road. Within minutes, the sun was back out & all was well though. We walked around briefly taking pictures of the historic churches & government buildings that are, as you can see, very vivid. This was my first opportunity to check out souvenirs as well. While I did look, Haley shared with me that things were generally less expensive at the market. Therefore, I kept my purchases to a minimum-only buying a hand-painted shot glass for a coworker of mine whose wife collects shot glasses. As we moved from table to table, a little girl kept eying us & following us around. Finally, I wrangled her in for a picture with me. She was a doll. We had our fun there & were ready to move the Catarina.