After a week of food, fun & fellowship with Jon & Jen, the time had come for us to say goodbye & return to St. Louis. Haley & I gave Jon & Micah hugs & "I love You's" & loaded up the car with our luggage. Jen went to Lisa's house to pick her up & we went into Raleigh for an early lunch before dropping Haley off at the airport. Once we had let Haley out, we still had 2 hours to kill before I would need to check in for my flight (for those curious, Haley & I had different flights because I purchased mine long before she d
id & when she tried to get on the same flights, the cost had went up immensely). Jen decided to take me to Duke University to look at their chapel. Unfortunately, we did not have a map with us & her memory was not serving her too well. I think we took the long way in getting there. At least we made it though. The campus of Duke was gorgeous as was the chapel. Our time at Duke was fast but hey, it was something to do & somewhere I had never been. I was pleased to have seen it. I did tell her that should I return to NC, we will need to find the exact location of UNC so that we can head to Chapel Hill & I can see what the campus looks like there. For now, I'm a Tarheel fan! We wandered back to the car & hit the highway going back to the airport. Jen let me out & gave me a big hug & I was rolling my suitcase on in through the doors. I watched a little of the news while I waited for the plane to arrive--heard more about the Chinese gymnast age scandal. I was hoping to snooze on the plane ride home. Such is fairly impossible when you have a kid behind you digging their knees into your seat & pounding on it with their hands. Not to mention, he talked from the moment we boarded the plane till the moment we got off. Oh well, at least I would have the next day off from work & could rest up then! I am glad that I had the opportunity to go & spend time with such dear friends. Even more special, I was able to do so with someone I love very sister. This trip was probably our last trip together for a long time so I will look back on this for a long time in thankfulness.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So Long, Farewell....
Posted by Heather at Tuesday, August 26, 2008