Saturday, December 24, 2011

Memories of The Night Before Christmas

I do not have any recollections of this for I was just a child; but every year I hear the story told. My mema tells of sleeping in my bedroom with me when I was just a little girl & on Christmas Eve, I said, "Mema Santa Claus is coming!" She says that we laid in my room listening for Santa & his reindeer to land on the rooftop. Apparently, it was at that time that I told her, "Mema, I'm getting married." When she asked me who I was marrying, I replied with "Jeff Pool." Jeff was a guy a good 10-15 years older than myself that attended church with us. Again, I don't recall either of these things but I get to hear about them each Christmas. Aside from being reminded of the "cute" things I said way back when, I have lots of memories of Christmas Eve's gone by.

For as long as I can remember, my mema, late papa (my papa went home to be with Jesus in June 2000) & my Uncle Roger would come up from Alabama on the day before Christmas Eve. With them, would be my Uncle William's parents; also from Alabama. Christmas Eve would consist of scurrying around to buy last minute gifts (this still continues today unfortunately), a dinner in the home, piling in the van to go look at Christmas lights (while my dad played cassette tapes he compiled with all of his favorite Christmas music) & last but not least; opening presents from the family. Christmas Morning was reserved solely for opening the gifts from Santa.

Years later, the traditions remain pretty much the same. Really, the only difference is the process of unwrapping presents. No matter the tradition, the biggest blessing is simply being surrounded by family & the memories created year after year. Always is enjoyable to look at pics of ourselves & see just how goofy we looked, what gifts we were ecstatic about & most of all; reflect on the time shared together. As I consider that within a few years that I'll most likely be living overseas, the time with my loved ones here becomes that much more precious. As precious as it is, I await the day I'll be on the other side of the globe creating new memories with an adopted family & celebrating the significance of this time of year with new friends.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So Long Albert...

Nearly a week ago, St. Louis became shell-shocked when Albert Pujols signed with the Annaheim Angels. I will admit, I was not only surprised but disappointed. Honestly, I was even angry. 1 week later & though I will miss going to the ballpark & seeing #5 come up to the plate, I'm over it. A friend had posted a comment that a friend of his had made & hopefully he doesn't mind that I've chosen to use it...

"My last thought on Pujols: This is a perfect reminder of how silly our love of sports can be. Many of us are feeling 'betrayed' by him, but I would guess that few of us would have turned down a guarantee of 25 million dollars a year for the next 10 years. Ultimately, this is a bunch of grown men playing a kid's game for A LOT of money--and we're the suckers for devoting so much of our lives to it when there are so many better pursuits. Honestly, I'm glad for the perspective that this has provided me. If I care that much about Albert, it is too much. I need to be focused on what God has in mind for me, not what the Cardinals are doing (but I'll still enjoy them)." - Chris Bond

Many of us (myself at the top of the list) have been quick to judge this situation & insist that it was all about the money. Even if it was about the dollar sign, do we know Albert's heart & what he intends to do with the money? Is it even our business to begin with? Over the last 11 years, Albert has proven that he is dedicated to not only helping in the community but to aiding his home country of the Dominican Republic. Why should we think that his doing so would stop just because he will be in a different city? Have we forgotten that there are lost people in the City of Anaheim? Do we not care about the children in California that have Down Syndrome? Are we aware that there is a much larger Hispanic population in California than here in St. Louis & perhaps God will use Albert to minister there?

If you know me, you know I'm a HUGE baseball fan. I have a great love of the game & just like many others, admire Pujols' accomplishments in the game. At the same time, if I allow myself to be consumed with his leaving, I have taken my eyes off of Jesus. I will miss Pujols. I'll miss the thrill of his coming to the plate & the suspense that comes from wondering if he would knock one out of the park. I am thankful that I had a chance to go to Florida & see Albert up close. I'm happy that I live in the city that housed one of baseball's finest for 11 years. I was not alive to watch Stan the Man Musial play but I was here to see Albert. I'll have great memories for many years. I wish Pujols & his family the best though & pray that God uses his family in mighty ways to impact the City of Anaheim & that he would be a light to his Angel teammates.

While on a date a number of years ago, I was with a guy who was preparing to go to seminary. His desire was to one day move to Africa serving on the mission field. Opposed to baseball (he saw it as a waste of time), he wanted to know if I'd be able to be away from the game. I believe baseball is America's great pastime & I'm proud that my sister & I have had many years to enjoy watching games...watching them with our dad to be more specific. However, my desire for the nations to know Jesus far outweighs my love for baseball. I pray that as many are hurt, bitter & furious with Albert; they would pause a moment to first ask themselves when they were given permission to be Albert's judge & secondly, move forward knowing that there are things that are much more important. There is anger that is righteous & anger that is not. Being angry at Albert for leaving is not righteous. Daily, many are dying of starvation in North Korea, Eritrea, Haiti, Yemen & many other places. Everyday young children are exploited & sold into sex slavery in Sudan, Iran, Korea...again; all over the world. Right here in America, precious babies lives are cut short before they're even given a chance to live. Abortion runs rampant. I think these things provoke the anger of God (& should cause us to be angry) much more than Albert Pujols leaving St. Louis. God has called us to something far greater than baseball. I pray that our hearts would be weeping over lost souls; not over Albert's departure. Millions await the good news of Jesus Christ & His plan to give them life everlasting...such can't be found in baseball, Albert Pujols or millions of dollars. By all means, I've had to bow my knee & my heart in repentance for my attitude about this situation but I'm thankful to God for reminding me of that which truly matters.