Sunday, December 28, 2008
A Little German in Our Christmas

Posted by Heather at Sunday, December 28, 2008
Unexpected Gift, the Best Gift
As with every Christmas, I receive many presents & this year, was not any different. Though I am appreciative of all that is given to me, it is all unnecessary. This year, the gift that brought the most happiness to me was not found within a box opened up on Christmas Eve or cash found in an envelope. No, this gift was not waiting for me beneath the tree. This gift arrived via the USPS in our mailbox on Christmas Eve...a Christmas card. To many, opening your mailbox to find something other than bills or junk is quite welcoming I'm sure. Which, I am just the same-I can do without the headaches of it all. Since childhood, I have always been over-excited to receive a card or letter from friends. At Christmas time, it is always nice to get Christmas cards & learn how people have been through the year. This card, was no ordinary card though. You see, after the U.S. invaded Iraq & the war began, I set out in search of soldiers to write & mail care packages to. Honestly, I do not remember how I got his name but I received info. for a man named Matthew. I mailed him goodies every once in a while & he & I would e-mail regularly to one another. Once he returned home, I heard from him a few times but not for very long. Having not heard from him in several years, I had (please forgive me Matthew!) not thought about him at all. When I retrieved the mail on Wednesday evening & began to sort through, I noticed an envelope addressed to me with a return address sticker for Matthew. I was surprised to have gotten a card from him & as I read it, tears began to fill my eyes. Matthew wrote, "Heather, Thank you for everything while I was deployed. Because of folks like you, it keeps us going." That was just a line from his card to me & while that may not seem like much to many, that meant the world to me. Matthew is now retired from the military & lives here in MO with his wife & 2 sons. After he returned home, we discussed meeting sometime face-to-face. I am eager, after these several years have passed, to reconnect with Matthew. I hope to meet his family & thank him in person for his service to this great nation. Thank you Matthew, for giving me a wonderful Christmas gift!
Posted by Heather at Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
I Smell Like a Pancake!
As a child, just the very smell of breakfast foods made me nauscious. When our family would travel to Alabama to visit my mema & papa, we'd often stop at McDonald's before leaving town in the morning. While my parents & sister would order an Egg McMuffin or Sausage Biscuit, I'd be ordering a milk shake or sundae. After many years, I have finally come around to eating some breakfast foods but breakfast is not my favorite meal by any means. Tonight, I got off work & my parents & I went to have supper at Denny's. As I looked through the menu, I noticed a new item-the Grand Slamwich (or something like that); shaved ham, seasoned sausage, bacon, American Cheese, mayo & a Maple glaze all on grilled Potato Bread. I contemplated at great lengths whether or not I should give that a try or get my usual, Moons Over My Hammy. I decided to step out of the box. Knowing full well that I was not going to care for the Maple glaze, I asked for it to be left off. Our waitress brought our food out, sat my plate before me & immediately, my nose found the smell of maple. For a moment, I wondered if I was just smelling the pancake bites & syrup belonging to the people behind us. I took my first bite & knew right away that something in my mouth was maple-flavored. I ate as much of the sandwich as possible before getting sick of it. I did not "see" anything that looked like a maple glaze on it but then again, I was looking for a colored glaze & found nothing. I thought that it may have been that the bacon had that flavor. I passed it to my dad to try because well, he'll eat almost anything. He even said that he didn't think it was very good-too sweet. Though I had a few remaining bites on my plate, I had to pass on them. I couldn't bear to eat another bite. I stepped out & now I know, I won't be stepping out for that again. Unfortunately, since my return home, I've washed my hands multiple times & yet, they still like maple. The smell is sickening to me--takes me back to childhood rides in the car having to smell the breakfast food. I hope that soon, this smell will go away.
Posted by Heather at Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Pet Peeve of the Potty!
After taking in a good bit of water this morning, around 11:00 a.m., I was needing to use the facilities (aka, the restroom, bathroom, washroom, ladies room) at work. I headed on in & made my way into one of the 2 available stalls (which, we have 3 but one has been out of order for over a month. Doesn't it seem logical to get that looked into?) ready to conduct business when I realized something. I noticed that there was no toilet paper in the holder. The roll had been emptied out & whoever used the last smidget was kind enough to bring forth another roll but they couldn't go the extra mile & put it in the holder. Nope, too difficult I guess. Instead, they sat it on top of the holder to allow someone else to have to put it up. Now, I realize that putting t.p. in a holder is not a difficult task & that I probably shouldn't be complaining about it but..seriously, how hard can it be? This irritates me to no end. The one advantage to my sister being gone is that I do not have to deal with this at home now. For years, I would walk into the bathroom to see a roll of toilet paper sitting on top of the holder just waiting to be put away. I would question Haley as to why she could never take care of the matter. I don't recall ever really getting an answer. I just know that it drives me CRAZY! Am I the only one that feels this way?
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Roll Tide
For those who have never been to a football game in the south, you may not understand just how passionate the Southerners are about the game. As much as I live for Cardinals baseball in the summer, I think they are 10x more devoted to football. They eat, sleep, dream football--their very breath is football. I had the opportunity to go with my Uncle to the Iron Bowl (Alabama vs. Auburn) while I was in Dixie for Thanksgiving. I had been to a game many years ago but my recollections were few aside from the fact that there were a lot of people. As we headed down the highway to Tuscaloosa, nearly every vehicle in sight had either an Alabama flag, bumper sticker or magnet on it. We made our way to the parking garage & as my Uncle paid the parking attendant, she let out a big, "ROLLLLL TIDE!" In return, my Uncle did the same. From the time we stepped on the elevator to head to the bus stop to carry us to the stadium to the time we sat down in our seats people were yelling "Roll Tide."
Alabama had added onto their seating at the stadium since my last visit so I was mesmerized by the size of the place. I had a suspicion that things would be loud but until things got rolling, I had no idea the magnitude. And then...it all began. The Bama players appeared, the band played & the cheerleaders cheered..as did the 90,000+ seated in the stadium. The noise was deafening. I have been to a number of playoff games at Busch Stadium & heard the roar from the Cardinals fans, I've been in sold out arenas for different events where people were erupting with chants & cheers but nothing can compare to the volume coming from Bryant-Denning Stadium that afternoon. The Bama diehards are rowdy anyway but I knew that they would be even more fired up for this game. In just the first few minutes of the game, the people were already on the edge of their seat as if it were the final minute in the 4th quarter & the game was tied. Auburn had beat Bama a consecutive 6 times prior to this meeting & Bama being undefeated thus far, had to beat Auburn this go around. I assumed that the Tigers would at least put some points on the board but when the game was over & done, they had the door slammed on them with the Tide winning 36-0. Talk about an explosive victory!
