As with every Christmas, I receive many presents & this year, was not any different. Though I am appreciative of all that is given to me, it is all unnecessary. This year, the gift that brought the most happiness to me was not found within a box opened up on Christmas Eve or cash found in an envelope. No, this gift was not waiting for me beneath the tree. This gift arrived via the USPS in our mailbox on Christmas Eve...a Christmas card. To many, opening your mailbox to find something other than bills or junk is quite welcoming I'm sure. Which, I am just the same-I can do without the headaches of it all. Since childhood, I have always been over-excited to receive a card or letter from friends. At Christmas time, it is always nice to get Christmas cards & learn how people have been through the year. This card, was no ordinary card though. You see, after the U.S. invaded Iraq & the war began, I set out in search of soldiers to write & mail care packages to. Honestly, I do not remember how I got his name but I received info. for a man named Matthew. I mailed him goodies every once in a while & he & I would e-mail regularly to one another. Once he returned home, I heard from him a few times but not for very long. Having not heard from him in several years, I had (please forgive me Matthew!) not thought about him at all. When I retrieved the mail on Wednesday evening & began to sort through, I noticed an envelope addressed to me with a return address sticker for Matthew. I was surprised to have gotten a card from him & as I read it, tears began to fill my eyes. Matthew wrote, "Heather, Thank you for everything while I was deployed. Because of folks like you, it keeps us going." That was just a line from his card to me & while that may not seem like much to many, that meant the world to me. Matthew is now retired from the military & lives here in MO with his wife & 2 sons. After he returned home, we discussed meeting sometime face-to-face. I am eager, after these several years have passed, to reconnect with Matthew. I hope to meet his family & thank him in person for his service to this great nation. Thank you Matthew, for giving me a wonderful Christmas gift!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Unexpected Gift, the Best Gift
Posted by Heather at Sunday, December 28, 2008