Well, it's been a while since I've put a posting up about a friend or a special person in my life. So, I thought the time had come. Every once in a while, someone comes along in life that you just have an instant connection with. From the moment PJ first walked into my work, we "clicked" so to speak. I still recall his coming up to the counter to ask me about a particular music group. When he began to talk, I picked up on a Southern accent. Of course, I could not let it go so I had to comment on it. He thought that I was poking fun of his drawl while I was not (heck, I had no room to tease him. I've got a Southern accent & I'm not even from the south!)--I just wanted to know where he was from. I soon learned that he was a good ole' boy from West Virginia & he was here in MO attending Logan Chiropractic. After many more trips into the store & a number of conversations with myself as well as Jose' (one of my coworkers), PJ had fallen in "like" with us & decided he wanted to jump on board with the One Way crew.
(Jose, Me & PJ-out celebrating PJ's b-day as well as my sister's whose b-day is Valentine's Day. No Haley in the pic because she was taking the pic).

After really no convincing at all, my boss (& good friend) hired him & the fun began. PJ & I worked together quite frequently & while we should have been "working", we spent more time visiting & learning about each other. Our friendship grew very fast & it did not take long for me to see, God had blessed me with an amazing new buddy...or as I say to him, "my friend" (you'd have to hear me say it--he thinks it's hysterical). PJ had the ability (& if he was still around, I'm sure he'd still have the knack) to read me like a book--probably better than anyone ever has been able to. Without ever saying a word, he knew if I was upset, if something was weighing heavily on my mind, etc. While you may think that is a good thing, it could be a bit annoying as he would not just let me be--he'd press me for answers. There's something about PJ's nature that just puts a person at ease--there's a certain comfortability factor. I don't open up easily to people. Yet, he had a way of bringing out "me." Shoot, he even got me to do my "Pump up the Jam" dance for him & friends that I've had for 15+ yrs. still haven't seen me do that! We spent many evenings in prayer together, eating out & arguing (the fights always came when the bill was presented. PJ, like a true Southern gentleman would want to pay & I would not allow him to do so because I just have a hard time letting someone do so), laughing together (this would be a really good time for me to tell about the time I went to take the trash out at work & PJ kept trying to steer me away from the back room. PJ, may I fill everyone in on that story?!), crying (well, one of us anyhow) & the list goes on. I have PJ to thank for introducing me to the music of Jack Johnson...who, I must say, I quite like...especially the part of "Do You Remember" that says, "You played me Boogie Woogie"-I don't know why but I find myself chuckling at that part. PJ has been back in WV for a few years now & is married to a wonderful gal named Kasey.
PJ & his bride, Kasey.

The two anticipate the arrival of their firstborn (Gabriel Pierce) who is slated to make his grand entrance into the world next month. I wish him nothing but the best for that is what he deserves. Though PJ is no longer here, we still talk--once every few months (if we're lucky-we play phone tag like nobody's business) & though our calls are brief, they're a blessing. PJ has been a constant source of encouragement to me as well as a very true friend. Should I need someone to talk to, voice a concern to or share a prayer request with, he's oftentimes one of the first individuals that I call. I know without a doubt that regardless as to how often he talks to me, I'm in his prayers. To meet someone like PJ is far & few between & I'm grateful to God for allowing our paths to cross for I know that we'll forever be a part of one another's lives. I only hope that everyone could be as fortunate as I & meet someone as great as, "My Friend", PJ.