I do not have any recollections of this for I was just a child; but every year I hear the story told. My mema tells of sleeping in my bedroom with me when I was just a little girl & on Christmas Eve, I said, "Mema Santa Claus is coming!" She says that we laid in my room listening for Santa & his reindeer to land on the rooftop. Apparently, it was at that time that I told her, "Mema, I'm getting married." When she asked me who I was marrying, I replied with "Jeff Pool." Jeff was a guy a good 10-15 years older than myself that attended church with us. Again, I don't recall either of these things but I get to hear about them each Christmas. Aside from being reminded of the "cute" things I said way back when, I have lots of memories of Christmas Eve's gone by.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Memories of The Night Before Christmas
Posted by Heather at Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
So Long Albert...
Nearly a week ago, St. Louis became shell-shocked when Albert Pujols signed with the Annaheim Angels. I will admit, I was not only surprised but disappointed. Honestly, I was even angry. 1 week later & though I will miss going to the ballpark & seeing #5 come up to the plate, I'm over it. A friend had posted a comment that a friend of his had made & hopefully he doesn't mind that I've chosen to use it...
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Surprise! Quick Trip to the Southland
Posted by Heather at Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Memories of 9/11
In 2008, I shared my memories of 9/11. Again, I share my reflections as recorded 3 years ago. A decade after the most horrific day I've watched yet, I say "Happy 10th Birthday Victoria Rose!" When September 11 approaches it year, it is always a time to remember. Every year, my heart aches for those that lost so much & prays that many would find hope in that which is everlasting - the hope of Jesus Christ. My memories of 9/11:
September 11, 2001 is not a day that any of us will most likely ever forget. Now, 7 years later, it almost seems unreal that so much time has passed. I'm sure throughout the course of your day, like me, you have conversed with someone about your memories of 9/11. For me, I was headed into work. I am sure I was listening to a CD rather than the radio because otherwise, I probably would have heard something about all that was taking place. I pulled into work & as I opened the door & walked into the store, I could hear what sounded like a television. Sure enough, as I approached the back of the store, my boss & another coworker were looking upward--to the TV mounted on the wall. I saw smoke coming from one of the Twin Towers & as many did, figured it was a movie or something. Neither one of the ladies said a word but kept their eyes glued to the TV. Within minutes, we heard the news anchors stating that an airplane had just flown through one of the Towers. At that time, they still were not thinking it was a terrorist attack. Even as the time approached to open the store for the day, we kept the TV on & remained in the back focused on what we were viewing. As things kept unfolding & we learned more, our hearts ached & we fought back tears. I remember a numbness sweeping over me as I saw the horrific images repeatedly. During this time, Michael W. Smith's first worship album had recently released. Naturally, we were playing it in the store. We already had the music on & I vividly recall that as we watched the Towers crumble, the song "Forever" was playing in the store. As I listened to the song, I began to sing along there in the store with my voice shaking..."Forever God is Faithful, Forever God is true, Forever God is with us, Forever." Further along, the song says, "But by the Grace of God we will carry on, His love endures forever." Indeed, 7 years later & Praise God, there has not been another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. In the good times & the bad, He has remained faithful, true & with us & without a doubt, His love has & always will endure.Despite the many lives that were lost that day, I am pleased that God brought our Rosey-Posey into the world on that day. Today, Rose is 7 years old. While we watched New York City, the Pentagon & Pennsylvania from work & home, my Cousin Chanda was in Oklahoma giving birth to her firstborn daughter. Even still, she watched from her hospital room. I venture to say that no family member will ever struggle to remember when Rose's birthdate is. I am so glad that God blessed our family with this little girl. Not only is Rose beautiful on the outside, she has such a sweet spirit that loves to help people. Today, September 11, I say, "Happy Birthday Rosey-Posey!" So these are the things that will always come to my mind each year on 9/11.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, September 10, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
May My Tongue Be Set to Praise
