This past Friday evening, my dad, aunt, uncle & I made our way over to Town & Country to Congressman Todd Akin's farm for an old-fashioned Independence Day celebration. We parked in the lot designated for all those attending & took a trolley to the Akin's property.As we stepped off the trolley, we were greeted by those wearing clothing most likely appropriate to that of the American Revolution time period.
As instructed, we carried covered dishes for a potluck picnic. Talk about food galore! What a tough decision it was trying to determine which line to jump in as there was table after table full of good eatin's!
There was no shortage of things to see or do...plenty for all ages be it a walk to see the little piglets at the petting zoo, the replica boat from the Lewis & Clark Expedition, representatives from the military there with their luggage, equipment & gear for all to see (which reminds me, as I listened to one of the soldiers tell about the things on his table, a young boy pointed to an item & asked what it was. The solider replied, "That's a tape recorder, son" & began to tell him how it worked & what it could be used for. It was at that moment, I no longer felt young-not comforting!), etc.
For me, the highlight was the drum & fife corp. I was feeling the red, white & blue even more when they played my personal favorite, The Battle Hymn of the Republic (I might add that the song used to be the song I would regularly sing while showering).
Throughout the evening, there were many speakers who recited various readings or poems made famous throughout the history of our country. We all joined in singing a number of patriotic songs.
A cavalry was present & showed us some of their maneuvers. It was amazing to see just how precise they were with each & every move. Also, how well-trained the horses were was fascinating (which, we learned that a number of the horses present has been in major motion pictures such as: Glory & The Patriot). Everyone was eager to see & hear from Congressman Akin but he had yet to arrived & he was in flight from D.C. after a day spent in filibuster. Todd's wife, Lulli, kept everyone informed as to Todd's whereabouts & finally, when word was received that he was approaching the lawn, everyone stood to their feet to give him a hearty welcome. After we Mr. Akin spoke, we began packing up our belongings to head home. We jumped back on the trolley & were en route to our car when we were held up thanks to fireworks (due to where the fireworks were being shot off at & the closeness in proximity to us, no cars were allowed thru). I expected the showing to be over within a few minutes. I was wrong. Lulli was not kidding when she said Todd loves fireworks. The display lasted about 20 minutes & for a private party, I would say it was better than good. By the time we made it home, it was nearly midnight. was well worth it. Apparently this was the 12th year that the Akin's had hosted such an event. Though I had not been before, I look forward to going back again next year. 4th of July has always been my favorite Holiday so to experience something so great...honoring our country in such a way, was wonderful. Thank God for Christian leaders like Todd Akin that are carrying the torch so that truly, His truth will continue marching on!
Monday, June 29, 2009
A Step Back in Time to Remember
Posted by Heather at Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
As I sit here thinking about my friend Don's trip to China, I see a DVD sitting near me. The name of the DVD is Underground Reality Vietnam. I have been a subscriber to the Voice of the Martyrs magazine for several years now. I am always eager to receive the magazine & read of those who are exercising such great faith-especially in the face of extreme persecution. Last year, I ordered the DVD mentioned above after seeing the trailer posted here. I was blown away by the DVD. The images I saw, the stories I heard..moved me to tears. I know that I recommended it to many of you before but I'll throw it out there again. If you've not seen the film, I highly suggest it--specifically for teens or those interested in the mission field. I think that once you see something like it, it is a reminder of how fortunate we are to worship freely here in the United States. For those interested, you may purchase the DVD at . For more information on Voice of the Martyrs of to subscribe to their free newsletters, go to:
Posted by Heather at Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Pop's Day-2009
