Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Dashain Party 2010
Posted by Heather at Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Rolling On The River
11:00 a.m. : Check-out time at the hotel in Cape. I made it out just minutes before 11 & then pondered what to do & where to go next. Remembering Keshav's pictures from his stay in Cape, I wanted to make sure that I explored the riverfront. Darpan was unable to go with me & Samikshya was fast asleep unaware that her phone was ringing. I've never really been one to allow being alone to stop me from doing something. While many won't go to a restaurant by themselves, I will. Certainly, I was not going to pass on the opportunity to see some more sights. The murals painted all along the wall at the riverfront were a nice addition to the area....great concept depicting different historical aspects as well as famous persons born in the state of Missouri. I enjoyed sitting & watching the river roll along. Though the town was ghostly due to SEMO being on Fall Break & students being away, there were no shortage of couples. Not even a clue as to how many couples I saw that were walking around posing for engagement photos. I hate to say it but that got to me. Had I have had someone, ANYONE with me, things would have been fine. Instead, I had no one to take my mind off of all that I saw which only brought to the forefront that yes, I'm single. Though this is a reality daily for me, most days it does not bother me. Unfortunately, it did on this day. Since my camera was out of commission (accident-it was dropped), I had to use my cell phone camera to try to capture the scenery. If I would have had someone with me, we could have taken some cool pics down there. After walking around, hunger set in. As I walked, I saw a place selling ice cream, shakes & malts. Seeing as how I'm quite passionate about ice cream, I knew I should stop there. I walked in & as soon as I stepped foot in the door, the aroma of BBQ hit me. I don't get to enjoy BBQ too frequently as some in my family do not like it. I decided to enjoy lunch there & cap things off with a shake to go. I was the only customer in the place when I arrived, only one there when I left. Which, that might lead many to believe that the place was not worth eating at. However, I'd go back there in a flash as it was quite tasty. Before exiting Cape, I made 2 stops-1 at Darpan's dorm & 1 at Samikshya's house. I thanked them & said my farewell. Moving along.....
Posted by Heather at Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Chillin' in Cape
Over the last year, I have developed friendships with many students from Nepal. As I have gotten to know them, I've received friend requests on Facebook from many of their friends/family members back home in Nepal or in other places around the world. I've accepted some of those requests & have conversed with a great number of these individuals. 2 of the Nepali's I'd been in contact with live here in Missouri in the town of Cape Girardeau & are attending Southeast Missouri State University. Wishing to meet them, I figured while time allowed, I would do so. I first met Darpan. I learned about Darpan over the summer when my little brother, Narayan, called & asked me to pick up his friend from the airport. Ready & eager to do so, I learned that Darpan was not in St. Louis as Narayan thought. Instead, he was in Kansas City (for those unfamiliar with this place, Kansas City is about 3.5-4.0 hours west of St. Louis). He was also not attending college in St. Louis as Narayan had misunderstood him to say. Needless to say, I did not meet Darpan at that time. Our moment to meet had finally arrived & he was just as I envisioned that he would be - quiet & shy. He suggested that we go to a nature conservatory & I was enthused by his effort in trying to develop a "plan." We made it to the center & he quickly caught on to one thing--I love to take pictures. I told him from the beginning that he was going to have to deal with that. I had to smile when after a few shots, he would finally hand the camera back to me & want me to take his picture. Though awkward meeting at first, he began to warm up to me as the minutes passed by. As soon as we sat down to eat some Indian food at the Global Cafe', Samikshya called. In the spring, my other little brother, Keshav, flew to Cape. He spent several days with Samikshya. I was eager to meet her as Keshav so enjoyed his time with her. She hurried to the cafe to join Darpan & myself. She was not timid at all-maybe due in part to the fact that she has been living here in the U.S. for a few years & it is a bit more accustomed to life in America? After eating, we went to Samikshya's home where I met several of her friends. I met yet another Manish & another Sameer (I say another because I already have 2 friends with the same name). I had a great time getting to know all of them. Samikshya was adamant that I try on her saree (sari). I'd been longing to try one on for quite sometime as I think they are stunning (just like the Nepalese people). While it looked "OK", I think it would have looked much better had I have had the proper attire for underneath it. Whatever the case, many of my Nepalese friends have paid me compliments on it & for that, I'm quite appreciative. Their positive feedback might be the confidence I need to attempt to wear such again sometime. Maybe I can move beyond a house & out into public while doing so as well. We'll guarantees. Of course, I did tell a couple of my Nepali brothers that they could buy me one & mail it to me. I suppose if they do so, I'll have no choice but to wear it out of my respect for them. Though my stay was brief, I am so very glad that I had the opportunity to go beyond simply chatting with these 2 Nepali's & actually spend some time with them. Much thanks to Darpan & Samikshya for welcoming me & treating me as one of their own.
Posted by Heather at Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Autumn Splendor with Rico Suave'

Posted by Heather at Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Riding Solo
First day of vacationing & I, like Jason Derulo's song states, found myself "riding solo." For various reasons (some of which were mentioned in my previous post), I am having somewhat of a "stay-cation" as some would call it. Not my ideal way of spending my time off but in the end, if it saves me a few dollars & gets me one step closer to Nepal, I'll be OK with it. Thanks to my dad's love of traveling, my sister & I are quite accustomed to "going & doing" things. That being said, I can't just sit here. Pondering what to do with my time, I began to research things & found places relatively close that I have never been to. Yesterday, I set out on the open road..just me, myself & I. Well, kind of...Jack Johnson was with me on the ride there & Taylor Swift rode back with me. When I was younger, it was tradition for all of the girls in the family to do a ladies trip every once in a great while. The weekend was a time for me, my sister, my mom, aunts, cousins & my grandma to get away. On one of the trips, someone thought it would be great fun to take us younger kids to see a covered bridge that some relative built (shows how much I enjoyed it--I've no idea which family member built the thing). I would guess that I was probably around 14 at the time. Looking back, I don't know if we could have done anything more boring. 17 years later or so & guess what I've an interest in? Covered bridges. Yep! I would LOVE to go to the Northeast & tour the many covered bridges in the autumn & see the striking fall foliage & beautiful hues of red, yellow & orange towering overhead. My trip yesterday was no such thing. However, I did admire the transition of summer to fall that has taken place as I drove down the road. I've included a few pictures. While I did enjoy myself, I must confess that I would much rather have had someone with me...someone to sing with, laugh with, see the sights with. Looking forward to having a friend join me tomorrow....will be good to have company for the day.
Posted by Heather at Tuesday, October 12, 2010