Just a few weeks ago, a 21 year old member at the credit union to which I work, told his younger brother that there was nothing in life worth living for any longer. Not long after, that young man went to the rooftop of the 25 story condo building in which he lived & jumped off plummeting himself to his death. When I entered into my workplace to learn of this news, I was told that the young man “fell” off a tall building & died. We’ve since come to learn that he did not fall; he took his life. I’ve known this family since I started my job in 2007 & even if I did not know them, my heart would still ache for their loss. I do not know the reason(s) why this guy felt there was nothing to live for but I question whether or not he knew his worth. As I’ve spent time thinking about this sorrowful story, I’ve thought much about words. Just as a small spark can ignite a great fire in a forest, so can the tongue (small as it may be), cause immense damage. I’ve oftentimes battled reading the book of James in the Bible as I’m heavily convicted about the things that roll off my tongue. As children, many of us learned the saying “Sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” I don’t think anything can be further from the truth. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to just how powerful our words can be; they have the power to heal or to destroy. What comes out of our mouth may be a determining factor of life or death for someone. Daily, I enter into work & face a co-worker who irritates me like no other. I believe God has used the death of this young man to remind me how much He values each life. James 3:8 - 11 says, "No human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise Our Lord & Father, & with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise & cursing. My brothers & sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water & salt water flow from the same spring?" These scriptures have been at the forefront of my thoughts. As I face individuals, I pray that God would help me to see them through His eyes & to treat them as persons of great worth, persons that were created by God & persons that are loved deeply by Our Maker. I carry around a key chain with Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing your sight, O Lord, My Rock & my Redeemer." Jesus, help the words that flow from my mouth be words that not only please You but edify & build up others. May others know of Your great love because of my love. Amen.
Posted by Heather at Saturday, August 06, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Oh My, The Horror Of It All!
Posted by Heather at Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Patience....Say What? You want me to be patient?!
After making the announcement that my thoughts of moving into the mission field are going to be more than just a mere thought now, it seems my life has wreaked havoc. Days after I decided to "surrender", my closest friend/coworker jumped ship to go off to further training with the Army Reserves. I have told him this but want to publicly compliment him....I've worked with many people over the last 17 years or so of my life & while I have developed great friendships & gotten along with most of my coworkers, I've never worked AS well with someone as he & I work together. The knowledge that God is calling me to something else & I can't immediately go to it, is making my time at my job that much more unbearable. Without Zach's presence, the days are far worse. Within the past 2 weeks, I've been overwhelmed with emotions - happiness, joy, excitement, anxiousness, worry, stress & much more. Through it all, I've never lost faith that I'm beginning a journey down an unbelievable road; a road that I am full of enthusiasm over. As eager as I am, I realize I must wait. As I await talking to the Missions Pastor at my church & give great consideration to going through our church's training program to be sent out, I understand that the completion of the program will take a minimum of 36-48 months. In my struggles (primarily at work), I've thought "Honestly, I have to wait 3-4 years?!" However, I know that the program will do nothing but benefit me & better prepare me for the road that lies ahead so that I can best be equipped & fully used by God. Should I choose to go through this particular program, I've MUCH reading to do. I'm ready...so ready. I just want to grab the books & dive in. This morning, as Pastor Bob preached on Joshua, he said something that really struck a chord with me...."Time waiting is not time wasted." In my mind, I've thought that anything other than the mission field is a waste for me. Such is not so as God will continue to use me during these "waiting days" as long as I continue to make myself available to be used for His glory. God, help me to be patient knowing that You have a plan for my being where I am at this very moment & that I must go THROUGH this Jericho to get to my Promised Land. Thanks Pastor Bob for your words of encouragement this morning as well as every Sunday since your arrival at FBCH!
Posted by Heather at Sunday, June 26, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I Surrender - Take Me Lord, I am Yours!