Father's Day is nearly over for the year & yet, it's been a busy day. As soon as I'm done writing this, I intend to go watch Jesse James' new t.v. program with my dad. We both enjoy the show very much so it's a special time for us to share together (plus, I think I've a crush on Jesse James. Who knew I was into the bad boy type? Just kidding--I don't really have a crush on Jesse though he does seem like a nice enough guy & I do find him hysterically funny). I was pleased to go into the Lord's house this morning. I went to Sunday School & was overjoyed when I learned we were beginning a new study--on Paul the Apostle. Paul happens to be my favorite person in the Bible (well, next to Jesus of course) so I know I'll enjoy this series. I confess...I did not stay for the church service. I came home & after a while, my aunt arrived here at our home to meet us to go to Stumpy's BBQ for lunch (or dinner--whatever you call at 3:00 in the afternoon meal). My aunt came in & found me & offered a hug & words of advice & encouragement to me regarding the situation I'm in prayer about. I thank God for the amazing family He's blessed me with...each & every one of them. We then went & met the rest of the family for our meal. I had a ball watching the kids play. Who knew that rolling high chairs all over the place could be so much fun? Yet, the kids were laughing non-stop. After our meal, we all went back to my aunt & uncle's house for dessert (cupcakes & homemade ice cream-YUMMY!!). Jordan (a friend of my cousin's) arrived a little later & began setting up beauty/barber shop in the home. Jordan is currently in Cosmotology School so it's good for her to be able to get practice in. She cut both Noah & Lisa's hair. I came close to allowing her to do mine tonight (she was ready to do so) but I backed out when I thought about the fact that I might want to wait until after my trip to Nicaragua so that while I'm there, I may pull it up when I'm dying of heat. I don't know...I may wind up calling her before my trip asking her to go ahead & chop it off...never know with me. Now, we're back at the ole' homestead (as my mom calls it) & I'm in the midst of doing laundry-Oh joy. Have I mentioned that I HATE doing laundry? Well anyway, Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!
Posted by Heather at Sunday, June 21, 2009
May I Bless His Name Even Through Pain
Due to traveling out of town to take part in the birthday celebration of a family member a couple of weeks ago, I missed church that Sunday. Therefore, I also missed hearing Pastor Bob's first sermon from his series on the book of James. That particular Sunday, he was preaching on understanding trials. Days later, I attempted to listen to the sermon online. I tried numerous times to listen but each time, I'd only make it about 20 minutes in before something would occur leaving me unable to hear the rest. At the time, I joked saying that God really must have had something in that first half of the sermon that He really wanted me to hear since I was unable to move past it for the ending. I didn't really think that I had any trials or difficulties at the time, none that came to mind any way. Finally, nearly 2 weeks later, I finally was able to hear the conclusion of the message. And then.....surprise, surprise, a trial found me. Without going into great detail, I'll simply say that things had been going rather well in life & there was much I was looking forward to. Days ago, disappointment set in when that which I was eager for, came to a screeching halt. My first reaction was anger. While I am still disappointed, I understand that God is in control & He is allowing this trial to grow me in Him as well as make me stronger in other areas as well. Pastor Bob said that your reaction to trials sometimes reveal whether or not you are mature in your faith or not. I pray that even though my heart is still a bit hurt, I would be found faithful in praising & blessing His name. James tells us in James 1 that we should, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have it's perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." (James 1:2-4). Zechariah 13:9 states, "And I will bring the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name, And I will answer them; I will say, "They are My people,' And they will say, "The Lord is my God." Even in the midst of this difficulty, may I be put through the fire so that my faith will be refined & that in the end, I will say with confidence, "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord" not just in the good times but in the bad times as well. For now, I express gratitude to the many individuals who have e-mailed me, sent me messages on facebook, etc. to let me know they are praying--even if they do not know the specifics. I myself, will continue to be in prayer about this particular area in my life--that God would keep leading me in the right direction & granting me wisdom.
