Early 2009 brought about a period of adjustment as I still was getting used to the absence of my sister. Though Haley had been living in Nicaragua for several months when they year began, I still missed her immensely. I am forever grateful for friends from church that I grew closer to in the time that Haley was away. The first few months of the year were fairly uneventful. As much as I enjoy the winter months, I was anticipating spring for one reason and one reason only--Cardinals baseball. I managed to get tickets for me and my dad to go to opening day and it was, without a doubt, one of the most unforgettable opening days that I had ever been a part of. Snow was falling down and the temperature was quite frigid. However, even the cold could not stop us from enjoying the game. And how could I go without mentioning...my first hotdog for the baseball season. Mhmm....
Spring also brought about a great change as Pastor Bob was called to shepherd our church. Since his arrival, God has used him to speak straight to my heart week after week. Never before have I looked forward to hearing a pastor preach as much as I do with Pastor Bob. I feel so blessed to be under his leadership.

Some of my Sunday School class and me with Pastor Bob & his wife, Jana.
Never having much time to travel around and visit with friends, I found time in the spring to make the drive to Kansas City to spend the weekend with friends Ben, Shellie & their 2 kids. We had a wonderful time visiting with one another and were up into the wee hours of the morning reminiscing and laughing.

Me & Brother Ben (one of my best friends)

For sure, one of the highlights of the year was when St. Louis played host to Major League Baseball's All Star Game. Though I was not able to afford tickets to the game itself, my dad and I were able to take part in some of the festivities..such as FanFest. FanFest featured baseball memorabilia from many eras, hands-on activities, free give-aways and opportunities to get autographs from baseball greats. In addition to attending FanFest, my dad, my cousin and I went down to the stadium and sat outside to watch the HomeRun Derby on a big screen and just soak in the atmosphere. Who knows if the All Star Game will ever be played in St. Louis again during my lifetime. So, for me...just merely standing back & watching from afar was a treat.

In July, I celebrated my 30th birthday. Knowing that should I remain at home, a birthday party would probably take place, I was smart enough to book a flight out of the country. I took a week and flew to Nicaragua to visit Haley as well as to meet her fiance' for the first time ever. We had the time of our lives while I was there. I did not expect to like Nicaragua and yet, I walked away having fallen in love with the country. While there, I spent a week getting to know Haley's fiance's Cousin Luis too. When Haley was not present, Luis did a great job acting as my interpreter.

Luis & me

Having heard much about Jesus (Haley's fiance'), it was a pleasure to finally meet him. He is the real deal...a genuine nice guy with a heart and love for Jesus. Though we do not speak the same language and had a difficult time communicating with one another, we shared many laughs.
Me & Jesus. Wearing the hat he picked for me to wear at the market & we just had to have the wooden armadillo in the picture!

My 30th birthday--spent with beautiful children
My 3oth birthday was everything I hoped it would be--no big affair. We ventured out in search for a waterfall that Jesus thought he remembered and in the midst, came upon some beautiful children. The kids followed us all over the place and were eager to have their pictures taken and then rush to our side to see the image appear on the screen. We had so much fun loving on those kids--even though our time together was short.
If you have known me for any amount of time, you may gather that I am probably not the most adventurous person on the planet. If anything, I may be one of the most cautious, careful individuals around. Danger never goes with my name. Risk do not come into play with me. For me, deciding to do the zipline in Nicaragua was probably the most daring thing that I had ever done or ever may do. Surprisingly, once I jumped off the platform to "zip" down the first line, I felt no fear. There was a rush that came with doing such and I would do so again in a heartbeat.

By far the most exciting thing that took place in the year was the return of my sister to the USA. I was so happy to have Haley back at home. Yes, we talked via the webcam, through e-mails, etc. while she was away but it was not the same as having her here. Knowing that she'd been missing out on baseball, one of the first things I did was take her out to a game. It was so good to have her by my side rooting on the Cards!
At the beginning of September, Haley and I ventured out on a roadtrip-just she and I. On our way to Alabama to visit family, we stopped in Nashville to stay a night with our friends Greg & Jen. I was so glad to see them as it had been a long time since we had seen one another. I had a blast playing with their daughter Cali. Even though we had little time to visit, our time together was so sweet.