Growing up, I had no interest in anything mission related. Just the thought of having to listen to a missionary speak was enough to nearly bore me to tears. However, as Christ has changed my heart, so has He changed my thoughts, desires, interests, passions & all that I long for. 7 years ago, I felt God calling me to go to Colorado for a week to lead a Vacation Bible School for primarily Hispanic Students. Though frightened & feeling inadequate for the job, I went. God blessed that time. A year later, I found myself a world away - in Taiwan. Again, I was nervous & not certain that I was the best person for the job at hand. Yet, God showed me otherwise. That point was proven when one of the missionaries in Taiwan asked me to pray about moving to Taiwan to join their team. I returned home to St. Louis giving great consideration to what Wes (the missionary) had asked of me. I realized that as badly as I wanted to go, I would have been doing so for the wrong reasons at the time. In 2006, I returned to Taiwan again for a week. My task was the same as the year prior - to use the Bible to teach English to students of all ages. Though the mission was the same both years, the trips were very different for me. At the end of the week, I said my farewells & headed back here to St. Charles....my heart missing the many I had met in just 2 weeks over the course of 2 years. I began praying that God would give me an opportunity to work with Internationals here in my own community. Yet, I had no clue where to look or what to do. As most of you know, I've been volunteering with ISI (International Students, Inc.) since October 2009 & I have loved every second of it. ISI was the answer to my prayer of 3 years. I would hope that the students I've met over the last year & a 1/2 would sense my love for them & know how much I enjoy serving them. My greatest moments come from building relationships with them & loving them because Jesus first loved me. Which, my first mission trip in 2004 to Colorado, my trips to Taiwan, my work with Backyard Bible Clubs, VBS' & now ISI have all led me to where I am at now....longing for something more.
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow...
All your ways are good
All your ways are sure
I will trust in you alone
Higher than my side
High above my life
I will trust in you alone
Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow you
Who you love, I'll love
How you serve I'll serve
If this life I lose, I will follow you
I will follow you
Light unto the world
Light unto my life
I will live for you alone
You're the one I seek
Knowing I will find
All I need in you alone, in you alone
In you there's life everlasting
In you there's freedom for my soul
In you there joy, unending joy
and I will follow.
Posted by Heather at Thursday, June 09, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Big Faith
Our pastor has been preaching a series on Spiritual Gifts. As we have learned more about the specific gifts & hopefully discovered our gifts individually, I've come to know that "faith" is not one of my spiritual gifts. While I have faith, I do not have the spiritual gift of faith. I've known that for a long time. However, I do know that there are many that God has given that gift to. At this point in time in my life, there is something that I long for and yet, I have little confidence that God can work in the situation. Yes, I am the "Oh Ye, of little faith" person. I know that God cares about every detail of our life. Both the big things & the small things--the things we deem insignificant our close to His heart because WE are His beloved. While that which is on my mind may seem unimportant to many, I know that it is huge to my Heavenly Father for He desires the very best for me & has my best interest at heart. May I seek to trust that His will, WILL be done in this situation as well as every other area of my life if I will just wholly submit.
Posted by Heather at Monday, March 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Reunited & It Feels So Good
"A brother does not have to necessarily say anything to you-he can sit in a room and be together with you and just be completely comfortable with you." - AnonymousA little over a year ago (on January 12th to be exact), I entered into the apartment of a friend of mine & was introduced to 3 new incoming students from Nepal (Dilesh, Narayan & Ishwor). Though I felt kind of like a mother hen immediately with a need to watch over them & make sure they'd get adjusted, I never would have guessed the effect they would have on me. As I sat there trying to get them to open up to me, I would never have dreamt that I would or could love them so deeply. My bond with them grew quite strong over just a few short months shared together. My heart ached badly when they decided to leave Lindenwood & transfer elsewhere for schooling. Saying goodbye last May was rather difficult as truly, it was as though I was sending off family members-brothers. Every student I meet is special, no doubt about that. However, as with any relationship, there are those that we are naturally closer to. This is true of the many Nepali students that arrived here for the Spring Semester of 2010. Daily, these students still come to mind. Many months later, I still miss them. For the majority of them, I quickly became a big sister. Nearly every day, at least one of them would call me to inquire into whether or not I'd be coming to campus. I may have just been there the day prior but they would want me to come again. Most of the time, I would gladly oblige. We would typically just sit talking with one another. Sometimes, we would watch Hindi music videos. The main thing was just being together. Being far away from their own families, they loved getting to