Perhaps like me, from time to time you come across an artist whose music really ministers to your heart. A couple of years ago, while on myspace, I began to search for some new music. As I did so, I was introduced to the voice of Kari Jobe. The first thing I noticed was that her voice held my attention--not often achieved by female vocalists (nothing against ladies...I just like very few female artists). The second thing that I noticed was the fact that I was captivated by the songs I was listening to. I waited for her to release a CD & finally, she has done so. I was quick to buy it & was looking forward to listening to the song that is featured in the video above. I was slightly disappointed to discover that particular song is actually not on her CD. However, I have fallen in love with the rest of her songs. Each time I listen to her music, I am taken into the presence of Our Father. I have found myself singing those lyrics (I want to sit at Your feet, drink from the cup in Your hand, lay back against You & breathe & feel Your heartbeat...) time & and time again over the last few months. Her song below, My Beloved, is another one of my favorites. While I find the entire song to be moving, I love the line that says, "I see no stain on you my child." How great a God we serve that He should cleanse us of all our filth & and dirt. Isaiah 1:18b states, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be white as snow." Psalms 51:7 says, "Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." As I think about my life as well as others in my life & consider things we have done, how incredible to think that when God looks at us, He does not see us as dirty, for we have been made clean. Praise God! For those of you that are searching for some music that will lead you to the Father's heart, I encourage you....check out Kari Jobe. Truly, her music is a gift from God that is touching the lives of many for His kingdom I'm sure.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Music that Moves
Posted by Heather at Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Chillin' @ Ben & Shellie's Crib in K.C.
After a detour around town (thanks to my talking on the phone & not listening to the instructions of the TomTom), I finally pulled into Ben & Shellie's around 11:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. The drive there was nice as I listened to a couple Todd Agnew cd's & sang along. Anyway, I arrived at the Bextermueller residence & was greeted by Ben & his son Jase at the door. That was my first time meeting Jase who is 7 months old. I had not been there very long when Ben left for the day to head into work. Shellie & I had never spent any amount of time together without Ben so it was enjoyable for us to get to talk & learn more about each other. I am grateful for the time we had. While Ben was away, we went to Maggie Moo's for ice cream. Shellie & I got the same kind & boy was it good! I had lots of fun with Addie (2 1/2 yrs old-almost 3) who was just as entertaining as I figured she'd be. Ben finally made it home from work about 8:00 p.m. & was nice enough to cook us supper (which, by the way, was quite tasty--hot dogs). After Shellie & Ben put the kids to bed, we stayed up till nearly 2:00 a.m. talking--Ben & I filling Shellie in on days gone by. We had a blast reminiscing. Ben was bent over double almost in tears laughing as I told Shellie the "onion ring" story that Ben was dying for me to tell her about. Sometimes, it seems as if those times were just yesterday & at other times, it seems like it was a lifetime ago. We told her all about our many t.p. outings (for those unaware of what t.p. stands for--that would be toilet paper) & so much more. Finally, we were all tuckered out & headed to bed so that we could wake up for church. I was pleased to get to go to church with Ben & Shellie but disappointed that I did not realize we were in KS until Ben informed me we were (I did not see the state sign as I was not looking that direction at that moment). I told Ben that I was really bummed out because he could have stopped & Shellie, the kids & I could have piled out to have him take our picture in front of the state sign. Apparently he was not interested--he felt he had enough of that on our trip to FL when Haley, Crystal & I made him stop at every state sign so we could get our photo in front of it. No fun at all! Aging is making him so dull & boring! (Only kidding Bro. Ben, you know I love ya). I liked the church & the pastor's sermon was great. I will say that going to bed at 2:00 a.m., waking up at 7:00 a.m. & trying to walk into church is not an easy task. Shellie & I both were fighting to stay awake during the service. For every prayer that was prayed, I kept thinking, "Hurry up or I'm gonna be out!" Lesson learned? Don't stay up till 2:00 a.m. talking to your friends & then expect to be able to stay awake in church. I had a great visit with Ben & Shellie. The highlight of the visit had to be watching Ben with his children & seeing how much love he has for them--that gave me incredible joy. Not that I thought Ben would be a poor dad, I just never envisioned him as a dad period. I think that simply is because I never saw him around children. Likewise, many would probably say that about me-that they had never seen me with kids. To watch Ben with their kids, was a true delight. He is an amazing dad to Addie & Jase. They're blessed to have Ben as their father. Sunday afternoon, it was time to head on out & move along to Jeff City to stay the night at Crystal's. I was pretty tired at that point-thankfully I was able to talk to a few friends along the way & that kept me awake until I made it to Ethel's (aka..Crystal). That was the first time I'd visited with Ben since he married & I don't know when I'll made it back to visit again but I'm grateful for the time we all had together. I'm blessed with such wonderful friends & it's good to know that no matter how much time passes between visits, we can pick up right where we left off & still have the closeness we always have had. Ben & Shellie....thanks for a good time!