Before we even went to the game, I was a bit fearful that the game itself may be a little too slow & boring for me as I had been used to watching Mizzou football--Mizzou scores fast, quick & often, generally scoring at least 40 points in a game. Alabama on the otherhand, does not. If there were a game for me to see, I was at it though. I did not leave disappointed nor did any other UA fan. The only ones that left with their heads hanging low were those in the orange & blue shirts. I am eager to go to another game there in Tuscaloosa--they will be adding another 10-15,000 seats soon. That should make for a good weekend of hearing loss!
**Note that I will try to get a couple of the videos I shot up as soon
as possible. I'm having difficulties uploading them onto here at this time.**
Posted by Heather at Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
For the One Who'll Drop to His Knee For Me...
As we all know, tis' the season of love-love in many different fashions. Love of the ultimate-the birth of our Saviour, love towards those less fortunate & of course, love as in "Love is in the air" in a romance kind of way. We all know individuals that have gotten engaged during the Christmas season be it this year or years gone by. I already know of one this year. On Sunday afternoon, while perusing the aisles at Target, I saw a giddy young couple scanning every item within reach to add to their registry. As I looked, I saw a big diamond ring on the girl's hand. Then, on my return home, I had the radio on. In the midst of the music came the commerical from the Shane CO. advertising that Christmas is the time for romance & every girl dreams & waits in expectation of an engagement ring at this time of year. "So, hurry into the Shane CO. today to buy that special ring for your loved one. Make this a Christmas she will never forget." Now, it is no secret (I don't think anyway) that I pray that one day, God will see fit to bring me a husband (I'll write about that in the days ahead). But...may I just ask a small favor from those of you that I call "friend." If the day comes that I should be in a serious relationship & it looks like things are progressing towards happily ever after, could you fill my mystery mate (he's a mystery to me right now) in on something for me? Could you just let him know that if he is considering dropping to one knee, saying some beautiful things to me that will make me cry & then presenting a ring to me that I would like to be somewhat surprised? I will not be surprised if he chooses to do so during the Christmas season--especially on Christmas Day or Eve. Since the rest of the world seems to get engaged on big holidays (Christmas, New Years, Valentines, 4th of July), I would be assuming that such would be true for myself. Also, if it looks like things are headed in that direction, please let him know that he is capable of picking the ring out by himself. Or, if he needs help contact my family or Crystal. I often wonder...where is the element of surprise if you go to the store so that you can show the guy your "perfect" ring? I would like to think that as long as I've waited & as long as I'll continue to wait, I'll be so surprised & swept off my feet that I'll be speechless. Oh...and last but not least, when that day comes, I don't need an audience. Then again, if someone is ready to ask me to spend the rest of my life with them, they will probably know me well enough to know that I do not like all eyes being upon me so a proposal at a Cardinal's baseball game would not be the way to go. Just some thoughts during this season of love.
Posted by Heather at Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Covered in Peppermint Milk Shake
When my uncle learned that I would be joining my parents in the trip down to AL for Thanksgiving, he informed me that my dad & I would have to make a decision as to which one of us was going to go to the Alabama/Auburn game with him. My dad was gracious enough to allow me to go (which, I will write about that experience in my next entry). I went to a Bama game many years ago & to be quite honest, the only thing that kept me captive was people watching & the music. Years later, I still am not a football expert but I now have an understanding of the game & enjoy the sport. I was more anxious about my return trip to the stadium than I was in my younger years. My uncle & I got on the road & all too soon were lined up with hundreds of others waiting on the highway in traffic. We finally made it into Tuscaloosa & Uncle Rog was kind enough to stop by Chic-Fil-A so that I could pick up some lunch. Having seen their Peppermint Chocolate Milk Shake featured on commercials, that was a must have. Once I had received my food, we went ahead & drove to the university & parked in the garage. I spent some time eating my food & once I was done eating, I began on my milkshake. Rog & I decided to head towards the bus pick up line to be carried to the stadium. Meanwhile, I was still downing the shake. Once we arrived to the line, I began to wonder if I would be able to take my shake with me. Of course not--there was a sign stating no food or drinks were allowed. At this point, I noticed a trash can was just feet away from me. Rather than walking completely over & seeing to it that the shake made it all the way into the can, I just tossed it confidently knowing that it would make it into the can. Well, it did make it into the can--just not into the main hole for trash. Since it hit the outer rim, the lid popped off sending the remainder (which was about 3/4 of the cup) flying everywhere. I was on route back to the line & had no knowledge that such was even taking place until I turned back around & saw that not only was my milkshake all over the place but everyone was staring at me. I then saw a man close by who was covered in my milkshake. This was no ordinary man you see--he was an Auburn fan dressed in Orange & Blue from head to toe while I stood in line with my Alabama shirt & Alabama coat. You can imagine how that must have appeared. I immediately began to apologize the best I could (through my laughter--I was bent over double cracking up). My uncle assured the man that I did not mean to do such (though, my uncle was proud that if the accident had to happen, it went all over an Auburn fan rather than a Bama fan). Lucky for me, the man was not angry & was OK with it. Talk about embarrassing! Would this be an indicator that Bama would cream the Auburn Tigers? Now, a week later, all I can think about is my need to go to Chick-Fil-A to get another shake so that I can enjoy it in it's entirety. If you know me well, you know how deeply I LOVE ice cream. Having to part ways with the Shake was not the easiest thing to do but necessary. I was fine with it until I saw it splattered everywhere--that man was getting to enjoy my Peppermint Milk Shake!
