A couple of weeks ago marked 6 months from our accident in Nicaragua. Much has occurred in our lives in the last 6 months & I've now realized that while I wrote about our difficulty in Nicaragua, I have yet to write about our happiest moment. As Haley & Jesus just celebrated their 6 month anniversary on July 21st (though they are miles apart from one another), I want to make sure I share about one of the most important days in my sister's life as well as the life of our family.
In 2004, Haley traveled to Nicaragua with a team in order to build homes for hurricane victims. While there, she met a young man named Jesus; a native of the country as well as one in which they were building a home for. She knew there was something very special about him & felt close to him; hating having to leave him after only knowing him for a few short days. In the years following, Haley would return to Nicaragua numerous times for further missions projects & later, to spend time simply visiting with Jesus. You should know that Jesus does not speak English (though he is now taking English classes) & at the time, Haley did not speak Spanish very well. Their conversing took place through the use of translators. Even after Haley would return home, the two would correspond through letters & she would have one of her Hispanic Friends here translate. I know to many of you, you will find this to be the most beautiful love story. For me, I always thought it a bit strange. I envisioned the two of them sitting there. I pictured Jesus wanting to kiss her. Meanwhile, the interpreter sat between them. I wondered...would Jesus then say to the translator, "I'd like to kiss her."? Then, would the translator look at Haley & say, "He'd like to kiss you." Now, I must admit, I've never gotten an answer to any of this & I guess it probably doesn't much matter now but curious minds want to know. Haley, you want to spill the beans now? I questioned...how can 2 people that can't communicate clearly be in love with one another? How can you grow to love someone you rarely get to see/talk to? Seems God's plans are not necessarily our plans, nor is it the norm or what we think it ought to be oftentimes. After numerous return visits, Haley moved to Nicarauga & lived there for 9 months further getting to know Jesus' & becoming fairly fluent in Spanish. Long story short, they fell in love & decided to join their lives as one.

Jes seeing his bride for the first time! |
How my sister managed to plan a wedding without being near the groom or being at the location is a wonder to me but she did it & she did quite well. Thankfully, her wedding coordinator in Nicaragua was incredible. After several days touring Nicaragua & my parents & uncle getting to know Jesus' for the first time, the big day had come. Haley, our Cousin Lisa & I spent time poolside relaxing in hammocks while reading. Later in the morning, our dad drove us to the wedding site where we spent the early afternoon being pampered & getting beautified. Haley had arranged for manicures/pedicures for the three of us & the lady also was kind enough to style my hair as well as Lisa's too. I knew it was going to be an interesting day when the wedding coordinator & made mention of the wedding beginning at 4PM & Haley told her 5PM. Thankfully, she seemed to be OK with that. We were going to have some real issues if the wedding was to begin at 4:00. Primarily because Jesus' would not have been present yet. My dad was scheduled to pick Jesus' family up at 4PM & then bring them as well as Jes (Haley's nickname for Jesus') & my mom & uncle up at 4PM. Haley did not seem too concerned or panicked by any of it though; just anxious to marry Jesus'. Lisa & I helped Haley to get her dress, jewelry & head piece on (well, Lisa helped. I mainly acted as photographer). My sister looked so beautiful! Once the three of us were done readying ourselves, we went outside to begin pictures. Haley kept checking the time wondering where Jes was. She did not fear his not arriving; she was just eager to see him & see his reaction to her in her wedding dress. He was left nearly speechless when he did arrive. As is typical Nicaraguan Culture, the ceremony did not start on time. Nicaraguan Law requires (from my understanding) that a lawyer officiate the ceremony in order for the marriage to be legal. Family & friends were not the only ones late to arrive; the lawyer was as well. Finally, the lawyer had arrived & it was time for the ceremony to begin.