see Haley & me frequently. As I've already mentioned, these students have all gone from here. 2 of the 3 that I first met, moved to Fairfax, VA. As I prepared to vacation in West Virginia, I checked on the distance between where I would be & where those 2 lived. I found they were roughly about 5 hours away. When I first began planning, we were going to meet halfway to spend a day together. However, I soon realized something. In the dead of winter, there was not going to be any sufficient place to meet halfway to spend time together. Most likely, the only place we could meet would be at a restaurant & it was highly unlikely that they would allow us to sit there for more than a couple of hours. Really, to only meet for a couple hours would not be worth the 2.5 hour drive for anyone-especially if one had to battle through snow for the meeting. Narayan rushed to say that he & Dilesh would drive the 5 hours to come visit me in West Virginia. They were determined that we would be meeting. When I landed in West Virginia, the ground was covered in snow. I feared that the guys might have difficulties making it to me. I was ecstatic when my phone rang & it was the two of them calling to say they were just a couple of minutes away from my friend's house. At last, I saw them coming up the road. Already, tears were beginning to well up. I laughed as Narayan attempted to make it up the snow-packed drive-way & was unable to do so. His tires were spinning like crazy. Finally he just backed out & parked on the street. I got huge hugs from both of them & tried oh so hard not to bawl like a baby. The date was January 17th & there I was, reunited with 2 that I love a lot. Narayan had asked me to try to find something we could do...a park to go to, something, anything. My friends that I was staying with mentioned the New River Gorge Bridge to me. Though we got lost on our way there, we did find the place. Before we had even got out of the car, my prediction came true when I heard one of them say, "It's so cold outside." I had told my friends, PJ & Kasey, that the boys would be complaining about how cold it was outside & they'd not want to be out there for long. Too funny - that we weren't even out walking around yet & I had foreseen what would occur! Unfortunately, due to lots of snowfall there in West Virginia prior to my arrival, the park was closed & we were not able to walk to the base of the bridge to look upwards for pics or anything.

Posted by Heather at Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Up, Up & Away
Having not boarded a plane since July of 2009, my travels to WV were long overdue. When all other options of vacation places failed (haha, sorry PJ & Kasey) & I decided to then come here to mountain country, I then had to decide which route I wanted to take to get here. Flying was obvious but should I go through Chicago or Atlanta? I opted with Chicago simply because the layovers were longer & I have a great fear of things going badly & my missing a flight. For me, the longer I have to catch a plane; the better. St. Louis was to get snow around the time of my departure & I was nervous that my flight might be delayed or cancelled. Thankfully, neither were the case. I made it to Chicago O'Hare just fine & all went smoothly getting to the next gate. I had a couple of hours to kill before the plane was slated to take off to get me here to WV. I joined many in watching the Bears vs. Seahawks playoff game. Being in Chicago made the intensity of the game a bit more exciting though I really had no preference as to a team to win. I was a bit surprised when over the P.A. system came an announcement that there would be a interdenominational Christian worship service in Terminal 1 at 11:30 a.m. Maybe all airports do this & I was just unaware? Had I not have been in a completely different part of the airport, it may have been interesting to go & check it out. I, however, did not venture that direction. While sitting there, I got teary-eyed when there was another announcement asking everyone to welcome back a Staff Sgt. that was returning from Iraq. They played God Bless America over the system & people began to cheer & clap for the soldier who had finally made it back onto American soil. I only wish I could have seen the celebration when he was reunited with his family. Having been at the airport for a while, it was time to use the facilities (aka, the bathroom). When Haley & I were kids, we used to inspect every bathroom everywhere we went & rate it. I remember my dad even making us up a checklist to carry around with us...guess he found humor in what we were doing. Haley would have LOVED this bathroom. I was fascinated by the toilet & honestly, I nearly got my camera out to video that which was before my eyes. Perhaps I just don't get out much & lead a shelter life but did you know they make automatic toilet seat covers? Yeah, not even kidding. I made my way into the stall dragging all of my carry-ons with me & immediately saw a sign instructing me on usage of the toilet. Wave hand over the sensor & when doing so, watch in amazement as the seat cover rotates. I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E! Definitely the highlight of O'Hare. St. Louis is not so advanced yet. My flight was to leave at 1:49, boarding at 1:30. At 1:30, I was still sitting at the gate. Flight delayed due to aircraft delay. Rescheduled departure? 2:00. 2:00, still sitting there. Flight delayed again. At last, 2:10, I boarded the plane. A quick 1 hour & 3 min. flight to WV & we touched down on the runway & I saw the smallest airport I think I've seen to date - Yeager Airport here in Charleston, WV. Thus the beginning of my WV adventure.
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, January 19, 2011