Posted by Heather at Sunday, December 07, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Black Friday
On the day often called "Black Friday" (the day after Thanksgiving), my family & I, like most, headed to the stores. I had looked at the ads prior to our darting out & was on a mission. We entered into Wal-Mart & split ways--each of us going to the specific areas in which our items were to be found. I searched & searched for a particular item when my mom found one sitting on the floor in the middle of the aisle. I figured if was there, it was fair game. I grabbed it & threw it in the cart. The search continued for the rest of the merchandise desired. My Mom & I looked up & down, side to side, behind things, on the floor, etc. & it was to no avail. Apparently, I did not arrive early enough to beat the others that were racing for the items. Meanwhile, my Dad & Uncle were in another part of the store coming up short--everything they were in search of was sold out. As we left, I thanked my parents for all of the years they waited to get into the stores, stood in long lines & then raced in as fast as they could just to get my sister & me those Cabbage Patch Dolls or other must-have toys. Though not a parent myself, I caught a glimpse into what it must have been like for them & I must say, I believe it's not worth it. Just that short amount of time wore me out & made me wonder why in the world anyone would go to such trouble. Now, I realize that for some things you are getting them at a significantly lower price than usual but I just don't know if it's worth the effort in my opinion. But hey, that's just me. A while after the shopping excursion, we stopped by my uncle's work to install the webcam he bought in order to talk to my sister. Unfortunately, once it was set-up, she was not online so we weren't able to communicate. We left there & made our way to Shorty's-a dive outside of town that my dad had been dying to try for several years now. Shorty's does not appear like anything special on the outside (in fact, it appears more like a hole-in-the-wall dump) yet, there are always plenty of cars there. Usually, such is a great indicator that a place is good. So, we finally ate at Shorty's. Shorty's is just an inexpensive little joint featuring bbq, fish, burgers, etc. I wouldn't say it was the best place I've ever eaten but it certainly was not bad--especially for the price. My Cousin Melissa was in contact with Haley via MSN Messenger & was relaying messages for us to Haley--to stay online & we'd head back to my uncle's work. Thankfully, after a bit of confusion, we made the connection & were all able to see Haley's face & talk to her. I know that such puts my Mema & Uncle Rog at peace--having the ability to actually see & talk to her to know she is OK. We usually see a movie while we are down there--this time was no different. Having seen the previews for Four Christmases, we decided upon going to see that show. $6.50 to get in & for those who have yet to see the movie that are considering it, do not waste your money on it. For starters, the movie was only about 1 hr. & 15 min. long. Secondly, it really was not that funny. Third, the movie consisted of a great amount of sexual humor & references and lastly, there was not a whole lot about it that involved Christmas. Last year, I saw Fred Claus & hated it. Remember, the star of that movie was Vince Vaughn. As you may know, Vince Vaughn is also one of the lead actors in this film. I have determined that Vince Vaughn in a Christmas movie = huge let down, waste of time and unwise use of money spending.
Posted by Heather at Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wacky Time in The Woods
While at the Headrick Household for Thanksgiving, I had a brilliant idea. Having done a photoshoot ourselves there a couple of year ago, the pictures of Haley & me turned out wonderfully. I did not see any reason I could not take all of the kiddos out into the wilderness & snap some great pictures as well. Boy was I wrong! Let me just say, 3 year olds & photo sessions don't go hand-in-hand. Eager to get outside, all 4 children put their shoes & coats on & were ready to go. My Cousin Chanda & I led them out the doors & we began our walk to the pond behind her grandparents house. I asked all 4 kids to sit on the ground together. While they listened, Hannah (the 3 yr. old) did not want to stay seated for long, Adri (5) was not interested in looking at the camera & Ian (10) would much rather have been doing something else than having to sit there with his 2 sisters & Hannah. Rose (7) was the only one cooperating with my big plan. After 2 tries for the group picture, all kids were up & on the move. The ground was covered in leaves & I was out prancing around in dress shoes that had no grip or resistance--only leaving me to slip & slide in the foliage. Meanwhile, up ahead of me were the kids running all over the place as Chanda chased after Hannah. I decided it would benefit me to make it to the top of the hill so I would be walking on a straight path. Unfortunately, the climb up was not as easy due to my choice of footwear for the day. As I tried to anchor myself to a tree & pull myself up, my feet began to slide...all I could do was laugh hysterically. It's a wonder the whole mountain did not hear me. Sweet little Rose walked over & offered a hand (not realizing that if I went down I'd be taking her with me since I'm much larger!) to help me out. I finally made it to the top & began to catch up with the others. Once I did, I was able to talk them into pausing for a few more pictures. Ian was long gone but the girls were all relatively close enough that they could gather around. I was able to get a few of the kids being kids. Once we were done, all 4 kids were complaining because they had stuff all over their clothes that they said was poking them & it hurt. We walked back to the house & Chanda & I spent a while picking all of the stuff off of their clothing while considering that maybe things had not gone as planned. Even still, we had ourselves a good laugh.
Posted by Heather at Monday, December 01, 2008
Thanksgiving on the Mountain
Though we got a late start out of St. Louis, my parents and I were in the van, on our way to AL by 9:30 on Wednesday morning. Things were going great until we got to Marion, IL where road work was taking place leaving us to slowly creep along the highway. We made it through Marion after 20 minutes and were back to full speed. We generally stop for lunch at Ft. Campbell and fill up there as well (gas tends to be less expensive there) but my dad had heard that troops had come in from deployment and more were heading in. That is, by no means, a bad thing--in fact, it's wonderful and we praise God for bringing these men and women home safely. However, last year we wound up staying in Ft. Campbell for a rather lengthy amount of time because there were so many troops in that we could not budge our way out of the parking lot. Needless to say, we filled up and drove down to Clarksville to grab a bite to eat. After lunch at Arby's, we piled back into the vehicle only to have to put on the brakes again further down the road when we got closer to Nashville. We spent over a hour getting through country music's capital. We finally arrived at my Mema and Uncle Roger's house at 7:00 p.m. I could hardly wait for dinner to be done so that I could fill my plate up with chicken and dumplings and green beans. I had not had homemade dumplings in a while so they were quite delicious! We all visited a while and then set up camp for bed. I arose at 10 till 7 a.m. (or so I thought) having to use the bathroom. Before I got up to go, I grabbed my cell phone to see what time it was. My phone read: 7:50. I decided that I probably would have difficulties going back to sleep so I might as well just stay up. I grabbed the sales ads, posted myself on the sofa and then noticed the clock-it was now 7:00, not 8:00. So, for some reason, my cell phone was stuck back on Georgia time! Even still, I remained on the couch-even took a brief snooze before everyone else woke up. My uncle and I watched some of the Macy's Parade and it was then time for us to load the van up with goodies and head to the mountain. We pulled up to find a garage full of tasteful yummies. Sadly, I never even made it to the desserts (that's surprising too). I was so taken by the sweet potato casserole, the grape salad my cousin made, etc. that my Red Velvet Cake didn't even get my visit for the afternoon. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with family and giving thanks for the many, many things I have to be thankful for in my life.
Posted by Heather at Monday, December 01, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Farewell Lil' Sister

Posted by Heather at Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Ministering in Nicaragua
With a desire to let people see what life is like in Nicaragua, I worked diligently & comprised the following video. All of the pictures were taken over Haley's many trips to the country. Enjoy!
Posted by Heather at Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Well, I've not written lately. Unfortunately, at this time, I'm not able to post pictures. For whatever reason, when I sign onto blogger, this thing has a mind of it's own. Sometimes I'm able to post pictures, other times it will say it's posting it & then immediately, I'm directed back to the upload screen. Anyway...
