A little over a week ago, with tears streaming down my face, I hugged my sister tightly and said good-bye. While I am sure that I was mesmerized by Haley when she first arrived in this world, I was not always as amused with her. In fact, for many years, I did not like having her around at all. By God's grace, as He transformed my heart and I grew older, my love and appreciation for my sister returned. As many of my friends left for college, I did not have many friends who remained in town. Then, my friends began to marry and move away. One person was always here though-yep, my sister. We began spending more and more time with each other-time I cherish. Haley may be younger than me but in many areas, I look up to her and have great admiration for her. My sister has always had a heart for the underdog, the less popular or the "different" kind of individual that most (including myself unfortunately at times) would stay away from. She has always been quick to forgive no matter how many times someone may have hurt her. I could go on & on about all of her good qualities and traits. Though watching her walk away from us at the airport was extremely difficult, I am more proud of her now than ever. I hope that when we sense God calling us to action that we, like Haley, would follow in obedience and not ignore what He ask of us. Thankfully, Veterans Day fell on the day before she left and because I work at a financial institution, I had the day off. I had planned to run some errands and get things done. As I prepared to do so, Haley mentioned that she thought I would like to wait so that I could go with her. It was clear to me that though she may not have really cared one way or the other to go by herself, she knew deep down inside that I would rather wait and go with her than go it alone and miss an opportunity to spend time together. I decided to wait on her and then we headed out together to do some shopping. I am so glad that in the last few weeks before Haley's flight out, we were able to spend much time one with another and enjoy one another's company. On the eve before Haley left, our entire family in town (and some that even drove in from KY) came over for dinner and visitation time with Haley.

Haley still was not packed. But...as our family always does, everyone pitched in to help pack up her room, carry things to the basement, fold her clothes, etc.

Our Cousins Lisa & Chanda were the last ones to leave late & when they left, Haley was still packing.

I'm not sure what time my sister made it to bed. Despite going to bed late myself and not sleeping well, I was up at 3:30 to throw on some clothes and go with my parents to take Haley to the airport though. As we rode in the van, I took a few pictures of my sister and me. I don't think she was too overjoyed about the bright flash going off in the pitch dark blinding her eyes though. I continued my picture taking while in the airport too. Haley asked why I was taking so many pictures and I told her I was doing so because it was my last chance to take pictures of her for a long while. So, even though I look absolutely horrific in the photos (having not showered or washed my hair yet, no make-up, etc.), they are precious to me.

Now, my sister is in Nicaragua and the testimonies of God already moving greatly there are an encouragement to my heart to hear of. I pray for Haley daily. I pray for many missionaries around the globe daily. I ask you to also, remember these in prayer who are carrying forth the gospel both near and far.