Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Simply...Not Fair!!

Earlier this afternoon, I walked outside to a mildly cool 37 degrees with barely any wind. As I listened to the radio, I heard that the temperature should be around 54 tomorrow. I sign onto facebook lastnight & catch a glimpse of snow in a photograph & I wonder to myself..where is that? I click on the picture to find that the beautiful winter wonderland was in the backyard of my friends Jon & Jen's home in North Carolina. Here in St. Peters, we've not even had an inch of snow yet-we've barely even had a few dustings. Meanwhile, my good buddies in NC are sledding & having a blast in 8 inches. This simply is not fair! I know that life is not always fair but come on now, when's it gonna be our time? Granted I have no one to go out & play in the snow with me, I still would like to be able to enjoy the fluffy stuff & the grandeur of it all. Not to mention, the mere thought of 54 tomorrow is already making me unable to breathe. Not really but I'm sure it will pose a problem. For those who do not have sinus difficulties, head to MO & soon, you will experience that which so many of us battle regularly. I wonder, am I the only one not thrilled to hear the weather shall be getting warmer? I can't help but question..when the temp shoots back up only to drop back down a week from now (or whenever it does), will I be faced with yet another ear infection? How I hate this back & forth stuff! Let's let winter be winter & let's have winter precipitation in winter & winter temperatures in winter & leave springtime weather for spring!