Lastnight, we were at my aunt & uncle's house as usual (we always get together every Tuesday evening for dinner & tv--currently, we watch The Biggest Loser while stuffing ourselves full of desserts) & my Cousins, Drew & Hannah, were there as well. My aunt & uncle were watching the two of them (their grandkids) while their mom was at a meeting. Hannah is 3 & oh so very entertaining. Though she has scoped my dad out in the past & paid some attention to him, she'd never really took a great interest in him. Until lastnight...he was her world lastnight. I had never heard her call my dad by his name (Doug) until yesterday. Currently, everything she says is "Hey guys", "Hey Heather"--all sentences begin with "Hey." As we sat at the table eating, all of a sudden, Hannah said, "Hey Doug" and began a whole conversation with her Uncle Doug. She just talked & talked. Later, she told her Grandma that she wanted to go sit with Doug because he was her friend. Before we left, she went & stood in front of my dad & looked up at him & then said, "Doug...I like you." I looked to see my dad picking her up for a hug & heard him say, "I like you too Hannah." She couldn't get enough of him for some reason. Funny. I do believe it made his night though. In fact, even tonight as my mom was on the phone with my mema in Alabama telling her about my grandpa's sister who is in the hospital dying & how much his sister loves my dad (she calls him Dougie), Dad commented that everyone loved him. He then said, "Even Hannah loves me now!" As he cherished those moments lastnight, I watched & considered that he was probably thinking back to the days when Haley & I were that little. He was more than likely remembering the moments that we would want to crawl up in his lap, give him a hug & tell him that we loved him. Now, his 2 girls are all grown up. But, our love for him is no less. I'm sure a small piece of him saw Haley & I as he loved on Hannah lastnight. That little girl brings such a smile to my face & makes me laugh hysterically. She may only be 3 but she LOVES to talk--goes a mile a minute & never slows down. I can hardly wait to see what she'll say or do next time around!
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Life in Taiwan
As Taiwan is on my mind frequently (daily) & I remember my time there & the people, I have decided to share with you my experience on the other side of the world. While I would like to post my letters that I wrote upon my return home in 2005 & 2006, I've no idea where they are at this time. For now, I will share with you my e-mails home to family & friends while in Taiwan. Though many of you may have received those e-mails, many of you did not as we did not even know one another at the time. I have enjoyed reading my words from a few years ago & reliving these moments in my mind. In the days ahead, I will try to share all of them but for now, I share with you first, my first e-mail I wrote home...July 2005.
I survived the plane ride. Though long, my only complaint was that the long flight was much too warm. However, nothing was unbearable. I was mesmerized by the size of the plane as it was a doubledecker. Well, here we are in Taiwan-12:30 a.m. our time while we still have much of the day left. Right now, we are on a break until 3:00 in the afternoon (it is now 1:30). We spent some time in our room singing & then headed here to the cafe' just around the corner a ways from our hotel. Yesterday, upon our arrival we got our hotel rooms which are not nearly as bad as I dreamt. In fact, they are nice though the shower is a bit unusual (no shower curtains here!). Some of the newest missionaries here took us on a walking tour around the city we are in & will live for the next week. We got to see quite a bit- a 7-11, the Post Office, grocery store, hardware store & of course, many fruit stands. Mango & Papaya are in season here now & we're all looking forward to trying the fresh fruit. The watermelon looks like it is to die for as does the pineapple. After our tour, we dis some prayer walking near the school which for me, was the highlight of the day (next to the ice cream I ate last night at the night market). I was overwhelmed with a sense of a broken heart for these people as we passed by & noticed the flags upon every single door to "keep the evil spirits out." There's not a door without these flags. It is so disheartening. First day & I was already choked up crying. That's OK though as we should be heartbroken for those that are lost. Yes, we went to the night market lastnight & well, to me it was pretty much a carnival meets a flea market-rather boring although it was good to see it as it's a part of their culture here. We saw plenty of great tasting food (OK, maybe not-raw fish, etc) that we had to hold Haley back from buying. The people here are very friendly & always wave or say hello. I was a bit apprehensive when buying my ice cream lastnight as I'd never dealt with foreign money or having to do that sort of thing but Rex (our leader) helped me out which basically consisted of much pointing at signs. Al of the missionaries are awesome & I love them already. It's going to be great getting to know them further over the next week. Our team is doing well together-glad to be getting to spend time with each of them. Today, we held worship time outside of a temple. It was amazing to be able to do so. We then, toured the temple & Wes (the head missionary) taught us about everything. Seeing the temple was an experience I will never forget. Very sad. Some more tears came while we were there. The temple keeper was asking one of the missionaries why we were there & when she told him to teach English, he did not understand. However, when she told him to teach about Jesus Christ, he did get it. He stretched out his arms & pointed to his hands as if to show the nails being driven through Christ's hands. At that point, the tears could not be held in. That was an amazing moment. I wish Haley had captured it on video. the building was so very ornate & beautiful but it is so sad to think that these people are practicing these rituals that will only lead them on a dead end path & God hates their temples. As Wes told us today, we hate the temple & their practice but love them as God does. As for food, you will be pleased to know I've been a brave soul. While all but Katie had eggs on the plane, she & I tried the Chinese rice soup. I thought it was great. Yesterday, we ate the Hakka noodles that were featured on the church website from 2003 that looked so terribly gross. Yep, we ate it & by golly, I loved them-especially after putting the hot sauce in it. Haley was not too wild about it at all. Lastnight's supper was not horrible but not amongst my favorites. We had plain white rice, clams, goat, chicken, shrimp, pork & squid. I tried all but the squid. Today, we had fried rice with pork in it for lunch & it was delicious. They never salt anywhere so lastnights plain white rice was a bit bland for me. Having soy sauce today was a huge blessing. Everything is doing so well. The groups that have come before have talked greatly about the rooster & dogs across the street from the hotel being such a nuisance but we never heard them at all this morning. Praise God! We went to bed at 9:15 lastnight & got up at 5:30 this morning & we were few out of the entire group that were able to sleep that long. Anyway, we've got to meet in a bit to go over school stuff & tomorrow we'll spend the day preparing for Mon. when we begin teaching. Love you guys & know that I am doing just fine here-haven't really even had any complaints even with the heat. Love you!
