Trolley rides, Palace Tours, PEPSI-Cola & Moo cows...we were near the end of our journey for the day. We wanted to go down by the waterfront before we left though. We parked right by the water where seagulls & pigeons were covering the ground. Though Jen & I got out & began to walk, Haley was left in the car clamoring in fear as she is deathly afraid of birds (I guess that might happen if a bird decides to unload on you-twice). Finally, Jen & I turned to see her covering her head with her backpack & running as fast as a lightning bolt. We did not stay long--just long enough to take a few pictures (until our batteries died). After a quick stop at the Rite Aid heading out of New Bern (I needed some more Benadryl for my itchy legs thanks to those darn bug bites!), we were on our way back to Jon & Micah. We had a wonderful day seeing new things & spending time together but I also enjoyed our ride back. The three of us had some really good conversations as we discussed church & church life. We also ventured into the subject of dating, relationships, marriage. Though Jen is married, obviously, neither Haley or I are. Jen inquired as to what I am looking for in a future mate. Such is not a topic that I frequently discuss with people-doesn't get brought up often. It was nice to share with her & receive encouragement in waiting for God's best & not settling for anything less than that. I am glad that we were able to have such a nice day one with another.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Day is Done
Posted by Heather at Sunday, August 24, 2008