Have you ever had a moment when someone said something to you & in the back of your mind, you had not a clue what in the world they were talking about? I recently have had such a time. It seems a coworker of mine has been thoroughly enjoying an Italian beef sandwich of some sort & she keeps thanking me for that. Some time ago, I passed along a number of recipes to several of the ladies I work with. However, I have never made any type of Italian beef nor do I have a recipe for anything close to that. Yet, she has it in her head that this more than wonderful recipe came from me. She approached me one day & said, "Guess what I made?" I didn't have any idea so I asked. She told me she tried out the Italian beef recipe I gave her. She was eager to tell me that her extremely picky eating children just raved & raved about how good it was. In fact, they liked it so much that they now request it & when it's cooking, they don't want to wait until it's even done. She said her son, especially, races into the kitchen & tries to get his hands into the pot. She has mentioned this to me numerous times now. I've not had the heart to tell her that the recipe didn't come from me & that I don't have the faintest idea as to this recipe. Now, I will say, she brought this up again a few days ago. She shared that she had made it for the Super Bowl. Another coworker overheard the conversation & this lady began to fill her in on my winning beef. I finally said, "You know, I don't even remember that recipe." She then began to tell me how to make it. While it does sound good, I certainly have never tried it out. I wonder, do I say something or do I not? Funny huh? I recall years ago when my youth pastor, Ted, baptized me. Afterwards, Bro. Gary (our senior pastor at the time) would talk about baptizing me. Of course, in such a large church, I'm sure it would become hard to remember who you baptized & who you did not. Bro. Gary seemed to think he baptized me. As he would talk about it often times, I never did tell him that he was mistaken. Sometimes, I think it may be better to remain silent.