On Sunday morning, we went to Coats Baptist Church for their traditional service. While the service was good, it seemed so different than the norm for us since it had been sometime since I'd been in a "traditional" service (Haley & I attend the contemporary service at our church as our Sunday School hour is during the traditional service time slot). After church, we went to Jen's parents house for lunch with her folks, her sister & niece & nephew. I had the honor of sitting by Jen's niece, Sydney during lunch. Sydney is 5 (I believe that's right--Jen, tell me if I'm wrong). She is North Carolina born & bred & has the cutest little southern drawl when she speaks. Sydney instructed me to mix my corn & green beans together because it taste good. I never did try doing so though. We had a good meal but even better was the dessert we had..Blueberry Cobbler. I thought if funny when Jen's sister & kids prepared to leave that Sydney said we (she & I) were going to have our picture taken together. I had not talked to her a whole lot but I guess she felt she had made a new friend. I told her that she could come to St. Louis to see me anytime. She let me know that she would & when she does, I can buy her a present. Kids are so funny. Later in the day, Haley & I rode with Jen to deliver blueberries to the homebound or elderly. During our outing, we paid her grandparents a visit. I really enjoyed meeting them--especially her grandma. Jen's grandfather sufferes from Alzheimers & fortunately, he was having a fairly good day while we were there. As Jen & I went into the kitchen with her grandma to try some of her Peach Cobbler, Haley talked to her grandpa in the other room. She said that several times, her grandpa told her he served in the NAVY for 6 years. Yet, with each story, his exit out of the NAVY was different. He kept telling us all that he wanted to go home. He does not understand that the house in which they live, is his home--has been for 60+ years. I was moved by Jen's grandma's love & dedication to her husband. As hard as it is for her, she refuses to put the man that she pledged her love to 67 years ago in a nursing home. She trusts that God will give her the grace & strength to make it through. Once we had visited a while, Jen's got a couple of carrots out to take & feed Dolly (their horse). Micah fed Dolly one & then it was my turn. Due to my panic & hurriedness in feeding Dolly, Haley did not have enough time to snap a picture. I was scared that Dolly might go for a larger bite & think my hand was part of her afternoon snack. Once we said our goodbyes to Jen's grandparents, we went back to the house where Jon was preparing Bulgoki (a Korean dish). We ate quickly & returned to church to hear the youth report on their mission trip to Buffalo, NY. I was pleased to listen to the youth talk of the joy that had in sharing Jesus with people. All in all, good day.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Family Time
Posted by Heather at Sunday, August 24, 2008