Posted by Heather at Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Always a Kid At Heart
I'm not sure when I'll grow up. I'm nearing 30 & while I feel old (& am depressed about that number...30), I often times like to act like a child. I love to play & have fun. When I see a playground, it calls out my name. Swings are inviting. Things to climb on beg for me to come towards them for a photo opp. I've not outgrown the silly side of who I am. As my Cousin Chanda, her husband & 3 kids met us in Sikeston, we had fun outside of Lambert's taking pictures. Chanda's youngest, Adrianna, is a natural--the camera loves her & she loves the camera. She LOVES to strike a pose & say, "Ready" as you rush to snap a shot. After a while, we moved the party to a local park--not much to rave about. The equipment was designed for 2-5 yr. olds (at least that's what the sign said) but it did not stop all of of grown-ups from playing around on it. Nothing broke so I think we're OK. Shhhh...don't tell anyone we were there! some decent pictures of us all monkeying around. What a family!
Posted by Heather at Sunday, May 17, 2009
Lamberts - Home of the Throwed Rolls
In an effort to try to assist my parents Sunday School class in their ability to use the church bus for their day trip to Sikeston, MO to eat at Lambert's Cafe, I agreed to join them so that they may get closer to the number of people needed. It's a rough job--having to go down there to get stuffed on fried okra, fried taters, rolls, etc. But...someone had to do it & because I'm so very kind I offered to take on the task. Surprisingly, the joint wasn't crowded upon our arrival-that is highly unusual but hey, no complaints. We piled in to the booths & threw our hands up in the air to catch some rolls. Everyone ordered & before long, the tables were filled with food. My meal consisted of frog legs (yes, I ordered frog legs--you can't find them very often-take advantage of it whenever you can!), candied yams & of beans. I talked my Cousin Chanda & her son, Ian, into trying the frog legs. Chanda thought they were decent while Ian was not too fond of the taste. As I told him, even if he didn't like them, at least he could say he'd tried it. The food was wonderful--as it always is. As I took pictures, my dad informed everyone present that the photographs would be posted on my blog. Apparently he just expected that I would find them worthy of posting? I suggested that he may want to begin his own blog rather than attempting to control mine. He seemed to have a lack of interest in doing so--not much of a writer. So, for those that were waiting in anticipation for these they are!
Posted by Heather at Sunday, May 17, 2009
Heart of Worship
I venture to say that the majority of people across churches in America have, at some point & time, heard Matt Redman's "Heart of Worship." Like everything else we sometimes do, singing such a song can become substance behind it. This morning, my pastor preached a sermon titled "Expression" & it dealt with worship. I am grateful to God for sending Pastor Bob to FBCH & each message thus far has spoken to me greatly. In particular, today's message really hit home hard with me. As Pastor Bob shared God's Word, I wondered...when did worship become about me? I am ashamed to admit that I have been one of those that have walked through the church doors, sat in the pew, sang the songs, heard the preacher preach (notice I said heard..not listened) & then walked out. I have gotten into my car & drove off wishing we would have done the songs I liked--the slower tempo song & not the one that repeats the lines a hundred times. I've wished the pastor would have talked about something else because I was bored with the message. As Pastor Bob stated, if we wish to know our purpose in's outlined for us in His Word.The greatest privelege in life is to enjoy God & be enjoyed by God. Before I was even born, God knew everything that I would do (the good, bad & the ugly) & yet, He created me anyway. What a mind-blowing thought. Revelation 4: 11 says, "Worthy are You, our Lord & our God, to receive glory & honor & power; for You created all things, and because of Your will, they existed, and were created." Worship is not about you or me, it's about the Almighty. The pastor mentioned "Heart of Worship" & shared with us the story of how the song came to be. As I thought about the words of the song, I thought about how they rang so true of me..."I'm sorry Lord, for the thing I've made it, 'cause it's all about You, all about Jesus." Yes, we may have our preferences & while that is OK, if our preferenes interfere with our worship, it is not OK. Pastor Bob relayed to us the meanings behind the word "worship" as it is from the context of the English dictionary as well as the Hebrew & Greek. In Hebrew, the word means "to bow down." In Greek, "To kiss toward." He also said that it may also be compared to that of a dog licking the master's hand. If you have a dog or have been around dogs, you know that dogs are eager to see you...greeting you by jumping up on you, longing to be pet & loving you with their slobber as the lick you all over. The dog is "worshipping" it's owner so to speak. We were asked how often we run to our Master unable to get enough of Him because we are so eager to be in His presence. As I listned to the message, I thought about my trips to Siloam Springs, Arkansas for T.H.E.E. Camp (youth camp...The Heaven & Earth Experience) as a teenager & how my walk with Christ would get so rejuvenated & energized that when I returned home, I was set on fire so that I could not help but throw all fear of judgement or criticizm out the window & worship God freely. I was not concerned with what someone might think if I felt led to stand during a song & raise my hands in praise & adoration to the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. I did not care if someone might see me on my knees in prayer. Somewhere, over time, I lost what it meant to truly worship. Worship is not about whether or not I liked the guitar arrangement for the song we sang or if I thought Pastor Bob's message was too long. It's not about whether someone may or may not think I have serious issues because I decided to move to the altar to pray. Like Pastor Bob said, worship SHOULD make us uncomfortable. We should not be content to remain as we are. If I'm cozy doing what I'm doing, than I need an encounter with the Living Lord. As I thought about my life, I could relate when the pastor asked us how many times we had walked in to church & walked out on the same "floor" having not allowed Christ to take us to the next "level". The message today pierced my heart & I pray that it will remain in my mind for a long time to come. Father forgive me for my selfish, sinful ways & for making worship about me. I am sorry Lord for what I have made worship to be. May I forget about myself & fix my eyes upon You who is worthy & deserving of all my praise. May I humble myself as a child & bow unashamedly as the feet of You, My Father longing to proclaim You are Holy! May I worship without any reservations...with abandon.