Posted by Heather at Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Zip the Lips
With Haley's departure date drawing closer & closer, my only desire is to spend as much time as possible with her before she leaves. Today, we had an opportunity to do so once again. After getting off work, we went later in the afternoon to a local craft show. Though neither of us were looking for anything in particular, it was giving us something to do rather than sit at home on the sofa. Our time at the show was quick as there were not many booths. However, I did purchase a Cardinals Christmas ornament as well as a Mizzou one. Not the most exciting show ever. Once we left there, we headed to Kohls as I was interested in looking for a few new shirts or sweaters. As we were in the clothing department looking around, Haley was a good distance away from me when she held up a sweater & called for me to take a look. I pointed my eyes in her direction & nodded my head as a sign of approval. She commented on how it "looked like me." She then looked at the price tag & very loudly proclaimed, "But it's still expensive!" I felt like crawling into the rack of clothes in front of me. I was rather humiliated. Remember, she was not standing near me--she was a bit aways so I'm sure plenty of individuals had to have heard her just about yell that out. People were probably thinking we're hobo's or something. Then, I must have had a shining moment myself--or at least it sounds as though I did. Haley picked up another shirt & mentioned that I should try it on. The shirt in her hands was short-sleeved & now that we're moving into cooler weather, I'm not interested in freezing in my wardrobe. Haley suggested that I buy a long-sleeve t-shirt to put underneath it. There was a display between Haley & I to the left so anyone or anything on her side to the left was out of my view. As she gave me the fashion tip I told her, "No, that would look gay! That's stupid looking & I'm not doing that!" I thought Haley's face looked a bit strange. Could have been because there was a lady standing right beside her that was dressed in the manner in which Haley had just proposed to me! After we had that bit of excitement, I moved in the fitting room to try on the stack of clothing in my hand. Someone before me, left a ton of clothes in the room & while Haley was kind enough to take some of them out & put them on the rack outside the fitting room area, she did not remove them all from my reach. There happened to be a shirt that someone had left in there that was just my size & caught my eye--it was hideous. I burst out in laughter & Haley was wondering why-(she assumed I couldn't get a shirt off-that I was stuck). I opened the door & was modeling the awful shirt that Haley had just said was ugly. She said it looked nice for an 80 year old. Since I still have a few years before I get there, I decided I'd wait on that one this time. We finally made it out of Kohls & on our way home, stopped at Starbucks to treat ourselves. What a grandiose time out.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, October 25, 2008
Brother Ben & Sista Heather
In continuing with writing about my friends, I bring you the story of Brother Ben. "Now here's a story about Brother Ben, whose been a very unusual friend. He calls us dog, and says "What up G?" and now he's moving to Bethany." Those are the lyrics to the Ode to Brother Ben written by Haley, Crystal & I before Ben moved years ago. Ben, is definitely, an unusual friend-but in a good way. My first recollection of having met Ben comes from my Cousin Micah's 16th b-day party. Many of us were at Micah's girlfriend's house for the party when someone had the bright idea that we should all dance. Not knowing Ben at all, I quickly refused when he came to invite me to dance with him. From that point on, I have no memory-just that we became friends somehow. My guess? I would venture to say we got to know each other because of our many mutual friends & oftentimes, all hanging out as a group. Over the years, I have found Ben quite amusing. Brother Ben is, without question, my most naive friend (sorry Ben but you are!)--I'll get to that a little later. Being in the youth group together, we saw one another frequently & many times, a group of us would go to Taco Bell after church. I remember us getting a little too loud & rowdy one of the times. We would celebrate the beginning of baseball season at a number of Cardinals home openers & well as many other Cards games together. I recall Ben & I just driving around a couple of times all over St. Charles just to talk-one friend to another. I'm not sure now why we would drive around & waste gas (could it because gas was not over $3.00 13+ yrs. ago?)rather than just sit down somewhere else & talk. Crazy looking back! I remember fun times together during Disciple Now's at the Walton's & the DN Reunion at the Parrish's. I still love the picture I have floating around somewhere of Ben wrapped like a mummy in toilet paper!! Hilarious!! Honestly, I don't have any memory of us really keeping in touch one with another while Ben was attending college at SBU in Bolivar, MO but I also don't remember not keeping in touch. For a time, Ben was the teacher of the college/career class at FBC O'Fallon. I remember Ben inviting me to tag along with him to the MO Baptist Convention for a day when it was in St. Louis years ago. So, we went & I found it to be an interesting experience as there were some rather heated discussions taking place while we were there. Having ministered at the church he spent so many years in, it was time for him to move on in ministry--to a small town in Northern MO called Bethany. He was not there too long before Haley, Crystal & I paid him a visit. Despite the tad bit of a long drive, the cost of the hotel, etc.-it was worth it each time we went. Though there is not a whole lot going on in Bethany (well, there is a Super Wal-Mart that we went to three times in one day), there was (& still is) something about that town that I like. During one of our trips, Ben told us all about an Amish community nearby. Of course, since he told us about it, he HAD to go with us. While we ladies enjoyed it immensely, I'm not so sure that he was as thrilled as we were. In 2004, Ben, Haley, Crystal & I packed in the van & headed to Sebring, FL to visit our friend Greg. Ben is 1 of 2 kids in his family--the other being his brother. So, Ben did not grow up with sisters or girls in his house. I will not share all that we taught Ben during our long drive there & home but he definitely was educated on some things. As I said earlier, Ben is a bit naieve & well, just goofy. As we crossed over a bridge, Ben said, "Look at all that water!" Already having the knowledge that Ben had never been to an ocean, we were learning early that he was really going to be impressed when he finally did arrive at the beach! Afterall, if you can think a small lake is huge, the ocean is gigantic! He did not disappoint either. When we arrived to the beach, he said something to the extent of "Wow, you can't even see the end of it!" He was mesmorized by the expansion of the deep blue sea. While in FL, Greg recommended we go to Orlando & spend some time. We went to Disney World & just looked in a few shops & then ate some ice cream at Ghiradelli's (which, I still long to have another cone from there!). Though we never got close to the Magic Kindgom Castle, Ben informed us all that it was made out of plastic. We all 4 were laughing hysterically because Ben was thouroughly convinced that it was not an actual castle but just some big plastic thing. We kept telling him it was not & that it was an actual building that you could go into. Who know's--for all I now, he may still think it's a piece of plastic. We all had such a great time together on that trip. I am so glad we had the opportunity to share such a special time & make so many memories with one another during that week or so. When we went, Ben had just began dating a girl named Shellie not long before our trip. Months after our return home, I received a call asking me to come to Bethany to meet Shellie. Months later, he would call me again--this time, to say he was engaged & to tell me the wedding date. I was pleased to be in attendance & share their special day with them. Shellie & Ben are now married, they have a daughter & just days ago on October 23rd (which happens to be Ben's birthday also), Shellie gave birth to their 2nd child, a son named Jase. I am pleased that I have had a chance to further get to know Shellie--only wish we could all see each more often. She has made my friend so happy & that, makes me happy. Though, naive & a bit strange at times (but, who isn't?), Brother Ben has been a faithful friend to me for many years. I have often called him in years past to talk to him about guy problems & even a few years ago when I called to tell him about a guy I had been on a date with--he showed great concern when he told me that he already didn't like the guy just because he didn't like sports. Ben said he wasn't for me. He was right--things ended before they really got started for the guy & I. When I was admitted to the hospital last year with all of my medical problems, Ben & Shellie called me a number of times to check on me & express their prayers. I don't recall us ever not getting along really. I would say Ben has been probably one of my most loyal friends for many years. I have never doubted whether or not I could trust Ben when I would share things with him. Though I don't know much how our friendship began, I'm glad it did.