Me & Cali
Thanks to facebook, some time before we went to Alabama, I reconnected with an old friend of mine named Mandy. Mandy and I were good friends through the middle school and high school years. After having not seen one another in about 12 years or so, I was delighted when Mandy and her 2 sons paid us a visit.
Mandy & myself
I had heard much about the Georgia Aquarium and some relatives had raved about it after visiting there earlier in the year. I was envious of those that had been while I longed to go. I love aquariums. My uncle gave Haley and I a huge shock when he surprised us with tickets to the aquarium. We spent a day in Atlanta looking at all the fishies in the deep blue sea and enjoyed some pasta at the Spaghetti Warehouse. T'was a special time.

Uncle Rog & I encompassed by sharks and fish.
Generally, our visits to Alabama our so quick and short that we are not allotted much time for seeing people. Haley and I were very excited to have our Cousins Emily and Tabatha come by.

After having been asked numerous times when I would come for a visit, I finally made visiting my friends Greg, Rox & their 3 children a priority. While there, Greg & Rox took me to experience something for the first time ever...a state fair. I must say, I was quite intrigued by it all. Greg was more than eager to have me try a deep fried Oreo (or maybe it was a Twinkie..what was it Greg?). I am so richly blessed by the friendship of the McGhee's..I love them dearly.

Above: Fun at the fair!
A number of years ago, I began writing and sending care packages to soldiers overseas in Iraq. Of those that were recipients, was a man named Matthew. While he was away, Matthew and I spent a fair amount of time corresponding one with another through both e-mail and snail mail. It was my hope that I would one day get to meet him face to face and thank him for his service to our nation. I finally was able to do so on my drive home from Dexter, MO. Matthew and his family do not live too far away from my friends Greg and Rox. I touched base with Matthew and the plans were made. On a Sunday afternoon, I pulled into the driveway of his home and was thrilled to meet not only him but his wife and one of his sons as well. We shared a delicious meal together (thanks to his lovely bride) and had such a sweet time of fellowship.

Big thanks to Matthew for his willingness to serve our country!
In the early fall, a friend of mine from church approached me with a flyer and asked that I pass it along to those in my Sunday School class and see if anyone would be interested in helping out. I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me he did not have to ask me to help because he already knew I would--he knew my heart. Brother Doug was absolutely right. Moments later, I looked at that piece of paper and did not even have to think about whether or not I was going to volunteer. That which he had brought to my attention was that which I had been praying for. For nearly 4 years, I had asked that God might open the door and show me some way in which I could be involved with internationals. A'las, the time had come. Towards the end of September, Haley and I began working with ISI (a ministry that reaches out to international students at universities all over the nation) as volunteers. You may be wondering what that entails? Basically, we attend meetings every Thursday evening and just hang out together. Sometimes we play games, watch movies or thought-provoking discussions. In addition, Haley and I have spent much time both one-on-one with students as well as rounding up groups for activities such as: hayrides, bonfires, game nights and pumpkin carving. I have developed such incredible relationships with so many of the students. I definitely have felt like I have been adopted into the Nepalese family though as all of the guys (I am not sure why I rarely see the girls) have welcomed me with open arms. Just as I was getting to know a few of them better, they moved outside of the state. They've only been gone a couple of weeks and yet I miss their friendly faces.

Jeremy (Missions Director at FBCH), Sulove, Rabin, Ishwor, Durga, me, Aprish and Achyut at an ISI Dinner in St. Louis.
ISI has afforded me the opportunity to meet students from so many places all over the world: Zimbabwe, Ghana, Nepal, Mongolia, China, Japan, Italy, Georgia, Paraguay, India, Iraq, Germany and more. I have found great humor in watching the African students try to adjust to the winter weather of St. Louis. I eagerly await the first big snowfall so that I may get them for a time of sledding and snowball fights!

Theo and me
For my 21st birthday, my parents gifted me with a guitar. Unfortunatley, I never took the time to learn how to actually play the instrument. I had been thinking for a long time of giving the guitar away but was unsure who to give it to. While sitting in IHOP eating a late night dinner one night, Theo expressed that he had always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but he did not have one. As Theo spoke, the wheels in my mind were turning. Haley said she knew right away what was going on in my mind. She was right. The following day, Theo was ecstatic when I gave him the guitar. Theo is yet another one of the many students that we have been blessed to have met. He is from Ghana.
In case you were unaware, Haley does some photography on the side. She thought it would be fun for us to do a photo shoot with some of the students and also allow the students to have pictures taken of themselves that could be made into a book to be sent to their families back home. Below is one of the many pictures taken at Forest Park.