Posted by Heather at Sunday, May 17, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
O Be Careful Little Eyes

Posted by Heather at Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mom's Day 2009

My Hannah Bug & myself just a swingin' on the porch swing.
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Simple Pleasures

After going for my pedicure, I drove over to a nearby park to do some walking, thinking, praying & reading. The weather could not have been any more perfect for me to do so. While at the park, I took some time to snap some photos as well. The flowers are not in full blossom just yet but even still, I enjoyed my time there. I have a feeling I may be taking many more trips to the park soon. I'm learning how relaxing it can be to just go there & "relax!" Thank You God for simple pleasures in life--the cool breeze blowing my hair gently in the wind, the sounds of children laughing, a bench to sit on & a song in my heart. You are far too good to me.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, May 09, 2009
Beautiful Feet
Today, I visited a local salon for a pedicure (before picture: above, after picture: below). I would not normally go to this particular place but my sister kindly gifted our mother with a gift certificate last Mother's Day & well, my mom had yet to use it & the expiration date on it was for May 10th. When my mom remembered she had the gift certificate, she gave it to me to use. So, in I get my toes "all done up." As the lady massaged my legs & feet & painted my toenails, I thought about a couple of things. For starters, I wondered what drives an individual to want to carry such a job. I don't have a foot fetish nor am I a Podophobic (one who fears feet) but I don't think I have any desire to place my hands on dirty, nasty, stinky feet. As I sat in the chair some more & silence had set in (the pedicurist had already asked every question under the sun & quite frankly, I was not interested in furthering conversation with her--just not my thing), I began to think back to a song that my sister & I listened to as kids. The song is titled Beautiful Feet & it was on Sandi Patti's album Sandi Patti & the Friendship CO. Though it's a fun little diddy, I remember thinking even as a child, beautiful feet? Who has beautiful feet? The more I reflected on the song, the more I was reminded of Psalms 139: 13-14 that states, "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well." Hmmm..what a thought. Even though I look at my feet & think, "Goodness, what ugly feet" (which is oh so true), they are beautiful to my Maker as He crafted them. Amazing to think that whether it be the freckles on my face, the hairs on my head, my tiny hands or my goofy looking pups (feet), they were all intricately designed by My Creator, God. As I look now at my feet, I think about the song some more. While the song my be a children's song, I hope that the words will prove true for me--I pray that my feet (as unattractive as I think they are) will be ones that bring good news, publish peace and share that Jesus Loves You. Then, there may be some beauty to these feet!
There are feet that skip and play
There are feet that run away
There are feet that love a race and win or lose
There are chubby feet and small
And strong feet to kick a ball
But beautiful are the feet that bring good news.
There are feet that sleekly swim
Through the water wearing fins
There are feet that shimmy up the tallest trees
There are happy feet and sad
There are aching feet and mad
But beautiful are the feet that publish peace.
Those are beautiful feet
Beee-uuu-ti-ful feet!
Dutiful, cute-i-ful lett!
Tried and true-ti-ful feet
Do you have beautiful feet!
Do you have beautiful feet!
Feet climb mountains, feet climb stairs
Some wear shoes, and so go bare!
There are feet of every shape and every size
But when feet run with the new
Jesus loves me and loves you
Then no matter what they look like - realize…
Beautiful feet
Beautiful feet
Beautiful, beautiful feet!
Tried and true-ti-ful feet
Do you have beauti-i-ful feet
(Walkin’ with my Jesus down a one way street - with my beautiful, beautiful feet.)
Posted by Heather at Saturday, May 09, 2009