Wednesday, July 3, 2013
God Shed Your Grace on Thee + some more "Thees"
Independence Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. From childhood, I remember 4th of July's spent at my Uncle Arlon & Aunt Sheryl's house celebrating not just the holiday but both mine & my cousin's birthday (her birthday being July 5th, mine on the 18th...born just 13 days apart in 1979). We would spend nearly the entire day in the swimming pool playing Marco Polo & having a good time. At night, sometimes our cousins or others would shoot off fireworks. I could watch fireworks all night every night & never tire of it. Though I am a person that enjoys peace & quietness, I do not mind the sound of fireworks going off continuously. When a Patriotic Song comes on, I'm the first one to sing along. Usually, I'm the one trying to rally people to join in. I feel compelled to march around to the music playing. Everything related to this particular holiday, I love. I am thankful to the many men & women who have served that have paid the ultimate price so that we may enjoy the freedoms we do. I did not choose my birthplace but am blessed to have been born here in this great nation. I am moved to tears when I see an elderly veteran recounting their time at war. I am grateful when a soldier passes by me in uniform. I feel a sense of pride when the flag is unfurled & the Stars & Stripes of the Red, White & Blue wave freely even in the midst of trials & difficulty. Yes, all of these things excite me & I'm thankful to God for where I come from. I've been blessed - blessed beyond measure. While I love America & no National Anthem will ever be able to match that of the Star-Spangled Banner (for those unaware, that is the actual name of the U.S. National Anthem. Surprisingly, I've seen a number of programs in which Americans themselves state our anthem's title as The National Anthem or Oh Say Can You See) in my humble opinion, there is an anthem that rings much greater - the Anthem of Christ my King. Yet, as great as America is, I am reminded that we as Americans are not more special than any other country in the world nor does He favor us more than others. As of late, it has become increasingly more popular for people to ask me why I want to go to Nepal? Why won't N.P. & I just marry & stay here in the U.S. I've an answer for that. I'm currently reading a book by Pastor David Platt. The book is titled Follow Me. I am absolutely loving this book as it has really opened my eyes to a number of things. In his book, Platt states, "Jesus is indeed the resurrected God, Savior & King who alone has paid the price for sinners & paved the way for everlasting salvation, so telling people everywhere about Jesus is the only thing that makes sense. It is the height of arrogance to sit silent while 597 million Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, & Sikhs go to hell. It is the epitome of hate to not sacrifice your very life to spread this Good News among every person you know and every people group on the planet." I could not agree more with that statement - especially as I know that many people I love fall under one or more of those mentioned. We have a tendency to talk about how much He loves us. We sing songs like David Crowder's "How He Loves" (oh, how He loves us so, oh how He loves us, how He loves us so). While that is true & He does love us, we are not the only one He loves. His death was not just for me, His death was to purchase people from every tribe & language & people & nation. The Apostle Paul has long been one of my "Bible Heroes" so to speak. I anxiously await meeting Paul in heaven. In Romans 15, Paul states the following: It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation. Rather, as it is written: “Those who were not told about him will see and those who have not heard will understand.” Why go to Nepal? That's why. Over the last few years, God has given me an undeniable passion & love for the people of Nepal. My heart is saddened when I consider the hundreds of thousands that have never "heard". I trust His Word. I trust that when told, people will see. Once heard, people will understand. I live in a country where one would be hard-pressed to not find some type of church on nearly every street corner. It would be highly unusual that there would be someone in the U.S. that has not ever heard the name of Christ. Platt goes on to say "Surely none of us can decide to make him Lord. Jesus is Lord regardless of what you or I decide." True. Platt continues, "The Bible is clear that one day "every knee will bow, in heaven & on earth & under the earth, & every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." The question is not whether we will make Jesus Lord. The real question is whether you or I will submit to his lordship." I desire for the people of Nepal to be told, see, hear & understand so that they may submit to his lordship. My prayer is that the people of Nepal would worship Jesus & He alone. So, hours from now, I'll gather with family & celebrate America. The Patriotic March CD has already been blaring from my car, I've worn my Patriotic Apparel. Furthermore, I will express gratitude to the Lord for this nation & for those who founded it, those who fought to preserve it & those who continue to don the military uniform. I will thank God for the blessings He's poured out to this Land. As I sing asking God to "shed His Grace on Thee", my "Thee" will include Taiwan, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, Croatia, the Ukraine, England, France, Spain, Brazil, Romania, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Colombia, Honduras,Panama, Nicaragua, many others & Nepal - especially Nepal.
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, July 03, 2013
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