How nice is that..matching shirts?!
Well, at least one of us is still thin. If only it were me!

Years ago, when our family first began attending FBC O'Fallon, I was introduced to a bouncing, bubbly personality named Gina. I think I would be right in saying that I still don't think I've encountered anyone to this day that has had the bright & cheerful disposition that Gina had. Though I do not recall how our friendship really began, I remember we grew to be great friends. As a youth, I spent much time at the McGhee household. Likewise, Gina was at our house often. As time often changes things, such is true with our relationship. Having no contact with one another for quite a while, I was invited to Gina's bridal shower a few years ago. I went to the shower but was unable to make it to the wedding due to having other plans on the particular day. I was surprised to hear that Gina had called to talk to me after my return home from my hospital stays last year. Evidently, I was fast asleep when she called to see how I was. When I awakened, my mom informed me that Gina had called. I had to ask, "Gina who?" as we had not talked since her bridal shower. I made the effort & got her phone number from someone yet, I never took the time to call her. My sister had worked with her mom for quite a while so I knew that Gina was pregnant long ago. I was delighted to receive an invitation to the baby shower being held for Gina. My sister was out of town but my mom & I went to the shower held on October 4th. Though Gina has always been great with kids, it seemed so strange to see the bubbly girl, with child (pregnant) & worn out sitting on the sofa. Just as I have aged & matured, so too, has Gina. I enjoyed getting to see her & the rest of the family that I used to spend so much time with. One of the nice things about modern technology is the ability to regain contact with old friends. Gina & I have been able to do so through facebook. We have decided that we will do lunch sometime. Really, we have no good reason to not spend time with one another. Perhaps we will see each other again sooner than a year or two from now. I should share that days after the shower, Gina gave birth to a precious little girl, Leah Nicole. I look forward to meeting her gift from God & one day, sharing with Leah many stories about her mommy.