Jes awaiting his bride at beautiful Laguna De Apoyo |
A miracle that our dad was still alive & able to be there to walk his youngest daughter down the aisle to her groom! |
Prior to my dad walking Haley "down the aisle", I gathered my dad, Haley & Lisa together & prayed over the ceremony. We started walking & I realized that I must hold the train of Haley's dress. Now, this "aisle" was not your typical aisle. For starters, we were outdoors, on rocks, going down steps, etc. If you know me, you may be aware that I'm not the most graceful or coordinated individual. As Haley was nearly running to get to Jes, I was trying to slow her down in hopes that it would prevent total chaos. I was envisioning (as was my dad) holding on to Haley's train as well as the box with the wedding rings, tripping & falling which would then cause Haley to fall, her bouquet flying out of her hands, their rings flying out of my hand & well...you get the picture. Would not have been good. Fortunately, I was able to maintain my composure & not have an accident. Once dad "gave" Haley to Jesus, it occurred to me that just as in American Weddings, I was to stand beside Haley as her Maid of Honor. That was new news to me as Haley had told the wedding coordinator that there would be no wedding party. I only knew that I was to be a witness. To me, I understood that to mean that I would simply sign the marriage license as a witness. I did not realize that as a witness, I was to somewhat act like a bridesmaid. I also was unaware of the fact that I would be an active participant in the ceremony. While an attorney had to officiate the ceremony, it was priority to both Jes & Haley that their Christian Faith & Christ as the foundation be incorporated into the ceremony. Therefore, Jes' Pastor was present & offered a prayer as well as scripture reading during the ceremony. As the ceremony continued & I stood there having no idea what was being said (everything was in Spanish. Haley's friend, Byron, was to translate but Byron arrived late. The coordinator pulled someone she knew but after about 5 minutes of not doing well with translating, he returned to helping out elsewhere & we were left with no translator), I heard "Jennifer Heather Wood" & the lawyer was looking at me. I was under the impression that she was awaiting an answer from me. However, I had not even a clue what she had asked me. Haley leaned over & said, "She wants to know if you know us". Though my Spanish is poor, I was able to respond with "Si". I figured I was done. Nope. Minutes later, I heard my name again. At least I knew I was again being asked something. Once more, Haley leaned over & said, "She just wants to know if you are going to support us & make sure that we stay together". I said, "Si" & my role was about done. Despite not knowing what Haley & Jesus were saying to one another, their love overflowing for one another was on display for all to see. They exchanged rings, used the symbolic Unity Sand to show the joining of their two lives into One & the moment that most (I do not include myself in this) had been waiting for had come; time to kiss the bride.

Mr. & Mrs. Jesus' Ramon Perez |
The reception was held at the same place as the ceremony: Villages at Apoyo in Laguna De Apoyo. The place was gorgeous & the place did a wonderful job of decorating & making things look great. When planning out the meal, Haley allowed Jes to choose the meat: Beef or Chicken. Beef was Jes' choice. After some appetizers, we were all seated to begin a delicious meal with typical Nicaraguan Cuisine for dinner. Not one to desire public speaking, I had a feeling that I might be asked to give a speech before the wedding toast so I had prepared some words. As I spoke, I encouraged Haley & Jes in their walk with the Lord together & told them to look to Proverbs 3:5-6 in their marriage. When I finished, Jes' brother gave a heartfelt toast as well. After the cake cutting, it was time to dance the night away. Well, we didn't dance the night away but we did dance for a while. I NEVER dance. I don't really enjoy dancing; maybe because I'm horrible at it. But...if there was one thing I knew, it was that it was my sister's special day & I was going to do anything for her. I wanted to party & celebrate with her. I danced more that night than I've danced in my life. Surprisingly, I had a blast too. If there area was not so dark, all would be able to see on the videos how horrific my dancing was but in that moment, it did not matter. How nice it felt to just cut loose!

So, after 8 years or getting to know one another & patiently waiting on God's good & perfect timing, my little sister (only sister) became Haley Perez. I am so very thankful to God for blessing her with an amazing, Godly man in Jesus. He loves her so very much. Grateful that my parents & I (as well as my cousin & uncle) were able to be there to support the two of them & to welcome Jes into our family. While two lives were joined as one that day, in the days that followed, two families became one. At this time, Haley & Jes are far apart from each other as they work hard to get Jes here on a marriage visa. Though it is hard to be away from one another, their love is strong & their faith in Christ is that much stronger. Daily I pray for them. Thank You God for the best sister a person could ask for & for this brother you've given me in Jes!