Sunday, May 17, 2009
Always a Kid At Heart
I'm not sure when I'll grow up. I'm nearing 30 & while I feel old (& am depressed about that number...30), I often times like to act like a child. I love to play & have fun. When I see a playground, it calls out my name. Swings are inviting. Things to climb on beg for me to come towards them for a photo opp. I've not outgrown the silly side of who I am. As my Cousin Chanda, her husband & 3 kids met us in Sikeston, we had fun outside of Lambert's taking pictures. Chanda's youngest, Adrianna, is a natural--the camera loves her & she loves the camera. She LOVES to strike a pose & say, "Ready" as you rush to snap a shot. After a while, we moved the party to a local park--not much to rave about. The equipment was designed for 2-5 yr. olds (at least that's what the sign said) but it did not stop all of of grown-ups from playing around on it. Nothing broke so I think we're OK. Shhhh...don't tell anyone we were there! some decent pictures of us all monkeying around. What a family!
Posted by Heather at Sunday, May 17, 2009