While I sit in my chair at my station working hard everyday, in between all the craziness, I sometimes hear music. At times, our sound system can be heard real well. As of late, I've heard many of the same songs playing time & time again. Several days ago, I hear a familiar tune--Amy Grant's "I Will Remember You." I tried to recall why the song stood out in my mind. Finally, it came to me-it was one of 2 songs sung at my high school graduation. My time of learning at Ft. Zumwalt South High School came to an end upon graduating in 1997. Though only 12 years have passed, those days seem like a lifetime ago. I look back & it is hard for me to believe that I've been out of school for so long. As I think over my time as a Bulldog (FZS's mascot), I have but only regret. In 4 years, I never attended a Coronation, Homecoming or Prom. I was told by many that one day I would regret the decision to fore go those. 12 years later, I still am not affected by my choice not to go. I don't feel as though I missed out in the slightest bit. In fact, I still have the outlook today that I had when I was in school (I have no dancing ability so why would I want to pay a bunch of money to be surrounded by people I don't like to do something I don't enjoy doing?). However, I do regret that daily I walked the halls as a so-called Christian but yet, I refused to act like Christ & love those around me. I had no desire to be around my classmates simply because they were not Christians & I disapproved of their actions. Yet, I never bothered to exude Christ -likeness to them. Instead, I just put my nose up in the air at them & acted as a snob. Yes, I realize that many probably saw a difference in me due to my lack of participation in their conversations as well as the fact that they never heard foul words come from my mouth. But, did I ever show them Jesus? I did not. When asked about my biggest regret in life thus far, my failure to be a witness for My Lord during my high school years always is my answer. I don't get a do-over on those days but I do get an opportunity to be the light from this day forward. May God give me all that I need to do so. May, in another 12 years, I look back & see lives that I've impacted for the better because of my love for Him.