In continuing with writing about my friends, I bring you the story of Brother Ben. "Now here's a story about Brother Ben, whose been a very unusual friend. He calls us dog, and says "What up G?" and now he's moving to Bethany." Those are the lyrics to the Ode to Brother Ben written by Haley, Crystal & I before Ben moved years ago. Ben, is definitely, an unusual friend-but in a good way. My first recollection of having met Ben comes from my Cousin Micah's 16th b-day party. Many of us were at Micah's girlfriend's house for the party when someone had the bright idea that we should all dance. Not knowing Ben at all, I quickly refused when he came to invite me to dance with him. From that point on, I have no memory-just that we became friends somehow. My guess? I would venture to say we got to know each other because of our many mutual friends & oftentimes, all hanging out as a group. Over the years, I have found Ben quite amusing. Brother Ben is, without question, my most naive friend (sorry Ben but you are!)--I'll get to that a little later. Being in the youth group together, we saw one another frequently & many times, a group of us would go to Taco Bell after church. I remember us getting a little too loud & rowdy one of the times. We would celebrate the beginning of baseball season at a number of Cardinals home openers & well as many other Cards games together. I recall Ben & I just driving around a couple of times all over St. Charles just to talk-one friend to another. I'm not sure now why we would drive around & waste gas (could it because gas was not over $3.00 13+ yrs. ago?)rather than just sit down somewhere else & talk. Crazy looking back! I remember fun times together during Disciple Now's at the Walton's & the DN Reunion at the Parrish's. I still love the picture I have floating around somewhere of Ben wrapped like a mummy in toilet paper!! Hilarious!! Honestly, I don't have any memory of us really keeping in touch one with another while Ben was attending college at SBU in Bolivar, MO but I also don't remember not keeping in touch. For a time, Ben was the teacher of the college/career class at FBC O'Fallon. I remember Ben inviting me to tag along with him to the MO Baptist Convention for a day when it was in St. Louis years ago. So, we went & I found it to be an interesting experience as there were some rather heated discussions taking place while we were there. Having ministered at the church he spent so many years in, it was time for him to move on in ministry--to a small town in Northern MO called Bethany. He was not there too long before Haley, Crystal & I paid him a visit. Despite the tad bit of a long drive, the cost of the hotel, etc.-it was worth it each time we went. Though there is not a whole lot going on in Bethany (well, there is a Super Wal-Mart that we went to three times in one day), there was (& still is) something about that town that I like. During one of our trips, Ben told us all about an Amish community nearby. Of course, since he told us about it, he HAD to go with us. While we ladies enjoyed it immensely, I'm not so sure that he was as thrilled as we were. In 2004, Ben, Haley, Crystal & I packed in the van & headed to Sebring, FL to visit our friend Greg. Ben is 1 of 2 kids in his family--the other being his brother. So, Ben did not grow up with sisters or girls in his house. I will not share all that we taught Ben during our long drive there & home but he definitely was educated on some things. As I said earlier, Ben is a bit naieve & well, just goofy. As we crossed over a bridge, Ben said, "Look at all that water!" Already having the knowledge that Ben had never been to an ocean, we were learning early that he was really going to be impressed when he finally did arrive at the beach! Afterall, if you can think a small lake is huge, the ocean is gigantic! He did not disappoint either. When we arrived to the beach, he said something to the extent of "Wow, you can't even see the end of it!" He was mesmorized by the expansion of the deep blue sea. While in FL, Greg recommended we go to Orlando & spend some time. We went to Disney World & just looked in a few shops & then ate some ice cream at Ghiradelli's (which, I still long to have another cone from there!). Though we never got close to the Magic Kindgom Castle, Ben informed us all that it was made out of plastic. We all 4 were laughing hysterically because Ben was thouroughly convinced that it was not an actual castle but just some big plastic thing. We kept telling him it was not & that it was an actual building that you could go into. Who know's--for all I now, he may still think it's a piece of plastic. We all had such a great time together on that trip. I am so glad we had the opportunity to share such a special time & make so many memories with one another during that week or so. When we went, Ben had just began dating a girl named Shellie not long before our trip. Months after our return home, I received a call asking me to come to Bethany to meet Shellie. Months later, he would call me again--this time, to say he was engaged & to tell me the wedding date. I was pleased to be in attendance & share their special day with them. Shellie & Ben are now married, they have a daughter & just days ago on October 23rd (which happens to be Ben's birthday also), Shellie gave birth to their 2nd child, a son named Jase. I am pleased that I have had a chance to further get to know Shellie--only wish we could all see each more often. She has made my friend so happy & that, makes me happy. Though, naive & a bit strange at times (but, who isn't?), Brother Ben has been a faithful friend to me for many years. I have often called him in years past to talk to him about guy problems & even a few years ago when I called to tell him about a guy I had been on a date with--he showed great concern when he told me that he already didn't like the guy just because he didn't like sports. Ben said he wasn't for me. He was right--things ended before they really got started for the guy & I. When I was admitted to the hospital last year with all of my medical problems, Ben & Shellie called me a number of times to check on me & express their prayers. I don't recall us ever not getting along really. I would say Ben has been probably one of my most loyal friends for many years. I have never doubted whether or not I could trust Ben when I would share things with him. Though I don't know much how our friendship began, I'm glad it did.
**For those that desire to know Ben's #1 moment of being naive, please ask & I'll divulge.**