**For those that desire to know Ben's #1 moment of being naive, please ask & I'll divulge.**
Posted by Heather at Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Bubbly Gina With Baby On The Way
Well, at least one of us is still thin. If only it were me!
Posted by Heather at Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Movie Mania
To say I am a movie buff or an avid film watcher would be far from the truth. However, this past weekend found me soaking in the big screen (well, somewhat). Friday evening, my sister and I joined some others from our Connection Point Group(Sunday School) at our friend Amy's house for a Girl's Night Out. Now, last time we had one of these evenings, we spent a great amount of time discussing what celebrities we found to be attractive. We knew before we arrived that the game plan was to watch a movie. One of the girls stated that we had to watch a movie with a hot guy in it. So, a movie was selected (not by my doing as I had never seen it nor do many names ring many bells with me anyway). I am not generally one to race to the romance movies (I'm more of a action/suspense type of gal) but I will say, I did like the choice of the evening--27 Dresses. As a single girl who has worn several dresses (though I was honored to do so), I related to the storyline. So, would I vote this the best movie I've ever seen? Far from it but it was not bad for for the evening. As for the movie theaters, I rarely enter their doors. I cannot bring myself to spend the outrageous amount of money one must spend to see a movie. However, select theaters were featuring some of the summer hits for $1.00 showings over the weekend. Of those being shown, was Kung-Fu Panda which I had hoped to watch but never got around to. My dad, sister & I went to see it & while it was a "cute" movie, I'm glad I only spent the buck on it. I fell asleep through some of it (all the more reason for me not to go the movies!). Of the movies seen, by far, the best was viewed on Saturday afternoon when we, as a family, went to see Fireproof. I have added a trailer for the movie for all to see. Though unmarried myself, I thought this was an excellent movie. I have been pleased to hear the box office stats for the first weekend of it's showing. I pray that streams of people will continue to flood the theaters to see this movie & that God will use it to first & foremost, capture hearts as well as open eyes to marriages all over America as to what is needed for a successful marriage. So, 3 movies in 3 days. I venture to say that will not happen again for a really long time.
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Nuttin' But Stringz-Pulling My Heartstrings
Since it first aired, my family & I have watched NBC's hit television show, America's Got Talent. I was not pleased with the winner for the first season & could not have been any happier for the winner last season. For those who did not watch the show, Google Terry Fator to see one heck of an act. Terry walked in to audition as a ventroliquist & immediately, the judges were already not liking him. They had seen many that claimed to have that talent who simply were not that good. Something happened though. Terry started the act & from the start, they were blown away. I have never seen a ventroliquest as good as Terry Fator. Season 3 of America's Got Talent began weeks ago & as of lastnight, the Top 20 were narrowed down to the Top 10. While I was a bit surprised at some of the acts that did make it through & some that did not, I was correct in guessing that Nuttin' But Stringz would be in the Top 10. I have loved this act since they first appeared on the program & each week, my heart grows even more fond of them. Granted there are some gifted singers on the show, there are plenty of singing competition shows that singers could go on. I appreciate when a different sort of act wins a show that showcases all talents. Be sure to watch the video of these very talented guys. Every time I watch them perform, I can feel myself moving to the beat & just as Sharon Osbourne says,"It's electrifying." I can only imagine how good these guys would be to see live. I'm hoping they win the whole kit & kaboodle!
Posted by Heather at Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9/11 Recollections
September 11, 2001 is not a day that any of us will most likely ever forget. Now, 7 years later, it almost seems unreal that so much time has passed. I'm sure throughout the course of your day, like me, you have conversed with someone about your memories of 9/11. For me, I was headed into work. I am sure I was listening to a CD rather than the radio because otherwise, I probably would have heard something about all that was taking place. I pulled into work & as I opened the door & walked into the store, I could hear what sounded like a television. Sure enough, as I approached the back of the store, my boss & another coworker were looking upward--to the TV mounted on the wall. I saw smoke coming from one of the Twin Towers & as many did, figured it was a movie or something. Neither one of the laides said a word but kept their eyes glued to the TV. Within minutes, we heard the news anchors stating that an airplane had just flown through one of the Towers. At that time, they still were not thinking it was a terrorist attack. Even as the time approached to open the store for the day, we kept the TV on & remained in the back focused on what we were viewing. As things kept unfolding & we learned more, our hearts ached & we fought back tears. I remember a numbness sweeping over me as I saw the horrific images repeatedly. During this time, Michael W. Smith's first worship album had recently released. Naturally, we were playing it in the store. We already had the music on & I vividly recall that as we watched the Towers crumble, the song "Forever" was playing in the store. As I listened to the song, I began to sing along there in the store with my voice shaking..."Forever God is Faithful, Forever God is true, Forever God is with us, Forever." Further along, the song says, "But by the Grace of God we will carry on, His love endures forever." Indeed, 7 years later & Praise God, there has not been another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. In the good times & the bad, He has remained faithful, true & with us & without a doubt, His love has & always will endure.
Despite the many lives that were lost that day, I am pleased that God brought our Rosey-Posey into the world on that day. Today, Rose is 7 years old. While we watched New York City, the Pentagon & Pennsylvania from work & home, my Cousin Chanda was in Oklahoma giving birth to her firstborn daughter. Even still, she watched from her hospital room. I venture to say that no family member will ever struggle to remember when Rose's birthdate is. I am so glad that God blessed our family with this little girl. Not only is Rose beautiful on the outside, she has such a sweet spirit that loves to help people. Today, September 11, I say, "Happy Birthday Rosey-Posey!" So these are the things that will always come to my mind each year on 9/11. Many songs were written about the fateful day but of them all, one of my favorites is Alan Jackson's "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning" which is shown at the beginning of this blog. As I have shared my recollections, I ask..where were you?
Posted by Heather at Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What Happened to the Good Ole' Days?
