Ringing in 2010

Typically, my New Years Eve's are spent with family. However, having made so many friends through ISI, my sister and I decided to host a New Years Eve Party at our home. Our guests came over and as usual, for quite some time, everyone was on a laptop doing something. Some listened to music, others talked to family and friends on their web cams, some watched TV programs online, etc. Eventually, we got around to playing a couple of board games. We looked up and saw that we were minutes away from midnight and quickly moved into the other room to count down while watching the TV to see the ball drop in Times Square. We toasted one another, hugged and celebrated the new year that we were ushered into. Many of us stared at the television wishing we were in NYC partying with the millions that were there. 2009 flew by and well...sure 2010 will also.