We left Granada & wound up near Masaya at a place called the Catarina overlooking Lake Nicaragua & the Apoyo Lagoon. Haley, Jesus & Luis had been there several times prior & were aware of the significant drop in temperature. Haley warned me that it was going to be cold. As we were driving up the road to get to the Catarina, it was quite hazy & foggy out. When we got out of the car & headed over to look out over the lagoon, the view was not clear thanks to the clouds. I was just fine...actually, I was much appreciative of the cool weather. The others though, were chilled...freezing. It was extremely windy there (below is a video taken at the Catarina. Turn the sound up & you'll hear the wind). So much so that you really could feel the wind pulling you as you would try to stand. We traveled down a path for bit & then began to head back to the vehicle when the drizzle of rain started up. Of course, that only made the trio even more cold. Before we could leave, we had to sit down in a restaurant so they could order coffee for themselves in order to warm up. As we sat there, Luis proposed a most interesting question to me (& one that I will never forget). There I sat with no drink. No soda, coffee, hot chocolate..nadda, nothing. Luis looked at me & said, "Are you normal?" Immediately, I began laughing & thought I was going to wet my pants. Haley was cackling too. While I knew what he was getting at, it was rather entertaining. My response was, "I don't know, my family would probably say I am not." Of course, he was really just wanting to know if I was OK temperature-wise...not too hot, not too cold since I did not order a drink. Once Haley explained to him that if such a question was asked of a person here in the U.S. that it would mean you were wondering if they were alright mentally, he understood why we were giggling so hard. That was an unforgettable moment for sure. Once the eskimos got heated, we said goodbye to the Catarina. Though the view would probably have been much more grandeur had it not been overcast & hazy (although, I prefer those rainy, dreary, cloudy days that the majority of the world dreads), I still found the location to be gorgeous. As Haley & the boys stated, "It's romantic." Now, I had no one to share in romance with while I was there but perhaps one day, I will return there with a love & find that yes, it is a romantic place.
I love writing & have loved to write since I was a child. I am certain that the love I have for writing came from my late Grandma as she too, loved to pen words onto paper. I may not be the most articulate, grammatically correct or well-diversed in vocabulary but I hope that someone may be able to take something away from what I write - that my words may encourage or teach others; help them through struggles that I've faced. I am wife to a wonderful man from Nepal that is a man after God's own heart. I am a mother to a beautiful (handsome) baby boy that has changed my life in so many ways. Above all, I'm a follower of Jesus Christ who longs to bask in His goodness & grace & share the hope He offers with a world in desperate need of a Savior.