Earlier this afternoon, I walked outside to a mildly cool 37 degrees with barely any wind. As I listened to the radio, I heard that the temperature should be around 54 tomorrow. I sign onto facebook lastnight & catch a glimpse of snow in a photograph & I wonder to myself..where is that? I click on the picture to find that the beautiful winter wonderland was in the backyard of my friends Jon & Jen's home in North Carolina. Here in St. Peters, we've not even had an inch of snow yet-we've barely even had a few dustings. Meanwhile, my good buddies in NC are sledding & having a blast in 8 inches. This simply is not fair! I know that life is not always fair but come on now, when's it gonna be our time? Granted I have no one to go out & play in the snow with me, I still would like to be able to enjoy the fluffy stuff & the grandeur of it all. Not to mention, the mere thought of 54 tomorrow is already making me unable to breathe. Not really but I'm sure it will pose a problem. For those who do not have sinus difficulties, head to MO & soon, you will experience that which so many of us battle regularly. I wonder, am I the only one not thrilled to hear the weather shall be getting warmer? I can't help but question..when the temp shoots back up only to drop back down a week from now (or whenever it does), will I be faced with yet another ear infection? How I hate this back & forth stuff! Let's let winter be winter & let's have winter precipitation in winter & winter temperatures in winter & leave springtime weather for spring!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sentimentality to the Trash
On Monday, I was off work in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Having not cleaned my bedroom in a rather long time, it was in dire need of attention. Of course, I could not just pick up papers & throw them away-I had to look at them all. I came across old journals filled with sermon notes from years long ago, notes from my personal devotion time, prayer journals filled with my prayers for myself as well as many others (including some of you), journals with my random thoughts & the list goes on. I worked through my closet & found a lot that I had been holding onto for who knows why. I emptied out a container full of old movie stubs, concert tickets, sporting events, etc. A whole bunch of them from the past 15-20 years. If I ever went anywhere with any of you & had a stub or ticket, there was a good chance it was in the pile. On many of them, I had even written the names of those I had went with to the event. I had wrapping paper saved from a few gifts I had been given throughout the years. I had notes passed between friends & I during class in high school as well as slipped through the pews on Sunday mornings. I had a box of letters from friends, birthday cards, encouragement cards, cards in general that I received. As I looked at the pile before me, I wondered...what did I really need all of it for? Sure I could keep it, pull it out & reminisce but that stuff was only occupying space. Though I am definitely sentimental, I had to face the fact-I did not need all of that any longer. Though hesitant, I emptied it all out into the trash can & tomorrow morning when the trash runs, it will be long gone. I saved a few cards from grandparents (especially from my papa & my grandma who are neither one still living) & still have one box of letters that I can't part ways with...a box of letters from a guy. Perhaps one day, I'll be able to empty those as well but for now, I've said goodbye to enough.
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Dilly Dallying in Diebergs
Lastnight, I drove down the road to Dierbergs to see what items might be on sale as well as stock up on some other things. I parked up close (though it would have done me good to park further away & walk) & as I was entering in, ran into one of my favorite members at my work. A young man (he's 20 or so) named Adam. Adam is a fellow believer with aspirations of making it in the show business. Last year, he entered into a modeling contest sponsored by different television people, etc. from L.A. Though he did well, he did not win the contest. So, Adam remains here & each time he comes into my work, we joke about how well he'll treat us all when he's rich & famous. It would figure that the one day I barely dried my hair & I put no make-up on & look like a slum, that would be the day I'd run into someone I know. I never see people I know! After chatting with Adam momentarily, I went inside & was pleased to find baby carrots on sale as well as lunch meat (ham & turkey) & some frozen dinner (Healthy Choice & Lean Cuisine). I stocked up on some of those meals, on the carrots, bought some lettuce for salads, cucumbers for snacks, some Low-fat Triscuits & was good to go. I don't know, maybe you or like me, maybe not. As I approached the front of the store, I looked to see the cashiers' faces. I found a familiar face (lady that's worked for Dierbergs for MANY years) & raced to her line. I returned home with some healthier choices for eating & am proud to have stayed away from other areas of the store which would not benefit me (ice cream, cookies). My spur of the moment decision to go to Dierbergs without even a list in my hand could have been disastrous for me but it was not. Thank you God.
Posted by Heather at Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A Plea for Prayer Partners

Posted by Heather at Sunday, January 04, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Man I'm Looking For
My Grandma Wood was a woman who would read through the newspaper or a magazine & while reading, relate that which she was reading to family members. It seemed there was no shortage of articles to be distributed amongst everyone. Much to my dismay, I received several of them. Usually, they were things I was uninterested in or took offense to. However, there were a few that I read that I did enjoy & a few that meant something to me. As annoying as it could be for grandma to show up with an envelope in her hand & present it to me (all the while wondering what she had found this time around), I miss getting letters & notes from my grandma. Grandma went home to heaven on February 9, 2005. I definitely possess a lot of my grandma in me. My love for writing, came from her. I think of her often. As I've watched many of my cousin's marry & have children, I think of the fact that my grandma will never see me walk down the aisle. I know that she & my grandpa not only prayed for all of their grandchildren regularly but they prayed that God would send us Godly spouses too. Though that time has come for my cousin's, the time has not come for me yet. Before her death, my grandma had copied a poem out of one of her books by Ruth Bell Graham & she gave it to me. From the day I received it, it has stayed on my mirror in my bedroom. I think that the poem not only describes what I believe my grandma probably prayed for me but it also, in many ways, is my heart on the matter. And so it goes...
Dear God, I prayed all unafraid
(as we're inclined to do),
I do not need a handsome man
but let him be like You;
I do not need one big and strong
nor yet so very tall,
nor need he be some genius,
or wealthy, Lord, at all;
but let his head be high, dear God,
and let his eye be clear,
his shoulders straight, whate'er his state,
whate'er his earthly sphere;
and let his face have character,
a ruggedness of soul,
and let his whoe life show, dear God,
a singleness of goal;
then when he comes
(as he will come)
with quiet eyes aglow,
I'll understand that he's the man
I prayed for long ago.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, January 03, 2009