Ever had one of those days where you woke up & from that moment on, everything seemed to be disastrous? Today, has been that day for me. When I saw the ENT doc 3 weeks ago, I had to set up my follow-up appointment. Not knowing my work schedule that far in advance, I made my appointment for the earliest available today just in case I could not get off work for the entire day (that way, if I must miss some work, I'd be using up less of my sick time). Thankfully, I was given the day off. Unfortunately, that meant that on my only day off, I had to be awake by 7:00 to prepare for my visit to the doctor's office. I made my way there for what seemed to be a rather extended stay. I spent 2 hours at the doctor's & my nerves were becoming highly aggravated. It seems that communication is not one of the office's strongest suits. I would be put in a room to see the doctor, taken to a different room, set out in the hallway to wait, returned to one of the rooms I had already been in, etc. By the time I left, I was more than irritated & ready to be out of there. My next "TO DO" item was to search for the Nintendo Wii & Wii Fit. I began calling around to see if anyone had the items in stock. While one store had 2 of the consoles & only 1 of the Wii Fits, another location had 2 Wii Fits & no remaining console. I hurried to the Wal-mart closest to where I was at & picked up the Wii Fit & then quickly drove to the next Wal-Mart in high hopes that my arrival there would not leave me disappointed. I also was rushing over there as the gentlemen I spoke to on the phone had informed me that he had already spoken to someone that also was on their way there to pick up a Wii. I pulled into the parking lot & walked briskly (if you know me, you would know this is highly unusual for me as I take my sweet time & don't get in a rush to go anywhere)into the store & nearly ran to the electronics department. By the time I made it to the service representative, I was about out of breath & could hardly speak up to tell him what I needed (obviously, I am in dire need of the Wii Fit!!). Hallelujah--there were still 2 locked up & I made it there just in time. At this point, it was after 11:00 a.m. I had not had breakfast nor had I had any lunch. I was beginning to get a bit hungry. Rather than stopping somewhere fast, I opted to skip spending the money & eating something unhealthy & just head home for a sandwich. As I was en route to my home, every driver around was moving at a turtle's pace. Again, if you know me well & have ridden with me, you know that I just barely go the speed limit (except for when I'm going through Cottleville, MO that I know is a speed trap. For whatever reason, when I drive thru that part of the neighborhood, I feel compelled to go faster & without realizing it, I'm usually going 10 over!). If I was going to get pulled over, it'd not be for speeding. So, if I was getting angry, you know everyone else had to be going REAL SLOW! I found myself yelling at the driver's as they could not seem to decide upon which lane they wanted to be in, where they wanted to turn & the list goes on. I was quite angry! You may be thinking I'm done...I'm not. I got home, ate my lunch & then carried my checkbook (which also contains my cash & credit cards) upstairs to get online & balance my account. No more than a half hour later, I was back downstairs searching all over for the calculator when I remembered that I had left it upstairs with my checkbook. I planned to run up the stairs & bring my stuff back down with me but forgot all about doing so. I volunteered to make supper tonight but had some ingredients that still needed purchased so I hopped in the car & went down the street to Dierbergs. I went in, filled my basket with cheese, pasta bowties, orange juice & ground beef & was good to go. With my patience already worn more than thin for the day, there was no way I was waiting in line to be helped-I went to the self-checkout. I placed my basket up there & got ready to get my credit card out when I noticed something...there was a reason my purse felt lighter-my checkbook wasn't it my purse. The light bulb then went on & I remembered I had never went back up the steps to bring it down & put it back in my purse. I looked at the little old lady working & she immediately guessed what had happened. She said, "Honey, did you forget your wallet?" I asked her if she would be so kind as to just keep it sitting there while I ran home. Since I'm less than 5 minutes from the store, she agreed to do so. I jumped back in the car, flew up the street, ran in the house, got my stuff & made it all the way to the front of the subdivision & had to stop. I sat & sat...waiting for the left turn signal. After sitting for quite a while (sometimes, it takes forever for the thing to trigger & turn), I considered just running the light as there was not a single car in sight--no harm at stake. However, I opted to follow the law & wait. Finally, the light turned. I parked & went back in & found my stuff exactly where I had left it. I paid & carried my bags out & put them in the car to return home. Of course, I didn't carefully place them in the floor board so as soon as I turned, every single item fell out of the bag. Meanwhile, I was driving home with smoke nearly coming out of my ears because I was so furious with myself for all of the runaround! I pulled into the driveway & gathered up all of the groceries back into the bag, walked in the house & began emptying the bags back out when I began to wonder something. I was dying for some orange juice so I bought Tropicana because it was on sale. I have no clue what I got that kind for--Tropicana is far from my favorite brand. In fact, I barely even like it. Oh brain, where art thou? Yep, it's been one of those days. Sad thing is, I've still got more hours left in the day. I'd love to say tomorrow will be better but tomorrow brings about my rolling out of bed having to walk into work. Is it almost Sunday? Ugh!