L-R: Suman (Nepal), Claudia (Germany), me, Del (Mongolia), Haley
and...Kwaku from Ghana is on the ground.

Back Row: Parmeswor (Nepal), Durga (Nepal), Haley, Volter (the Ukraine), Del (Mongolia), Bold (Mongolia), Nara (Mongolia), Oyunaa (Mongolia) and Oyunaa's boyfriend.
Front Row: Suman (Nepal), me, Galyna (the Ukraine) and Bold (Mongolia)
Thanksgiving was a busy time but a blessed one. While my parents traveled to Alabama for Thanksgiving, Haley and I remained here at home and opened the doors to welcome 11 students in to spend the day with us. Our Aunt Sheryl, Uncle Arlon, Grandpa & Cousin Rob & his family were here with us as well as our Cousin Lisa & her son, Noah. We could not have done everything had it not been for all of Sheryl's help. Celebrating Thanksgiving was a new experience for the students and I think they more than enjoyed themselves. Seemed everyone loved the food (as most had seconds and some had thirds!) and they loved speaking with our family members. I think all of our family would agree that allowing the students to join us was one of the greatest things ever.

Working with ISI has afforded me the opportunity to get to know people from my church that I otherwise, still may not know. I have loved meeting Bruce James (Associate Pastor/College Minsister) & Jeremy Tosh (Missions Director) and seeing their passion for people of every walk of life. One of the things Haley and I have tried to do is to invite the students to join us in taking part in activities that are traditional to our country and our holidays. We were pleased to take several to the City of St. Peters Tree Lighting Ceremony where they heard Christmas music being played and sung by area choirs. A couple of them took advantage of the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap. Everyone watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" as well. Of course, Christmas lights is a common thing here in America. Some of the students joined our family for a ride to go see lights one evening. Over this last weekend, Haley and I took a few students to Belleville, IL to the Way of Lights Park at Our Lady of the Snow. We were able to observe Christmas trees that portrayed trees throughout different eras. We had a group photo taken just as though we were one big happy family. Though none of the students expressed interest, Haley and I decided to spend the $5.00 to ride a camel. If you have not ever been on a camel and are considering riding one at some point, I will give you forewarning that they are uncomfortable. I was only on the animal for a few minutes and yet, it was long enough for me to determine that I would never venture out across the desert by way of a camel. Still, to be able to say that I rode a camel is all that really matters to me...especially since most people would never envision me doing such.

One of the biggest surprises of the year has been the friendships I've developed with a few unlikely coworkers. Though we've worked together for quite a while now, it has just been within recent months that we have started to associate with one another outside of the workplace. It has been great fun getting to know them further and share many laughs with them. I have also enjoyed watching them interact with some of the international students as they have been somewhat involved with ISI too. Everyday, they keep me laughing. I truly enjoy working alongside of them.
Me with 2/3 of my coworkers (Kurtis, me, Zach) at the ISI Thanksgiving Dinner
Overall, 2009 has been a terrific year for me. Never would have I guessed that at this time, this is where I would be...constantly busy, staying up late and hanging out with college students. The year has had it's highs and lows as every year does. In the end, I can only be thankful for all that God has carried me to and through. While my heart has not been broken, several experiences have in some small manner, bruised my heart a bit. Through the pain, God has only opened my eyes more though. For that, I'm thankful. I have experienced things that I never dreamt I would and I could not be any happier than I am now. I know with all certainty that at this time, I am right where God wants me to be. There is such peace in following that which He calls you to do. 2010 is just days away. We never know what lies ahead..sometimes, things do not go as we had planned and sometimes, things go better than we ever could plan. I look forward to continuing on in my efforts to reach out to people from around the globe and keep loving on them. I have already began saving to hopefully make a trip overseas at some point next year. Destiation is not nailed down yet but I am looking at a sight-seeing trip to Nepal or a mission trip to either Indonesia, China or Thailand. Whatever I endeavor upon, I hope that one thing will remain-the desire to share the love of Jesus with those that I encounter whether it be by my words or my actions. I am excited about being summoned to jury duty for the first time ever and look forward to hopefully being selected to a case. Anyway...I pray for each of you this Christmas season. May God richly bless you and yours in the days, weeks and year ahead. Love to you all.