As a child, my Grandma would sing many Bible songs to not just myself but my sister as well as my cousins. Many of those songs have stuck with me even to this day. Lately, I've been listening to a CD with nothing but some of those songs. As I drive down the road, I sing some of the very songs my Grandma taught us. Why is a woman nearly 30 years old listening to a children's CD you ask? Well, I love the songs to begin with, it brings back precious memories of my Grandma & I love to hear the sound of little voices singing praises to the King. "A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam. A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I"ll be a sunbeam for Him"--I can still hear my Grandma singing that one. Or, my favorite...."Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in today, come into stay, come into my heart Lord Jesus." My Grandma probably had no idea that I would go back to these songs years later. Of all the songs Grandma would sing, probably the one I remember her singing the most frequently was "O, Be Careful Little Eyes"...we all know it..."O, Be careful little eyes what you see, O Be careful little eyes what you see, For the Father up above, He is looking down with love, O Be careful little eyes what you see." As we all know, it then goes on to say O, Be careful little hands what you do, O Be careful little feet where you go, O be careful little tongue what you say, etc. I have seen firsthand just how much people watch we Christians & look to us to be the example they expect. The non-believing world is waiting to see us fall-to call us hypocrites. Sadly, we often succeed at giving them their wish. I have noticed then in my workplace....because it is known that I am a Christian, I am observed more closely than anyone in the building. Just as I pray that I exude Godliness to my coworkers, I'm reminded that not only are they attentive to that which I say & do but more important, the Father up above is. I go back to a message on one of my
keychains...a scripture from Psalms..."Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer"- Psalms 19:14. May I be about pleasing Jesus with my thoughts, words, actions and travels.