Today, my coworker Christi, was waiting on one of our members. As she finished his transaction & he was leaving the building, she was yelling, "Bye Mr. Wilson" to him. You would have to have met Christi to see why I am saying this but when I heard her calling out to Mr. Wilson, my mind took me back to my days watching Dennis the Menace. I told the coworker next to me, Sarah, that I could see Christi being a little Dennis the Menace. I began to think about that show & how cute it was. I used to laugh so hard when I watched it. As I sat at work, I fell into a nice daydream thinking about all of the old t.v. shows that I watched on Saturday mornings. Camp Candy being amongst my favorites. Of course, Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite & CareBears were just beginning when I was a kid & when they made their arrival, they were huge--especially amongst young girls like myself. I had the sheets, the dolls, birthday cakes, lunchboxes, etc. I wonder, does anyone else remember Popples? I don't think they were on for long but what a great show. I still can remember the episode when the bathtub was overflowing with bubbles & it spilled out of the house. I think we still have some of those shows on VHS from our childhood. I'm now 29, I have no kids & don't have much of a reason to arise early on a Saturday morning to tune into cartoons. However, when I have seen them, I am saddened by what I see-I can't believe some of the cartoons that exist that kids are watching...crude humor, foul language, violence & much more. What happened to shows of my day...you know, My Little Pony, GI Joe, The Smurfs? Oh well, thanks Mr. Wilson for coming in & taking my mind down memory lane.
Posted by Heather at Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Extreme Makeover Rolls Into St. Louis
I am sure (actually, I'm certain after having seen the crowd that appeared) that I am not the only one who loves Extreme Makeover: Home Edition & watches it faithfully. That being said, when I heard that the show would be rolling into St. Louis to build a home for a family in need, I was thrilled. I was even more happy to find out that I could be a spectator. After work on Saturday, my family & I headed to Shrewsbury, MO (about 25 miles south of here) & took a shuttle over to the worksite. I was amazed at the great number of people that were not only volunteering of their time but those who, like us, were wanting to see it all unfold.
We arrived to see a land with foundation & that was about it. While we were there, the trusses were arriving & we were even there long enough to see the first couple of walls go up. I always thought the homes were built in 7 days...such is not so. While in the midst of trying to complete all of their projects, the designers took time to greet the crowd, sign some autographs & stop for pictures. We were able to see both John Littlefield & Eduardo Xol on Saturday afternoon. When purchasing a t-shirt, another spectator was asking the worker what designers were at the build. In addition to the 2 we had already seen, we found out that Ed Sanders & Paige Hemmis were the other 2 that were on it. Though everyone hoped to see Ty Pennington, Ty had left not long before our arrival to fly to Ohio to do a doorknock for their next build. We were told that Ty would be back for the last 2 days of this project. Having not seen Ed or Paige before we left, we went to the coffee shop that the team was also rebuilding to see if we could catch a glimpse of either of them. Unfortunately, we did not. We returned to the home yesterday & I was shocked to see how much progress had been made since our departure on Saturday evening. A house stood before us with a roof over it, the drywall was done, people were painting within & many workers outside were preparing to put stone on the house. All of that done--overnight! Not long after we arrived yesterday, I spotted Paige. She was so busy that she never did come to sign as the others had. Much to my dismay, we never did see Ed. Haley overheard a conversation & found out that he was in a tent nearby working on painting animals for one of the rooms for the house. We left at around 6:00 lastnight & that was the end of our Extreme experience. Though I would love to go back & see the finished project & especially be there when the family returns on Wednesday of this week, I must work. I am so glad I was able to go & watch. I had hoped to volunteer but when we inquired, all of the slots were filled. Though we were told there was a waiting list to replace the no-shows,after seeing the house on Saturday, I felt I would be more of a hindrance than a help. I would have been in the way. If you watch the show, you know what an incredible program Extreme Makeover is. I encourage you, should the show ever come to a city near you to bless a family with a home, go & watch & if able, volunteer. As amazing as it is to watch the t.v. show, it's even more amazing to watch a house being built firsthand & see the team in action. For those wondering, the episode of this home is scheduled to air 6 weeks from yesterday (at least, that's what we were told). To read about the family, check out: http://www.extrememakeoverst.louis.com
Posted by Heather at Monday, September 08, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
While we get to choose our friends, aside from marriage or adoptions, we rarely get to choose our family members. 29 years ago, on July 5th, my aunt gave birth to my Cousin Chanda. 13 days later, I came into the picture when my mom had me on July the 18th. For as long as I can remember, Chanda & I have always been around each other. Thankfully, we have pretty much always gotten along (well, except for the time she hit me with a stick when the whole family went camping!). I don't recall us really ever having much of a tiff with one another. Chanda is my friend that I have had the longest & is also one of my closest friends. Over the course of the last 29 years, we have had many good times as well as having been support for one another through a great number of difficult times too. We have experienced so much together that it's hard to recall it all. One of the highlights growing up was when her parents left us home alone as they went out for a Sunday drive. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang & it was a young guy outside. Immediately, we called 911. Just as Chanda's parents were returning home, so were the police arriving. The guy outside the door..he was the guy that lived across the street--not a burglar. I remember the two of us riding along in the backseat of our van when Chanda encouraged me to stick a Tic-Tac up my nose. For whatever reason, I followed her advice & did so. Let's just say that Wintergreen Tic-Tacs don't belong lodged up in nostrils. My mom was not too amused when I told her I did it because Chanda told me to. I don't believe Chanda had had her license for very long when a group of us were going out to eat after church one night. Several of us piled in her car & headed to the restaurant. We made it there just fine. Unfortunately, not a one of us in the car had any knowledge of how to return home & we wound up in a rough part of St. Louis late at night. Cell phones were not seen much back then so we stopped at a gas station to use a payphone--all the while not knowing that the area was not safe. When our parents found out where we were, they were wanting us to get out of there fast. We've done much baking together, been on the same soccer team,celebrated our birthday's together, played grocery store at our Grandma & Grandpa's as kids & spent the summers together with our other sets of Grandparents in AL. I was the Maid of Honor in Chanda & Mike's wedding 10 years ago. I can only hope that one day, I will be the bride & next to me, Chanda will stand as one of my bridesmaids. Until the past 2 years, Chanda & Mike have lived all over the country due to Mike's military service. It has not been easy having the two of them & their three children away but we have always kept in contact regularly. I have been able to go & visit them when they lived in Virginia as well as Oklahoma & most recent, Tennessee. I am pleased that they have moved a bit closer & can visit more frequently. I look forward to the day when they are back home, here in St. Louis. Today, Chanda & Mike have 3 children-Ian (10), Rose (will be 7 on Sept. 11) & Adrianna (5). Mike serves our country proudly in the United States Army. Michael currently is deployed to Afghanistan & is set to return to the states in January of '09. Please, pray for Mike, Chanda & the kids. Chanda is an incredible woman, mother, wife & friend. It has not always been easy for her--especially to have spent so many years away from family. At this time, with Mike's absence she's been tested even more so. Next year, Chanda & I will reach a big milestone, 30. She thinks it would be nice for the two of us to go on a trip somewhere to celebrate the big number. I hope that we will be able to do so. While 29 years have come & gone, our friendship has remained strong all along. I know it will continue to be too.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, September 06, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Everything Changes
