Sunday, August 17, 2008

Under the Stars

During their time in Wake Forest, Jon & Jen made many good friends at Southeastern Seminary. Of those friends, were Steve, his wife JoAnna & their daughter, Savannah. On our 2nd night in NC, I had the pleasure of meeting Steve & Savannah-she's 3. Our friends, Jon & Jen, live on a lake out in the woods. Thinking it would be a great time together & a special experience, Steve & Savannah came to camp out in a tent behind Jon & Jen's house. Not long after they showed up for the evening, Steve & Jon took Savannah out in the canoe for a ride on the lake. After we had a wonderful meal consisting of hot dogs (how could it be bad if hot dogs are involved--which, by the way, you may stop by to visit Jon & my's hotdog stand in the future...JB's Wieners), mac & cheese, broccoli, etc. we went outside so that Haley & I could learn how to play Bocce Ball. Before we began our game, I sprayed insect repellent on as I feared getting eaten alive. Out we went & while some did better than others at the game, just the mere company of one another was a blessing. In other words, I was horrible. I came in dead last place. Still, that being said, I do like Bocce Ball. As the sun was nearly gone, we began to make S'mores (I'm telling ya, we did some good eatin' in NC). In the midst, just a few sprinkles began to fall kind of cooling things off a bit as it was terribly hot & humid out. As night fell upon us, Steve & Savannah searched for stars in the sky. Haley & Jen found their way into the canoe & went for a late night paddle while Jon yelled at Jen telling her they did not need to be out so far (he feared their tipping over & falling in. No, not for their safety but because he did not want to have to swim in the lake full of moss & snapping turtles to rescue either of them). As Haley & Jen were out on the lake & Jon was busying himself, I was able to see Steve's interaction with his daughter & was deeply touched. I will follow up that in another blog though. In the meantime, luckily, Haley & Jen made it back safely. The time was late & bedtime was drawing near. We left Steve & Savannah to their tent out in the heat & went into our beds in the air conditioned house. When we did so, we discovered legs & arms were covered in bites. We think they were probably chigger bites (which I had never had before). Haley couldn't believe it & said, "Heather, you've got like 50 on one leg!" The next day, I would attempt to count my bites but after coming up with 30 on my arms & having spots on my arms left to count, I gave up. I knew I'd never be able to count all of them. So, if you are wondering what kind of repellent to use, I would suggest a different one than I used or just ban the country life altogether!