This past Wednesday evening, I had the pleasure of traveling to the home of some friends' of mine to hear another friend tell of his recent mission trip to China. Apparently, I was not present at church the day that all of the upcoming mission trips were presented to everyone. Had I have been, I know I would have been jumping on board-or at least getting information on the trip to China. I did not learn about the trip until the team was already established, tickets were already purchased & the group was nearly on their way. Since my return home from Taiwan, there has constantly been, within me, a fascination for Asian people. I desire to talk to them, learn more about them & establish relationships with them. I've been saying for the past 3 years that I would LOVE to go to China on a mission trip. My friend, Daddy Don (the name a group of us girls gave him as he chauffeured us around Taiwan in 2005), had an excellent presentation complete with pictures as well as informative material for us regarding his trip to China. I was so blessed to hear of the doors that God opened for them there in the communist country. I only wish that more would be able to hear about the team's trip as I believe more would realize that, as Don said, you don't have to be a pastor, a Sunday School teacher, a farmer, etc. to go on a mission trip. Basically, you just have to have a heart for people & want to plant the seed. You may not think you have anything to offer that could be of benefit to the group or the mission-if you know Jesus, you have all you need. I listened to Don share about 2 brothers who were along on the trip-both excelling in Tae-Kwon-Do. Neither probably went on the trip expecting to really use their skill much. However, as Don spoke, it seemed that their Tae-Kwon-Do was something that enabled them to get more involved while they were there & to begin building relationships in order to share the gospel. Who would have thunk it? God using Tae- Kwon-Do? Their trip has come & gone-another team may return next year. I'm already in prayer seeking whether or not I shall be on that team. On another note, I had not been to Rob & Kristina's in nearly a year. Though there to hear Daddy Don speak, it was great to see their daughter Evelyn. I remember 2 yrs. ago when many of us greeted them at the airport when they brought Evelyn home from South Korea. She is getting so big--such a precious child. She found my keys immediately & carried them for the longest time. Once I showed her the pig keychain that has the ability to light up & "oink", she was really happy. A blessed evening of fellowship was had there within the Simmons' house as I was so delighted to be spending time with people I love very much. Those that were there were all a part of the Taiwan team & the time we spent overseas is something I'll cherish always....there's a very special bond that was formed between us all.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Want To Go
This past Wednesday evening, I had the pleasure of traveling to the home of some friends' of mine to hear another friend tell of his recent mission trip to China. Apparently, I was not present at church the day that all of the upcoming mission trips were presented to everyone. Had I have been, I know I would have been jumping on board-or at least getting information on the trip to China. I did not learn about the trip until the team was already established, tickets were already purchased & the group was nearly on their way. Since my return home from Taiwan, there has constantly been, within me, a fascination for Asian people. I desire to talk to them, learn more about them & establish relationships with them. I've been saying for the past 3 years that I would LOVE to go to China on a mission trip. My friend, Daddy Don (the name a group of us girls gave him as he chauffeured us around Taiwan in 2005), had an excellent presentation complete with pictures as well as informative material for us regarding his trip to China. I was so blessed to hear of the doors that God opened for them there in the communist country. I only wish that more would be able to hear about the team's trip as I believe more would realize that, as Don said, you don't have to be a pastor, a Sunday School teacher, a farmer, etc. to go on a mission trip. Basically, you just have to have a heart for people & want to plant the seed. You may not think you have anything to offer that could be of benefit to the group or the mission-if you know Jesus, you have all you need. I listened to Don share about 2 brothers who were along on the trip-both excelling in Tae-Kwon-Do. Neither probably went on the trip expecting to really use their skill much. However, as Don spoke, it seemed that their Tae-Kwon-Do was something that enabled them to get more involved while they were there & to begin building relationships in order to share the gospel. Who would have thunk it? God using Tae- Kwon-Do? Their trip has come & gone-another team may return next year. I'm already in prayer seeking whether or not I shall be on that team. On another note, I had not been to Rob & Kristina's in nearly a year. Though there to hear Daddy Don speak, it was great to see their daughter Evelyn. I remember 2 yrs. ago when many of us greeted them at the airport when they brought Evelyn home from South Korea. She is getting so big--such a precious child. She found my keys immediately & carried them for the longest time. Once I showed her the pig keychain that has the ability to light up & "oink", she was really happy. A blessed evening of fellowship was had there within the Simmons' house as I was so delighted to be spending time with people I love very much. Those that were there were all a part of the Taiwan team & the time we spent overseas is something I'll cherish always....there's a very special bond that was formed between us all.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, June 20, 2009