Sunday, July 20, 2008
Don't Cry Over Spilled...Vegetables?
On our way home from a game night with our Sunday School class last Friday night, we had a bit of an accident. As usual, we carried food to share with the group. There are usually leftovers always. This night was no different. Haley placed the vegetable tray that I had purchased in her back seat for the ride home. All was well until the tray took flight off the seat. I turned around to find the tray on the floorboard. In an attempt to be helpful, I reached to lift the tray back up onto the seat. Unfortunately, I did not have a very good grip & instead, caused further problems. As I saw vegetables go spilling out everywhere, I responded with an "Uh-oh." Since Haley knows me rather well, she kind of knew what that "Uh-Oh" signified. She questioned whether or not the Ranch dressing had spilled out everywhere as well. From my seat, I could not really see or get the full picture. I then decided to place my camera above the area & see if I could get a shot of the floorboard. I snapped the picture & what do you know, Ranch had decorated the car as well. Though I had to work the next morning at 7:45 & was dead tired & just wanting to go to bed, I did find it all to be quite comical. Haley finally laughed about it too. She insisted on cleaning it all up when we got home at near midnight. I was nice enough to shine a flashlight for her while she scrubbed her car down & picked up carrots, etc. As she was driving us home & this was taking place, I told her we needed pictures to remember the night. I let her know I had to put this on my blog. I think this stuff only happens to people like me. Too funny.
Posted by Heather at Sunday, July 20, 2008