Posted by Heather at Sunday, June 21, 2009
Brad Paisley Climbing Up the Ladder of My Heart
Last summer, my sister surprised me with tickets for my birthday to see Brad Paisley. That was the first time I had seen him in concert & I was more than impressed. If you've heard me speak much about music, you may know that Alan Jackson is my favorite singer all-time of any genre of music. Over the last couple of years, Brad Paisley has slowly climbed his way up & moved into my heart ranking in a close tie with Alan. Like Alan Jackson, I've yet to hear a song by Brad Paisley & not like it. I think he is, by far, one of the most clever, creative song writers (if not the most) in the country music industry. Brad Paisley's American Saturday Night Tour rolled into town here this past Thursday night with Jimmy Wayne & Dierks Bentley as the opening acts. My dad was kind enough to go with me to the show after my friends were unable to do so. The crowd was much larger this year-packed house. I knew it would be though. I think that Dierks Bentley has a bigger following than Chuck Wicks, Julianne Hough & Jewel did a year ago when they were the openers. All the girls love Dierks (& yes, I'll include myself in that. I know I'm not alone in saying that Dierks is easy on the eyes). Once again, Brad Paisley put on a phenomenal show-nothing less than the best from one of the best. Below, is Brad's latest single. I first heard "Then" when he performed it on the CMA's. I fell in love with "Then", then.
Posted by Heather at Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Want To Go
This past Wednesday evening, I had the pleasure of traveling to the home of some friends' of mine to hear another friend tell of his recent mission trip to China. Apparently, I was not present at church the day that all of the upcoming mission trips were presented to everyone. Had I have been, I know I would have been jumping on board-or at least getting information on the trip to China. I did not learn about the trip until the team was already established, tickets were already purchased & the group was nearly on their way. Since my return home from Taiwan, there has constantly been, within me, a fascination for Asian people. I desire to talk to them, learn more about them & establish relationships with them. I've been saying for the past 3 years that I would LOVE to go to China on a mission trip. My friend, Daddy Don (the name a group of us girls gave him as he chauffeured us around Taiwan in 2005), had an excellent presentation complete with pictures as well as informative material for us regarding his trip to China. I was so blessed to hear of the doors that God opened for them there in the communist country. I only wish that more would be able to hear about the team's trip as I believe more would realize that, as Don said, you don't have to be a pastor, a Sunday School teacher, a farmer, etc. to go on a mission trip. Basically, you just have to have a heart for people & want to plant the seed. You may not think you have anything to offer that could be of benefit to the group or the mission-if you know Jesus, you have all you need. I listened to Don share about 2 brothers who were along on the trip-both excelling in Tae-Kwon-Do. Neither probably went on the trip expecting to really use their skill much. However, as Don spoke, it seemed that their Tae-Kwon-Do was something that enabled them to get more involved while they were there & to begin building relationships in order to share the gospel. Who would have thunk it? God using Tae- Kwon-Do? Their trip has come & gone-another team may return next year. I'm already in prayer seeking whether or not I shall be on that team. On another note, I had not been to Rob & Kristina's in nearly a year. Though there to hear Daddy Don speak, it was great to see their daughter Evelyn. I remember 2 yrs. ago when many of us greeted them at the airport when they brought Evelyn home from South Korea. She is getting so big--such a precious child. She found my keys immediately & carried them for the longest time. Once I showed her the pig keychain that has the ability to light up & "oink", she was really happy. A blessed evening of fellowship was had there within the Simmons' house as I was so delighted to be spending time with people I love very much. Those that were there were all a part of the Taiwan team & the time we spent overseas is something I'll cherish always....there's a very special bond that was formed between us all.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hiding Them In My Heart
Years ago, I set out to by this book as a gift for someone. As I began to look at the book myself, I knew that I couldn't resist--I too, was in need of a copy. I'm sure you are thinking that I'm a bit old for a children's Bible Story book. The book itself is not what I was really desiring; it was the enclosed CD with 100 Bible songs. I knew many of the songs were songs that my grandma had taught me as a child. They were songs that were still in my memory thanks to grandma & time spent in church. I bought the book...yep, a grown adult buying a kids book for thyself. I'm not ashamed to admit it! I'm also not embarrassed to say that I have listened to the CD many, many times. Several weeks ago, I pulled disc 1 out to play in my car. I've been singing along to those songs for days. This morning, it was time to switch to disc 2. As I sang songs like "I'm the Lord's Army", "His Banner Over Me is Love", "Do Lord" I thought about being in Young Musicians at Edmundson Road Baptist Church a a kid singing those songs. I thought about time spent at Mt. Carmel Baptist in Ft. Payne, AL for VBS & singing those songs. Even as I was on my way to church & "I'm in the Lord's Army" came on, I found myself trying to do the actions (marching in the infantry, riding on the cavalry, shooting the artillery, zooming oer the enemy). Though taught to me long ago, they still resonate within me. Simple songs of yesteryear that still are impressed upon my heart.
