Since my trips to Taiwan in 2005 & 2006, there has been a deep yearning in my heart to be involved in building relationships with those from other cultures-specifically Asians. I have been lost with where to go or what to do. Several had mentioned that I should head to Lindenwood University & work with the International Students. While that sounded great, I had no idea what I could do or who I would even need to talk to that could help me. A few months ago, a friend of mine approached me at church & handed me a flyer. He did not ask me if I wanted to take part in this ministry or if I would even be interested. His only request was that I get the word out to others about the ministry that our church would be partnering with. Doug did not have to beg & plead with me to jump at the opportunity because he knew my heart. He knew that I would not have to think about it or hear more details. That which was being presented, was what I had prayed for long ago! 2 weeks ago was the beginning of fulfillment for me as I walked into the room at the Spellman Center at Lindenwood & met a number of International Students. Strange how I am generally an introvert & when in a group, say nothing but when put in a room amongst many internationals, I have no problem being outgoing. I find myself walking right up, extending my hand & introducing myself. I long to talk to them, find out where they are from, learn about their country, hear about their interests & so forth. All of these things have been pouring out of me as I have gotten acquainted with my new friends. As I continue to spend time with these students & our relationships deepen, I pray that God stirs their hearts & that He uses me to share His love freely. I think back to 2006 when I came home from Taiwan & began to write of my experiences & mail those out to you, my friends. Included with my letter, I sent out picture prayer cards that had both myself as well as one of my students. On the card, I had the following scripture: "Brethren, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. " - Romans 10:1 Three years later, my prayer remains the same for the Hakka in Taiwan & 3 years later, my prayer is also the same for my new found friends. When I think of them, immediately the song above (in the video) comes to mind. Truly, that is my heart, my desire.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
My Heart, My Desire
Posted by Heather at Saturday, October 03, 2009