After working today, I journeyed to the local mall to pick up a birthday card for a friend. A coworker had recommended a new bbq place in the food court area. Having not had lunch yet, I decided to give it a try. I love bbq & figured it couldn't be bad. I had not been near that part of the mall since Christmas time so I was very surprised to see that a diner had been added, McDonald's was gone & now, the bbq place was in it's spot. My how much things change in just a short amount of time. I recall as kids, my Cousin Chanda & I getting dropped off at the mall to "hang out." Our time there mostly consisted of us riding up & down the elevators for entertainment (specifically the elevator that was in SEARS), visiting Mr. Bulky's for Candy & also eating at Sbarros Pizza & Pasta (once Taco Bell was added, we ate there a lot because we had little money). Oddly enough, Sbarro's is one of the only remaining eating establishments at the mall that was there when we were young (did I really just say that? Am I getting old or what?). As I ate my bbq (which, by the way, was very good), I thought about all of our times there as pre-teens. Then, as I was leaving, I saw the huge DSW store across from the mall that replaced Dierbergs (grocery store) after many years. During my years at One Way at Mid Rivers (where I was hired on at & spent my first 4 years with One Way), I would oftentimes walk to Dierbergs to get a soda or snack. Now, Dierbergs is no longer there--it's just down the road from our home instead. I had done my shopping at the mall (I found the perfect card & was also able to buy a MIZZOU t-shirt with my gift card I received from someone) & was driving home. I thought about all of the changes that have taken place over the years. 15-16 (I forget) years ago, when my parents built this house, the land behind us was just that-land. My best friend, Stacey, & I would walk through the fields or around & up to HUCKS to get Clearly Canadian Flavored Sparkling Water. Today, the land behind us is home to a custard stand, Sonic, a plaza that includes a Chinese restaurant as well as Subway, insurance companies, etc. When we look out our windows, we no longer see SaltLick Road...we see a privacy fence between us & Sonic. Sometimes, I miss the way things used to be.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So Long, Farewell....
After a week of food, fun & fellowship with Jon & Jen, the time had come for us to say goodbye & return to St. Louis. Haley & I gave Jon & Micah hugs & "I love You's" & loaded up the car with our luggage. Jen went to Lisa's house to pick her up & we went into Raleigh for an early lunch before dropping Haley off at the airport. Once we had let Haley out, we still had 2 hours to kill before I would need to check in for my flight (for those curious, Haley & I had different flights because I purchased mine long before she d
id & when she tried to get on the same flights, the cost had went up immensely). Jen decided to take me to Duke University to look at their chapel. Unfortunately, we did not have a map with us & her memory was not serving her too well. I think we took the long way in getting there. At least we made it though. The campus of Duke was gorgeous as was the chapel. Our time at Duke was fast but hey, it was something to do & somewhere I had never been. I was pleased to have seen it. I did tell her that should I return to NC, we will need to find the exact location of UNC so that we can head to Chapel Hill & I can see what the campus looks like there. For now, I'm a Tarheel fan! We wandered back to the car & hit the highway going back to the airport. Jen let me out & gave me a big hug & I was rolling my suitcase on in through the doors. I watched a little of the news while I waited for the plane to arrive--heard more about the Chinese gymnast age scandal. I was hoping to snooze on the plane ride home. Such is fairly impossible when you have a kid behind you digging their knees into your seat & pounding on it with their hands. Not to mention, he talked from the moment we boarded the plane till the moment we got off. Oh well, at least I would have the next day off from work & could rest up then! I am glad that I had the opportunity to go & spend time with such dear friends. Even more special, I was able to do so with someone I love very much..my sister. This trip was probably our last trip together for a long time so I will look back on this for a long time in thankfulness.
Posted by Heather at Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Roamin' Round Raleigh
Having talked for days about shaving his head, Jon decided it was time to quit talking & do some acting. Jen was out for a run with her mom & I volunteered to assist Jon. Haley, wondering why, asked Jon why he was agreeing to letting me shave his head. He made a valid point when he stated that I couldn't mess it up. I mean, it's not like he was just wanting a trim, he was shaving it all. Only way I could have screwed up is if I gashed his head open while using the razor. I had not been in the barbor business until that moment & quite frankly, I just wanted to make Jon look funny for a moment. So, once I had my few seconds of fun with it, I was bored & ready to dart from my duties as his assistant. I allowed him to finish off his shaving. After lunch, we spent our final fully day in Raleigh visiting the capitol & eating supper at a pizza parlor. When Haley visited Jon & Jen in the spring of '07, she & Jen went to the capitol but arrived right before closing time so they were not able to see much. Fortunately, we had plenty of time. Though much smaller than our capitol building here in Missouri, North Carolina's capitol building is still beautiful within. Jon & Jen had taken Haley to a pizza place called the Mellow Mushroom & she was hoping that I would get to see it as it's very psychedellic & "groovy". A friend of Jen's had recommended another pizza place to try though so that's what we did. Jon had been to this place before & said something about the workers being a "different kind of crowd." I wasn't sure what to expect. The building itself reminded me a lot of many of the eating establishments you would find down in the Loop (for those that live in St. Louis) & the workers did as well. So, for Haley & myself, we were not to taken aback by what we saw in the place. More than the Loop, it really made me think of some of the people & places I saw in Seattle...the grunge crowd, artistic atmosphere, etc. We ordered our pizzas (2 of them-one for Haley & me & then Jon & Jen ordered one for themselves) & they were huge. Haley & I had leftovers. Hopefully someone ate the remaining pieces after we returned home to St. Louis. Tired from roaming around, we went back to the house where Jon all of a sudden had come down with a severe cold or something. In fact, we didn't know if he was going to make it through the night. I had even said my goodbyes. But, by the grace of God, God performed a miracle & Jon was still alive before my very own eyes the next morning. How happy were we all to see Jon up & walking...Kleenex free & all.
**No, Jon was not really on death's door. He just tired to get a lot of pity from us all. He had Kleenex hanging out of his nostrils & whined like a baby. Quite the actor.**
Posted by Heather at Tuesday, August 26, 2008