Posted by Heather at Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
On the Move
Noah's been walking for a while now & Drew just started walking this past week. I'd not filmed either of them taking steps yet but tonight, while at my aunt's house, I thought I'd capture them walking. Unfortunately, it slipped my mind that I needed to make sure that I had the camera pointing horizontally rather than vertically. So, my apologies to you for your having to tilt your head to view this sideways. Next time, maybe I'll do a better job. Still, here they are....Drew & Noah, on the move!!
Posted by Heather at Saturday, June 13, 2009
Jubilee in the Open Air
Every once in a while, we receive a mailing from the city with information as to activities that will be taking place in the community & so forth. Months ago, one of these mailings arrived & my dad looked through & noticed that there would be a number of free concerts at the park by the City Hall. A couple of weeks ago, on a Thursday evening, my dad & I loaded up the car with our lawn chairs & made our way to join the many others who were there to enjoy some music.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Partyin' It Up at the Wade's
Posted by Heather at Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Laughter Filled the Park
My lil' Buddy, Noah
My Hannah Bug swingin' away
Amazing what a 6 yr. old can convince people to do--our silly faces at the request of Adrianna!
Someone wanted to be goofy for our picture together.
Me & Ian-lovin' the new do kiddo!
My flight through the air
This past Saturday was a rather busy one. After attending a graduation party, we headed to Civic Park to celebrate Adrianna's 6th b-day. Is it me or do kids seem to grow up way too fast? We had a tasty BBQ & then Adrianna got busy opening her many gifts. She is now well-stocked on Hannah Montana items. As we all know, that is important--kids just "have to have" everything Hannah Montana. She also got some new outfits as well. However, those didn't seem to impress her as greatly as all of the Hannah Montana things. Once all the gifts were opened & we had sang a beautiful rendition of "Happy Birthday" & ate cupcakes, everyone did their own thing. Some played catch with footballs & softballs; others played Frisbee. Then, there were people like myself--who opted out of the sports arena & went straight to playing with the kids. Hannah Bug asked me to take her swinging so I walked her down to the swings & pushed her. Hannah's a talker...she rambled on & on to me about anything & everything she could think of (she's almost 4) as she was swinging. I couldn't hear or understand half of her conversation since she was flying back & forth past me. I did catch on to her ratting out her baby brother as she told me that Baby Drew cries a lot & he bothers her stuff. That little lady kills me she's so funny. After I wore myself out pushing her, it was off to help Adrianna & Rose on the big kid swings. Finally, my turn had come. I sat my tush on the swing & was ready to go. Seems that swinging is not nearly as easy as it was when I was a child. As a kid, I don't think I really ever noticed how much upper body strength is needed to propel yourself up in the air. Needless to say, I was lacking. My cousin's friend, Jordan, was kind enough to give this big kid a push. She pushed me high enough that I was screaming. Then the laughter came. I could not hold in my laughing. I'm pretty sure that my family looking on was finding the situation quite amusing. It had been years since I'd been on a swing! The weather could not have been any nicer out that day & I think everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. Chanda...good work, the park was a wonderful idea!!
