Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Movie Mania

To say I am a movie buff or an avid film watcher would be far from the truth. However, this past weekend found me soaking in the big screen (well, somewhat). Friday evening, my sister and I joined some others from our Connection Point Group(Sunday School) at our friend Amy's house for a Girl's Night Out. Now, last time we had one of these evenings, we spent a great amount of time discussing what celebrities we found to be attractive. We knew before we arrived that the game plan was to watch a movie. One of the girls stated that we had to watch a movie with a hot guy in it. So, a movie was selected (not by my doing as I had never seen it nor do many names ring many bells with me anyway). I am not generally one to race to the romance movies (I'm more of a action/suspense type of gal) but I will say, I did like the choice of the evening--27 Dresses. As a single girl who has worn several dresses (though I was honored to do so), I related to the storyline. So, would I vote this the best movie I've ever seen? Far from it but it was not bad for for the evening. As for the movie theaters, I rarely enter their doors. I cannot bring myself to spend the outrageous amount of money one must spend to see a movie. However, select theaters were featuring some of the summer hits for $1.00 showings over the weekend. Of those being shown, was Kung-Fu Panda which I had hoped to watch but never got around to. My dad, sister & I went to see it & while it was a "cute" movie, I'm glad I only spent the buck on it. I fell asleep through some of it (all the more reason for me not to go the movies!). Of the movies seen, by far, the best was viewed on Saturday afternoon when we, as a family, went to see Fireproof. I have added a trailer for the movie for all to see. Though unmarried myself, I thought this was an excellent movie. I have been pleased to hear the box office stats for the first weekend of it's showing. I pray that streams of people will continue to flood the theaters to see this movie & that God will use it to first & foremost, capture hearts as well as open eyes to marriages all over America as to what is needed for a successful marriage. So, 3 movies in 3 days. I venture to say that will not happen again for a really long time.