Sunday, June 26, 2011

Patience....Say What? You want me to be patient?!

After making the announcement that my thoughts of moving into the mission field are going to be more than just a mere thought now, it seems my life has wreaked havoc. Days after I decided to "surrender", my closest friend/coworker jumped ship to go off to further training with the Army Reserves. I have told him this but want to publicly compliment him....I've worked with many people over the last 17 years or so of my life & while I have developed great friendships & gotten along with most of my coworkers, I've never worked AS well with someone as he & I work together. The knowledge that God is calling me to something else & I can't immediately go to it, is making my time at my job that much more unbearable. Without Zach's presence, the days are far worse. Within the past 2 weeks, I've been overwhelmed with emotions - happiness, joy, excitement, anxiousness, worry, stress & much more. Through it all, I've never lost faith that I'm beginning a journey down an unbelievable road; a road that I am full of enthusiasm over. As eager as I am, I realize I must wait. As I await talking to the Missions Pastor at my church & give great consideration to going through our church's training program to be sent out, I understand that the completion of the program will take a minimum of 36-48 months. In my struggles (primarily at work), I've thought "Honestly, I have to wait 3-4 years?!" However, I know that the program will do nothing but benefit me & better prepare me for the road that lies ahead so that I can best be equipped & fully used by God. Should I choose to go through this particular program, I've MUCH reading to do. I'm ready. I just want to grab the books & dive in. This morning, as Pastor Bob preached on Joshua, he said something that really struck a chord with me...."Time waiting is not time wasted." In my mind, I've thought that anything other than the mission field is a waste for me. Such is not so as God will continue to use me during these "waiting days" as long as I continue to make myself available to be used for His glory. God, help me to be patient knowing that You have a plan for my being where I am at this very moment & that I must go THROUGH this Jericho to get to my Promised Land. Thanks Pastor Bob for your words of encouragement this morning as well as every Sunday since your arrival at FBCH!