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Pondering the Past 30
All too soon, my 20's will be gone & I'll be 30 years old. 30...can it really be? While 30 really is not old at all, I like to exaggerate the idea of it a bit. I find it hard to believe that so much time has passed by. For whatever reason, I have felt the need to think about my life & the years behind me....reflect a bit. I have found myself sitting at the park on a park bench pondering my life...asking myself if my life has been of value & worth. Have I made an impact in the lives of those around me or those I've come in contact with over the years? At the end of my life, will I have left a "legacy" as Nichole Nordeman states in her song below (which, I kind of consider as my theme song)? I pray so. As I've done my thinking, I've been reminded of many wonderful times. I remember helping prepare & serve food during the floods of '93. Then, 15 yrs. later, I found myself carrying food to an area effected by flooding just last spring. I think about my former Sunday School class going to a senior citizens home to make Easter picture frames with the residence & my dressing up as the Easter Bunny & how much joy that brought to those older people. I never dreamt that they would want their picture taken with me & that they would plan to insert that particular picture in the frame they had made with us! They had the time of their lives' with me as I hopped (& yes...I really did hop like a rabbit) around the room though. I recall the countless number of times I have either went to sing in nursing homes or low-income housing areas & the people request song after song & have just been happy to see a "young" face & have someone "young" to talk to that would listen to their stories. I see myself downtown at the men's homeless shelter serving food & then mingling with the men as we laughed & joked together but later praised the Lord together through songs & testimonies. I remember going with some college students to unthinkable areas to search for homeless people to deliver food, clothing & most importantly, the Word of God. I think about my first ever mission trip--to Colorado, teaching Bible to children & at the end of the week, learning that the student I had grown closest to (Joel), had prayed to receive Christ into his heart. I picture myself helping lead a missions class during VBS at FBC O'Fallon & loving on those kids. I remember being assigned to a home in which I set up camp everyday for a week to serve as a leader during a Backyard Bible Club. Daily, my cousin & I led the kids in songs, Bible stories, games, crafts, etc. I think about the time when I volunteered to lead a group during a Disciple Now weekend & after having been assigned to lead middle school girls, I wondered why I volunteered. Though that was my most trying experience, I realized why I did it when weeks later, one of the girls came to salvation. Of course, I think of God calling me to the other side of the world to use the gospel to teach English to Taiwanese students. Still today, I hear from many of those kids that I fell in love with quickly. In my years working at One Way, there were opportunities day in & day out to be used by God. Having worked there 10 years, my mind overflows with stories....whether it was helping someone purchase their first Bible, teaching someone how to use a concordance, praying with a customer about a wayward teen, listening to someone who was just lonely & in need of a friend, etc. . . there was always plenty. Of all that I experienced at One Way, the most difficult time had to be when I helped a young couple find an appropriate song for the funeral of their stillborn infant. As I suggested the song & they listened, tears streamed down their face as they told me it was "perfect." Weeks later, I received a thank you note in the mail expressing their gratitude towards me for my help. Another memory I have is that of a mother entering into the store in search of a book that she could give to her daughter to help teach her about grief as she had just lost her grandmother. As I did some research & the mother browsed the store, her daughter (who was probably 5 or 6) wandered to the front & began to cry. I asked the little girl what was wrong & she told me her grandma died & she was sad. I went around & wrapped my arms around her & began to share with her that I too, had lost my grandma. I talked to her about our grandma's being in heaven with Jesus. When her mom returned to the front to talk to me again, I had found a book that I felt might work. The title was "Sarah's Grandma Went to Heaven." The lady was in disbelief at how fitting the book was...her daughter's name was Sarah. After the funeral had come & gone, the lady & Sarah returned to the store to personally thank me for taking the time & effort to find a book that would help & to thank me especially for the time I spent comforting Sarah when they had been in before. I am so incredibly thankful for each & every opportunity God's blessed me with. I boast not in myself for none of these things would or could have been done apart from Him loving others through me. However, I am glad that over these years, God has seen fit to include me in His plan & to use me. I'm far from where I need to be & where I hope to be but as I move forward, I pray that I will be all that He desires for me to be so that He gets all the praise & glory. My prayer is that of David in Psalms 34:2-3, "My soul will make it's boast in the Lord; The humble will hear it & rejoice. O magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together." May I, however many years I have left on earth, be about the Father's business.
Posted by Heather at Friday, June 05, 2009